Final Projects

From Technologies and Politics of Control
Revision as of 11:15, 26 June 2014 by BerkmanSysop (talk | contribs) (UTurn to 1394398800)
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Please name your file "wikiusername_Final," where "wikiusername" is replaced with your username, to avoid overwriting someone else's assignment or causing errors in the Wiki by including forbidden characters. So if your username is "jdoe" and your file is a Word document your file should be named "jdoe_Final.doc."

Upload your file here: Upload file

Once you've uploaded your file, please link to it following the format below:

  • Name or Pseudonym:
  • Title:
  • Link:

If you have trouble finding the file you uploaded, check the list of uploaded files.

Also, the course evaluation is now live. Log in to the HES website to complete the evaluation.


Name or Pseudonym: emmanuelsurillo Emmanuelsurillo 18:13, 13 May 2014 (EDT)

Name or Pseudonym: TriciaBy 18:17, 13 May 2014 (EDT)