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There are no plans for the liberalization of the community's telecommunications sector.

There are no regulatory provisions which promote universal access to telecommunications services.

All services are provided by a single operator, whether private or state-owned.

Voice and data service offerings are limited.

Plans for the liberalization of telecommunications services are in place or are being formulated.

Provisions for universal access to services have been established, though they are ineffective.

Plans for the liberalization of the telecommunications sector are in place and are being implemented.

Progress is being made in achieving universal access, but there are many hurdles in implementation.

Services such as data, paging and mobile telephony are available from competing private providers.

Alternative carriers compete for private network services, leased lines and other telecommunications services for businesses.

Incumbent provider networks are being opened to competition through interconnection and/or unbundling obligations.

The telecommunications sector has been liberalized, with a regulatory regime in place to promote open competition.

Regulation is effective in promoting universal access.

An independent regulatory body sets and enforces telecommunications regulations.

Citizens and businesses have a number of options for their telecommunications and data services.

Incumbent networks have been opened to competitors, and new competing carriers are taking advantage of these arrangements to offer services.

There is vibrant competition among mobile wireless providers. Spectrum has been allocated consistently with international standards, and licensing arrangements encourage new market entrants.

The provision of value-added services such as broadband Internet is recognized as a source of competitive advantage.

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