Message Containing Symbol ACNI (American Idc Corp.)

>  >  >   spam works: evidence from stock touts and corresponding market activity

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-+-+-+- NEXT SEGMENT -+-+-+-
Segment of length 7188
From Tue Feb 1 08:33:53 2005
From: Rune Persson <>
Subject: [email] Aggressive st0ck traders a|ert
Lines: 124
Message-ID: <>
X-Orig-X-Trace: SQarnF632BYVtq+ccWiFYA7O2OTELHEN2pA5tXGf/5VVhTH1A=
X-Orig-Path: spamnanasfebr2005
User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
X-No-Confirm: yes
Organization: VeriMod ()
Processed-By: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
Verimod-Status: Tue Feb 1 08:33:53 2005 - posted
X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP
X-Modbot: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
X-Original-Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 15:33:30 +0100

> Received: from [] (helo=
> by with smtp (Exim 4.44)
> id 1CvysG-0002ja-R5; Tue, 01 Feb 2005 09:19:25 -0500
> Received: from ([])
> by (Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.1 HotFix
> 0.01 (built
> Aug 22 2004)) with ESMTP id <>
> for
>; Tue, 01 Feb 2005 19:19:23 +0500 (IST)
> Received: from ([])
> by
> (Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.1 HotFix 0.02 (built Aug 28 2004))
> with ESMTP id <> for
> (ORCPT; Tue, 01 Feb 2005 16:10:23 +0200 (IST)
> Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 09:18:23 -0500
> From: "Levi Triplett" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Aggressive st0ck traders a|ert
> Sender: "Levi Triplett" <>
> Message-ID: <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
> X-Spam-Exim: 4k_aHQr7B9clbq9pmCqX3UVp
> Penny Stock F|yer's last choice on Jan 21 was VTYC at .O6
> with an
> immediate target of .22, it hit .27 in 4 days.
> Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer:
> American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI
> Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early
> Projected to Triple in 7 Days
> Major Breaking News: ACNI Launches Broadband Internet TV,
> Techno|ogical|y Superior to A0L TV C|ips and Movie Trai|ers.
> ACNI is the Internet Success story for 20O5 making them the hottest
> undervalued stock at this price leve| where shares are ready to explode
> on
> huge investor attention.
> ACNI has completed the worldwide |aunch of its revo|utionary Broadband
> Internet Television, so|idifying exp|osive revenues for this
> proprietary video techno|ogy powerhouse. ACNI is positioned much like
> today's
> cable TV giants that invested heavi|y in their techno|ogy over 20 years
> ago and are now earning a thousand times over what was initia|ly spent
> each year from their current subscribers.
> ACNI's programming through its 10O% Company-owned network,
> E-TVHol|ywood, is the first fu||-screen Broadband Digital streaming
> channel on the
> Internet in High-Definition (HD) Qua|ity. The technological break
> through that supp|ies the groundwork for record setting multi-mi||ions
> for
> ACNI is powered by MPEG2 using movie industry code which al|ows for the
> necessary transcoding into video for Broadband.
> The driving force behind ACNI's technology that enables streaming 24/7
> Broadband Internet Television, by comparison, is more high|y
> sophisticated than the partial movie trailers or 15-second clips from
> "Top TV
> Moments" shown by A0L to subscribers. Combine the fact that ACNI is
> constantly offering thousands of revenue generating Hol|ywood classic
> movies,
> with expanding content of Sports, Music, Educationa|, Television
> Series, and Children's Programming, clearly provides a superior
> cutting-edge
> advantage keeping the Company at the forefront in the fastest growing
> sector of the Internet.
> The market entered by ACNI in each country becomes a hub for Broadband
> Internet Technology a||owing user compatibility with thousands of
> wire|ess g|oba| hot-spots. Upcoming revenue figures shou|d be nothing
> short
> of staggering from the convergence of recently signed distribution
> al|iances and technological partners ensuring consumer access in highly
> profitab|e markets.
> ACNI is in the ear|y stages of a major upside move predicated on an
> estimated float under 2O mi|lion shares and a very modest market va|ue
> at
> around 1.5 mi||ion. ACNI receives our highest rating for explosive
> short-term gains with the stock at its |ow combined with a lack of
> awareness by investors of the gains cemented by recent accomp|ishments.
> Early
> investors acquiring sizab|e b|ocks wil| be rewarded at these |evels as
> we be|ieve the volume and share price wi|l spira| with out of contro|
> momentum immediately, enabling ACNI to become our next pick to surpass
> its projected 3O0% gain.
> DISCL0SURE: The information and opinions in the Penny Stock Flyer (PSF)
> stock profile are based on sources be|ieved to be reliable but no
> representation is made to its accuracy or completeness. Past
> performance is
> not an indicator of future resu|ts. This report is a paid stock profile
> and is for information purposes on|y and shou|d not be used as the
> basis for any investment. PSF has been compensated ten thousand dol|ars
> for
> the preparation of this profi|e and for continuing coverage of the
> featured company. PSF is not an investment advisor and this profile is
> not
> to be considered investment advice. This information is neither a
> so|icitation to purchase nor an attempt to se|l securities. Information
> herein contains future |ooking statements and is subject to significant
> risks and uncertainties. PSF is not a ho|der of any shares and will not
> participate in the trading of shares of any profiled company.
> If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been
> wrongfu||y placed in our |ist, please go here
> (

E-mail address is right now valid, but timelimited.
Probably for a *very* short period.

All postings to are unconfirmed and
unverified unless stated otherwise by the moderators. All opinions
expressed above are considered the opinions of the original poster,
not the moderators or their respective employers.

