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Assignment 1: Wikipedia

For this assignment, you will investigate the rich social ecosystem and organizational structure that allows Wikipedia to function. Specifically, you will explore some of the community policies that govern Wikipedia, and write a report on how these rules play out in practice, and whether they contribute to or inhibit collaboration on Wikipedia. Ideally you will create an account, and make several edits before writing the report to give you some "hands on" data about community on the site. More details on the assignment as well as the menu of rules to choose from, as well as a space for you to report your observations can be found on the Assignment 1 Details and Reporting.

Assignment 2: Abstract

For this assignment, you will choose a topic that will be later developed into your Final Project. Write a short 3 page abstract. Thinking of the big picture, prepare your arguments, and do a bit of research. Use links as appropriate. The possible topics you can choose from are here: Project Ideas. We are open to a topics beyond these, but it is advised you get in touch with us in advance with your idea. Post your abstract to the course wiki at Assignment 2 Submissions.

Assignment 3: Rough Draft (and Bonus Credit)

This assignment will be to turn in a rough draft of your final, 8-10 page final project paper. It will be a chance for us to give you some comments, and suggest some places to push your research project forward in the next few weeks.

It's also an opportunity to get some extra credit. If your group is interested, you may prepare an audiovisual work of your creation discussing and presenting your research to date. The work could be an audio file (such as a podcast), a video (such as a remix or animation), or an in-class presentation. You should aim for a length of 3-5 minutes (there is 7 minute maximum). Content and presentation are much more important than length (a compelling 2-minute audio interview would be great). More information about this and the rough draft is available here: Assignment 3 Details and Links.