Global Directory of Health Information Resource Centres http://www.iwsp.org/directory.htmRelevant articles in Healthcare Information and Communications Canada: http://hcccinc.qualitygroup.com/hcccinc2/bcovers/crnt_edition.html
Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer (2000), Disseminating health information in developing countries: the role of the internet Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy, World Health Organization http://www.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/321/7264/797.pdf
Madanmohan Rao (1999), Email is emerging as key component of telemedicine infrastructure: A report from the World Telemedicine Summit in Buenos Aires http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/co/3410/1.html
Robinson, T. N., Patrick, K., Eng, T. R., Gustafson, D., Henderson, J. and Jimison, H. (1999). Introduction to Evaluation of Interactive Health Communication Applications. American Journal of Preventive Medicine Vol.16 No.1:10-15 http://www.health.gov/scipich/pubs/report/wired-pb.pdf
Eng, T.R. & Gustafson, D. (eds.) Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health. Wired for Health and Well-Being: the Emergence of Interactive Health Communication. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, US Government Printing Office, April 1999. http://www.scipich.org/pubs/report/wired-pb.pdf
Robinson, T. N., Patrick, K., Eng, T. R., & Gustafson, D. (1998). An evidence-based approach to interactive health communication: A challenge to medicine in the information age. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 280, 1264-1269. http://www.health.gov/scipich/pubs/jamafull.htm
The Open Source Health Care Alliance: http://www.oshca.org/
More on Open Source: http://www.opensource.org/, http://www.sistema.it/LinuxAfrica2001/
The George Foundation: http://www.tgfworld.org/AA-Baldev.htm
On Telemedicine: http://medg.lcs.mit.edu/telemedicine/demonstration.html
Lincos: http://www.lincos.net, http://www.lincos.net.do and http://www.lincos-infocomm.net
Satellife: http://www.healthnet.org/
MIT Media Lab Health Special Interest Group: http://www.media.mit.edu/health/
MIT Media Lab - Unwired: http://www.media.mit.edu/unwired/index.html
Center for Future Health, University of Rochester: http://www.futurehealth.rochester.edu/
Rescue Medicine: http://www.rescuemedicine.com/
HealthVision: http://www.healthvision.com/overview/pagebuilder.asp?url=EHRA_Index.htm
TEK (Time Equals Knowledge) Project: http://www.ai.mit.edu/~libby/TEK/