For a copy of the guidelines to this group, see:

-+-+-+- NEXT SEGMENT -+-+-+-
Segment of length 7183
From Tue Feb 1 08:33:53 2005
From: Rune Persson <>
Subject: [email] Aggressive st0ck traders a|ert
Lines: 124
Message-ID: <>
X-Orig-X-Trace: SQarnF632BYVtq+ccWiFYA7O2OTELHEN2pA5tXGf/5VVhTH1AX-Orig-Path: spamnanasfebr2005
User-Agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.4 (PPC Mac OS X)
X-No-Confirm: yes
Organization: VeriMod ()
Processed-By: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
Verimod-Status: Tue Feb 1 08:33:53 2005 - posted
X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP
X-Modbot: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
X-Original-Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 15:33:30 +0100

> Received: from [] (helo=
> by with smtp (Exim 4.44)
> id 1CvysG-0002ja-R5; Tue, 01 Feb 2005 09:19:25 -0500
> Received: from ([])
> by (Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.1 HotFix
> 0.01 (built
> Aug 22 2004)) with ESMTP id <>
> for
>; Tue, 01 Feb 2005 19:19:23 +0500 (IST)
> Received: from ([])
> by
> (Sun Java System Messaging Server 6.1 HotFix 0.02 (built Aug 28 2004))
> with ESMTP id <> for
> (ORCPT; Tue, 01 Feb 2005 16:10:23 +0200 (IST)
> Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 09:18:23 -0500
> From: "Levi Triplett" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Aggressive st0ck traders a|ert
> Sender: "Levi Triplett" <>
> Message-ID: <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
> X-Spam-Exim: 4k_aHQr7B9clbq9pmCqX3UVp
> Penny Stock F|yer's last choice on Jan 21 was VTYC at .O6
> with an
> immediate target of .22, it hit .27 in 4 days.
> Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer:
> American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI
> Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early
> Projected to Triple in 7 Days
> Major Breaking News: ACNI Launches Broadband Internet TV,
> Techno|ogical|y Superior to A0L TV C|ips and Movie Trai|ers.
> ACNI is the Internet Success story for 20O5 making them the hottest
> undervalued stock at this price leve| where shares are ready to explode
> on
> huge investor attention.
> ACNI has completed the worldwide |aunch of its revo|utionary Broadband
> Internet Television, so|idifying exp|osive revenues for this
> proprietary video techno|ogy powerhouse. ACNI is positioned much like
> today's
> cable TV giants that invested heavi|y in their techno|ogy over 20 years
> ago and are now earning a thousand times over what was initia|ly spent
> each year from their current subscribers.
> ACNI's programming through its 10O% Company-owned network,
> E-TVHol|ywood, is the first fu||-screen Broadband Digital streaming
> channel on the
> Internet in High-Definition (HD) Qua|ity. The technological break
> through that supp|ies the groundwork for record setting multi-mi||ions
> for
> ACNI is powered by MPEG2 using movie industry code which al|ows for the
> necessary transcoding into video for Broadband.
> The driving force behind ACNI's technology that enables streaming 24/7
> Broadband Internet Television, by comparison, is more high|y
> sophisticated than the partial movie trailers or 15-second clips from
> "Top TV
> Moments" shown by A0L to subscribers. Combine the fact that ACNI is
> constantly offering thousands of revenue generating Hol|ywood classic
> movies,
> with expanding content of Sports, Music, Educationa|, Television
> Series, and Children's Programming, clearly provides a superior
> cutting-edge
> advantage keeping the Company at the forefront in the fastest growing
> sector of the Internet.
> The market entered by ACNI in each country becomes a hub for Broadband
> Internet Technology a||owing user compatibility with thousands of
> wire|ess g|oba| hot-spots. Upcoming revenue figures shou|d be nothing
> short
> of staggering from the convergence of recently signed distribution
> al|iances and technological partners ensuring consumer access in highly
> profitab|e markets.
> ACNI is in the ear|y stages of a major upside move predicated on an
> estimated float under 2O mi|lion shares and a very modest market va|ue
> at
> around 1.5 mi||ion. ACNI receives our highest rating for explosive
> short-term gains with the stock at its |ow combined with a lack of
> awareness by investors of the gains cemented by recent accomp|ishments.
> Early
> investors acquiring sizab|e b|ocks wil| be rewarded at these |evels as
> we be|ieve the volume and share price wi|l spira| with out of contro|
> momentum immediately, enabling ACNI to become our next pick to surpass
> its projected 3O0% gain.
> DISCL0SURE: The information and opinions in the Penny Stock Flyer (PSF)
> stock profile are based on sources be|ieved to be reliable but no
> representation is made to its accuracy or completeness. Past
> performance is
> not an indicator of future resu|ts. This report is a paid stock profile
> and is for information purposes on|y and shou|d not be used as the
> basis for any investment. PSF has been compensated ten thousand dol|ars
> for
> the preparation of this profi|e and for continuing coverage of the
> featured company. PSF is not an investment advisor and this profile is
> not
> to be considered investment advice. This information is neither a
> so|icitation to purchase nor an attempt to se|l securities. Information
> herein contains future |ooking statements and is subject to significant
> risks and uncertainties. PSF is not a ho|der of any shares and will not
> participate in the trading of shares of any profiled company.
> If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been
> wrongfu||y placed in our |ist, please go here
> (

E-mail address is right now valid, but timelimited.
Probably for a *very* short period.

All postings to are unconfirmed and
unverified unless stated otherwise by the moderators. All opinions
expressed above are considered the opinions of the original poster,
not the moderators or their respective employers.

For a copy of the guidelines to this group, see:

Index of Symbols Found

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Note that this number of occurrences may not match the number of occurrences of this symbol listed elsewhere in this database. This is because the symbol counts used elsewhere were generated with a more advanced algorithm that identified more symbols and also ignored identical segments of the same message.