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In recent years ,China on various aspects of the controversy of reform constantly ,,but the political reform is undoubtedly the most people talk about a topic ,but also overseas most concern .
Undeniable ,the topic of political reform are becoming more and more sensitive means .This phenomenon is not normal .In any system,Coach Outlet, reform is not a not essential things ,but an eternal cause ,is the long-term existence of the system must be ,so the reform debate should not have any surprises .
For China, especially .China is in the reform period ,Coach Factory Online,any reform topic should not have sensitivity .And ,Chinese historical experience tells people ,whenever reform became a sensitive topic ,reform must have encountered great difficulties ,especially had a vested interest in resistance .
Although people in the face of reality existence problem and calls for reform ,but a vested interest in reform of fear will damage their own interests .Political reforms in particular .In fact ,the political reform in China has been the issue after long silence .
Since the reform and opening up ,only nineteen eighties medium Deng Xiaoping leading Chinese reform agenda when, just within the whole society had a great discussion on political reform .
Then ,with Deng Xiaoping as the core of the first generation leaders not only formed a system of political reform is to reform discourse ,discourse embodied in the reform and practice of policy action .
However ,after 1989, political reform to China soon .Despite facing political reality ,from the leaders to the folk occasionally referred to and discussed to political reform ,but failed to form the macroclimate .
Reform in the course of time ,the speech is not much ,more people are chose not to mention political reform ,even if some ideas to keep silent .Of course ,this is not to say that ,since China has no political reform .
Political reform is not to separate ,but some content of the reform is implicit in other less sensitive in the practice of reform ,such as government institutional reform ,Coach Factory Outlet,economic reform and social reform .
Until recent years ,China ,Prime Minister Wen Jiabao especially is discussed for many times ,China ,which once again aroused the people at home and abroad on China reform expectations .
In 2011 March during the NPC and CPPCC , Wen Jiabao stressed the political system reform ,Chinese modernization will not be successful .Then ,in commemoration of thirty anniversary of establishment of Shenzhen special zone ,Wen Jiabao pointed out again without political reform, economic reform achievements will lose after having got it .
Thereafter ,the United States in interviews of former president Carter and the United States to accept at CNN ( Cable News Network ,abbreviated as CNN ) interview and other occasions ,Wen Jiabao has repeatedly stressed the importance of political reform ,and points out clearly ,the ruling party will unswervingly carry out political reform .
Both at home and abroad, some of the Prime Minister for political reform seems to feel very strange ,make some unrealistic guess ,resulting in many unnecessary controversy .In fact ,from the point of view of political reform ,Wen Jiabao several speeches are inherited in Deng Xiaoping nineteen eighties political system reform to discuss .
In August 18, 1980, Deng Xiaoping at the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the party and state leadership system reform speech ,put forward the issue of political reform ,including the highly centralized power leads to personal tyranny ,abuse of power and corruption .
This speech to date or political reform and the most systematic literature .To 80 time metaphase ,Deng Xiaoping began has repeatedly stressed the need to advance political reform .At the time of the economic system reform has encountered great difficulties ,Deng Xiaoping put forward to want to reform the political hand to protect the economic reform ,on the other hand, to deepen the reform of economic system .
Thirty years later, Premier Wen Jiabao has renewed emphasis on Deng Xiaoping emphasizes the reform problem .Although this is not to say that in this thirty year period ,China is not a little change ,but indeed reflect ,after thirty years, China is still plagued by political system ,political system still faces thirty years prior to the old problem .
Broadly speaking ,in the speech, Wen Jiabao ,four points are worth our attention :first ,the reform in political reform to ensure ;second ,facing the reform political reform to overcome difficulties to use ;third ,the ruling party and social Changzhi security for a long time through political reform to achieve ;fourth ,more importantly ,basic social fairness and justice through political reform to achieve .
Obviously ,the first three points is that Deng Xiaoping are stressed ,and fourth is new add .Fourth the contents involved in the nineteen eighties was not serious .These four aspects are closely related .