Assignment 4 Details and Links

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This assignment consists of an audiovisual work of your creation, and can be based on previous work (such as your Elevator Pitch). The work could be an audio file (such as a podcast or song), a video (such as a remix or animation), or a compelling image (such as a mindmap or photo montage). If an audio or video work, you should aim for a length of 3-5 minutes (there is 7 minute maximum). Content and presentation are much more important than length (a compelling 2-minute audio interview would be great). Whichever format you choose, your assignment should somehow fit in to one or more of the course's six broad thematic areas. Ideally, this assignment would feed into your group presentation and final project. Unlike the other individual assignments, this one may be done in pairs.

Upon completion of the project, you must include a one paragraph write-up describing how your work relates to the course.

Possible ideas include:

  • An audio podcast or video interview with someone doing influential work in a related field
  • A video medley and/or remix related to any one or more of the themes
  • A podcast show where participants debate a topic related to the course
  • A mindmap image that charts out a policy debate or domain
  • A photo montage portraying a particular theme of the course
  • A short film related to one or more of the themes
  • A song or musical work drawing from various samples such as those on Freesound
  • A song with lyrics related to themes of the course
  • A visualization, perhaps using Many Eyes


If you have the ability to post your work online, you should link to it below along with your explantory paragraph.

Examples of online services you may use to post your work include:




Tools and Tutorials

Examples of Finished Products

(some of these are more highly produced or effort-intensive than your projects need be, but they should give you a sense for what finished pieces look like)

Finished Project Submissions

  • Please link to your submission here with your one-paragraph description