Messages Touting American Idc Corp. (ACNI), 2005-01-31

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Subject: An exciting c0mpany fOr invest0rs | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: Feature pick t0 de|iver sudden surge | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Owning a gOOd st0ck is a gratifying experience | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Spec M0ney Newsletter maj0r chOice | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: A breathtaking bO0st tO y0ur p0rtfOli0 | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: Wall Street Tip Sheet b00sts y0ur pOrtfOli0 | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: POwer pick 0n a t0rrid grOwth pace | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: Feature pick tO de|iver sudden surge | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: Latest prOfi|e sets stage f0r spectacu|ar advances | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: Better st0ck perf0rmance frOm 0tc he|p|ine | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: A new penny-stock profile to study Sun, 30 Jan 2005 19:54:02 -0500 | 13 occurrences | View message
...American IDC Corp. Trading Symbol: OTC: ACNI Price: .04 Watch for Immediate Breakout Major Breaking News! (Source: American IDC Corp.)...
Subject: Invest0rs watch this One starting right nOw | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Featured prOfi|e running at the right time | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: US hOt st0ck highlights | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Aggressive invest0rs and traders shOu|d be watching | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: st0ck rum0rs that becOme true and pr0fitab|e | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: Accumulate at these leve|s with break0ut l00ming | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Triple in 7 Days...
Subject: P0wer pick with the steam tO s0ar 500% | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Trading alert fOr significant sharehOlder value | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock Flyer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .04 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Technica| p|ay in mOtiOn 0n penny st0ck | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. 0TC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Early Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Invest0rs watch this One starting right nOw | 13 occurrences | View message
...Next Immediate Penny Stock F|yer: American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .O4 - Near 52-week Low, Load-up Ear|y Projected to Trip|e in 7 Days...
Subject: Top profile bouncing sharply off its low | 11 occurrences | View message
...Active Stock Breakout American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 Target: .15 in 5 Days Major Breaking News: ACNI Launches Broadband Internet TV, Technologically...
Subject: Real-time trading alert on flying penny stock | 11 occurrences | View message
...Active Stock Breakout American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 Target: .15 in 5 Days Major Breaking News: ACNI Launches Broadband Internet TV,...
Subject: Feature profile poised to deliver great success | 11 occurrences | View message
...Active Stock Breakout American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 Target: .15 in 5 Days Major Breaking News: ACNI Launches Broadband Internet TV, Technologically...
Subject: Aggressive stock traders alert | 11 occurrences | View message
...Active Stock Breakout American IDC Corp. OTC: ACNI Price: .04 Target: .15 in 5 Days Major Breaking News: ACNI Launches Broadband Internet TV, Technologically...
Subject: aggressive stock traders alert | 9 occurrences | View message
...Urgent Buy Recommendation OTC: ACNI American IDC Corp. to make Millions with Launch of Broadband Internet TV, Technologically Superior...