Extra Credit Submissions

From Technologies and Politics of Control
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The course evaluation is now live. Log in to the HES website to complete the evaluation.

This assignment is due on May 6th. Students who submit extra credit projects will receive a one-point increase in their final project grade. If you are presenting in class on the 13th, but do not have material to upload, please indicate so on the section below.

If you do plan on uploading a file, please name your file "wikiusername_extracredit," where "wikiusername" is replaced with your username, to avoid overwriting someone else's assignment or causing errors in the Wiki by including forbidden characters. So if your username is "jdoe" and your file is a PowerPoint document your file should be named "jdoe_extracredit.ppt."

Link to your extra credit below (either by uploading it to the wiki or by linking to an external site) or indicate that you'd like to present your final paper. Please provide a short description of your project/the presentation you plan to give.

If you have trouble finding the file you uploaded, check the list of uploaded files.


Name: Dan Coronado
Description: CPU/Overclocking Wars at Anandtech.com
Link to Assignment: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/is2014/File:DanCoronado_Extra_Credit.pptx

[[Dancoron 11:47, 6 May 2014 (EDT)]]

Name: Julie
Description: My presentation will explain how North Korea is portrayed on Twitter, focusing on the symbiotic relationship between traditional media and citizen journalism. I do not have extra materials to upload for my presentation.
Link to Assignment: {{{3}}}


Name: Lucia Gamboa
Description: Video: Control & success: The case of Mexico's Open data policy government-run platform

I will present a short video focusing on how a good balance of moderation and control led to the platform's success as an online participatory tool

Link to Assignment: {{{3}}}

] Luciagamboaso 18:21, 5 May 2014 (EDT)

Name: Watson
Description: Video: The Internet, Liveleak, and the Dissemination of Information in Syria
Link to Assignment:

https://vimeo.com/93904486 Password: LSTUE120

Watson 18:17, 4 May 2014 (EDT)

Name: Castille
Description: {{{2}}}
Link to Assignment: {{{3}}}

[[[User:Castille|Castille]] 01:26, 5 May 2014 (EDT)]}

Name: Vance.Puchalski
Description: Project: Regulators and the Spread of (Mis)Information
Link to Assignment:

Presenting findings in class with no material to upload

[[[[[User:Vance.puchalski|Vance.puchalski]] 02:02, 5 May 2014 (EDT)]}

Name: akk22
Description: Audio file: 3. min interview with Women Action Media Blogger S. Alcid about experience with online harassment and successful regulations & community interventions
Link to Assignment:

Link to itunes file

[[[User:akk22|akk22]] 10:27, 6 May 2014 (EDT)]}

Name: Byrnes
Description: Powerpoint presentations on Rankopedia's community ownership vs Lessig's four forces.
Link to Assignment: Presenting in class

TriciaBy 14:36, 6 May 2014 (EDT)

Philip Seyfi Podcast: StackOverflow, unbalanced communities Seifip 15:41, 6 May 2014 (EDT)

Name: Psl
Description: Project: Crowd Control: PubMed Commons
Link to Assignment:

Presenting findings in class with no material to upload

Name: Drogowski
Description: Presentation on Censoring the Bitcoin Community:

How has Bitcointalk.org changed its policies, norms and architecture in response to the departure of its elusive founder Nakamoto?

Link to Assignment:

[[Drogowski 15:54, 6 May 2014 (EDT)]}

Name: Twood
Description: Wordgraphic — They're Not Gonna Take It: YouTube's Control Of The Anime Mashup Community.
Link to Assignment: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/is2014/File:Twood_Extra_Credit_Assignment.jpg

Twood 16:09, 6 May 2014 (EDT)

Name: Lpereira 17:53, 6 May 2014 (EDT)
Description: Video: Understanding Online Interaction: Youtube Music Communities
Link to Assignment:

https://vimeo.com/94244608 Password: YOUTUBE

[[User: Lpereira)]

Name: emmanuelsurillo
Description: Presentation on Macrumors Community: How Lessig’s “four forces” effect an online comminty
Link to Assignment:

Emmanuelsurillo 22:36, 6 May 2014 (EDT)