Web site presentation / newsgroup note troikas:

1. Aaron Moss, Kimo Peluso, Philip Lipman: cnn.com.
2. Anne Rodriguez, Martina Stewart, Aseel Rabie: Webgrrls U.S.; Int'l.
3. Kyle Rinehart, Rebecca Irwin, Hans Fricker: Virtual Antarctica.
4. Lori Silver, Tony Zacharski: Webstock '96; Ghostwatcher.
5. Seth Safier, R. Jordan Greenhall, Joshua Knight: Yahoo's People Search; The Mutate Project.
6. Scott Selby, Gabriel Meister, Alfred Steiner: The propertization of cyberspace: domain names.
7. Sona Rewari, Shannon Barrett, Donovan Cocas: Deaf Culture on the Net.
8. Stuart Teng, Matthew Erwin, Yvonne Anderson: International Travel Network; Automatic Complaint Letter Generator.
9. Ken Bamberger, Molly Shaffer, Anne Harkavy: "Confide" HIV testing; The Hajj; The electronic wailing wall; The Vatican.
9.5. Dana Kirchman, Joe Pelusi: MOO gathering: the CDA.
10. Sean Carnathan, Meredith Adams, Tim Wu: Things you're not supposed to see; paranoia.com; Internet gambling; Cyber Patrol.
11. Kevin Newsom, Russ Hanser, Marc Isserles: Minnesota E-Democracy; Unabomber for President.
12. Dan Curto, Doug Brooks, Carrie Mandel, Brad Bruner: Driveways of the Rich & Famous; Netaholics.
13. Chris Prokop, Marc Goodman: RealAudio; TimeCast; AudioNet (Dallas police).
14. Shelley Wharton, Jim Nickelson, Todd Prewett: NW Prof. Butz's Holocaust revisionist home page; Geek Cereal; Cause for Alarm.