Network Neutrality

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Revision as of 10:14, 25 April 2007 by Namiand (talk | contribs) (→‎Disney)
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What position do you advocate?

  • By COB Sunday, flesh out the arguments here. Respond to the arguments other parties make.


Prioritization. Huge investments in network infrastructure. Because bandwidth is expensive, we need to prioritize, and we want to charge content providers for priority. Disney should pay us if they want to reach our customers faster.

Facing competition, don't want to cut Google off (and make consumers flee). Squeeze the mid-sized guys.

Network Neutrality, BT


We're big enough to cut a deal with the ISPs. Besides, we provide exceptional content which our customers should be able to enjoy without any type of streaming issues. We would welcome a structure where-by we could ensure that our customers' desire for high quality content is fulfilled.

Our proposal is that that the ISPs begin a two-tiered system where the quality content providers (companies like ourselves) pay for a certain amount of guaranteed bandwidth and what is left over goes to the other providers. This would mean that those other providers would be limited in the quality (bit rate) by which they can stream data.

By limiting the quality of the 'second tier' providers, the levels of content copyright infringement should decline as customers will only have one location visit to watch their desired content at a high enough quality level. This will protect our future revenues and ensure that we have the financial capability to continue making high quality content.


We speak for the users and their freedom. If we can't get neutral net from BT, we'll build our own, because we rely on user content.



Internet is a utility, but bureaucrats aren't always good at regulating utilities. We'll think about it, form a committee and come back in 5 years. (BT sets its lobbyists to work.)

Public interest consumer group

The Internet is a utility. We don't allow Dyson to pay for priority electricity, we shouldn't allow Disney to pay for priority Internet.

Where do government subsidies fit into the picture?

Big picture

Is this "rough consensus" or negotiation among established players?