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IS99 Lecture 10 Substantive Real-Time Comments

Messages marked with have been read to the assembled group.

Karl Auerbach
(11/18/99 4:52:14 PM, #699)

I use RBL. I trust the RBL folk's judgement. That's my choice. My users don't object. To me, RBL is a valuable *service* that I voluntarily use.

How is RBL different from the choice made by many companies to throw out all 3rd class postal mail that arrives via the USPS?

Lantz Rowland
WA State Rcw 19.190 (11/18/99 4:54:31 PM, #700)

I recieve about 300 pieces of solicited legit EMail per day with only about two pieces of Unsolicited EMail (UcEM) per day. This is ratio is after, publicly listing my address as being a resident of the State of Washington along with about one warning letter every couple of months to spammers about the legal and financial risk to sending Spam at WA.

I love the style and effect of equating EMail Spam to WA Junk Fax law. This puts the burdon and expense back into the hands of the Spammers.

I would like to hear this group discuss the Law and ways of integrating RBH's tech into the process.



Rcw 19.190 Ref - http://mcnichol.com/spam/rcw.htm
WA State - RCW 19.190 - Commercial Electronic Mail

Lantz Rowland
Vixie Enterprises Pop Accounts (11/18/99 5:00:08 PM, #701)

Are Vixie Enterprises pop accounts available? With RBH protection of course.


Karl Auerbach
Is it spam? (11/18/99 5:04:29 PM, #702)

Many have said that it would be "spam" if ICANN were to try to contact domain name owners to notifiy them of items that pertain to their participation in ICANN (e.g. an invitation to join the "At-Large").

The question is: would this this be "spam" or would this be a legitimate means of contacting those who are designated as "contacts" in the whois database(s).


Norbert Weinrichter
volume, money and return (11/18/99 5:09:38 PM, #704)

Three comments

1) The submit button is somehow linked to a key I hadnt expected. Sorry for the last comment
2) The webcasting works fine, but the volume is very low
3) The course is somehow loosing its link to the most interesting thing: money. Who cares about privacy, spam and free speach. Money makes the world go round ;-)

Lantz Rowland
re: DNS Single Authority (11/18/99 5:17:16 PM, #705)

Regarding the speaker comment about the requirements for a single authority I would like it clarified that by design there is only a requirement for a single authority per top level domain. There is nothing to preclude and a lot infavor of spinning off com as a domain authority and building a responsible replacement for it.


Lantz Rowland
WA Law on Commercial EMail (11/18/99 5:29:54 PM, in-room, #707)

I seem to have confused the group by mentioning the phrase 'junk fax' . Washingtons Law is specifically written to stop Electronic Mail Spam. Please pay attention. It works very very well.

Karl Auerbach
Junkbusters vs doubleclick (11/18/99 5:31:38 PM, in-room, #708)

RBL isn't the only kind of content filter - we've got Net Nanny for web sites, etc etc.

I use the "junkbusters" software to filter out those annoying "doubleclick" ads from web sites. (These same ads finance many sites - so I can't say that they are an unmitigated evil.)

Am I violating the copyright rights of the web page publisher by essentially mechanically editing their "work"?


Single ISP availability (11/18/99 5:37:33 PM, in-room, #709)

Almost all of Indian Country (particularly in the west) is likely to have only one (if that) ISP available. Thus blocking an ISP could wipe out email connectivity for an entire tribe.

Karl Auerbach
Sprint filter 112 (11/18/99 5:38:06 PM, in-room, #710)

(It's a bit inaudible out here but I heard someone mention routers...)

There is the "famous" routing filter imposed by Sprint (filter #112), it is a filter that, as a major side effect makes it virtually impossible for many small sites to receive IP packets at all, much less e-mail.

How is Sprint's policy in adopting this filter any less troubling than RBL? Indeed, since that filter doesn't even have an opt-in, it could be construed in a worse light.


Lantz Rowland
Re: Digital Signature (11/18/99 5:45:24 PM, in-room, #711)

Phillip Zimmerman's PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) provides both a solid unbreachable signiture allow with a _distributed_ authority model of trust.


(11/18/99 5:55:30 PM, in-room, #712)

a remote participant in this class Stella from Argentina: wants to know why the discussion about spam is focus on the area of freedom os speech and not in the area of discrimination. does the freedom of speech provide better solutions.?

Webcast team
Real life "spam" mail (11/18/99 6:00:27 PM, in-room, #713)

Right now you can receive Spam mail in your regular mail. It does not seem to be such a huge problem, or at least we have become "used to it". How is email different?

Karl Auerbach
Is being placed on the RBL defamatory? (11/18/99 6:02:31 PM, in-room, #714)

Could one who is placed onto the RBL list make a sustainable claim that they are being defamed?


Ksenya's webast
is this a US problem? (11/18/99 6:09:14 PM, in-room, #715)

People in the webcast from both Holland nad Netherlands say that this is not a problem in their countries. The Russian audience seems to agree. Is this only a problem in America?

(15 messages total)

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