Hello I&S 2002 students,


This email should give you all the instructions you need to 1) make sure

that your rotisserie submission from week 1 is complete, and 2) complete

your rotisserie obligations for week 2.  Please read it carefully,

because you are responsible for all of the information in it and taking

the appropriate actions as a result of reading it.  Please please read

it carefully before emailing me with questions about it.


Week 1 Rotisserie


You may fall into one of multiple cases:

1) "I logged in to the Rotisserie and submitted my answer":


      Great!  Please go to

<http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/is02/rotisserie> and click on the link

that says "View the Archives".  You will be prompted to enter your

username and password.  After entering your username and password you

will be taken to a page with a single link which is the substance of the

question you answered.  Click on that link.  Then you will see a page

with all of the student answers to the question listed alphabetically by

first name.  Find your own name and see if your answer is there.  If it

is, great, you are done.  (Note that the archives for a question are

only posted after the question deadline, so you can only use this to

check that your answers got in after the fact.) Proceed to Week 2.  If

it isn't and you are sure you submitted an answer, you may do one of two

things.  a) Hopefully you saved a copy.  Email it with subject line

"ROTISSERIE WEEK 1" to rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu.  (i.e. reply to

this email with your answer pasted in.)  b) very likely you did not save

your answer.  Please email us and let us know that you submitted using

the system but that your answer does not appear in the archive. 


2) "I logged in but all I saw was my own name and no question":


      This means that your registration was not in the system until

after the question went out, but you have a working username and

password.  That's pretty good.  If you have not already, please email

your answer to the question below to rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu with

subject line "ROTISSERIE WEEK 1" (i.e. reply to this email with your



3) "I could not log in" or "I did not try to log in yet":


      If you could not log in or did not try to yet, you may not have

a working username and password.  Please go to the site

<http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/is02/rotisserie> and try logging in your

username and password that were sent to you by the Bot.  If you don't

have any record of this, try username: Firstname_Lastname (yours

obviously) and password: is2002.  If that doesn't work, please email

rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu with 1) your first and last name 2) your

school (LAW, FAS, OTHER), and 3) your email.  You will receive and email

from the Bot with your username and password.  ALSO, reply to this email

with your answer to the question below.  Make sure the subject line is



4) "You clearly don't understand my problem":


      If you don't fit in any of those categories, email me with a

description of your situation.  rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu





What's your biggest Net-related question, the sort of thing that

inspired you to take the course? What would you like to have learned by

the end of the term?

Word Limit: 400




Week 2 Rotisserie


Hopefully by this point, i.e. after having completed Week 1 above, you

have a working username and password for the rotisserie.  If not, please

see #3 above.  If all goes as planned, this is what should happen:


1. By Wednesday night you should have received an email from the Bot

telling you that a question has been posted and including the text of

the question.  (If you don't, it is possible the Bot has your email

wrong.  Please email me at rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu with your first

and last name, school, and email address.)

2. Complete your reading and compose your answer.  ***KEEP A COPY OF


3. Go to the website at <http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/is02/rotisserie>.

Click on the link that says "Log In to the Rotisserie".  Enter your

username and password. 

4. You should see a page where you can get to the question to answer.

(If you do not and it is AFTER Wednesday, please email

rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu).  Answer the question and press submit.


5. If you are feeling nervous about whether your submission actually got

in, log into the rotisserie again.  If your  answer has already been

submitted, you should get a note that tells you that you have submitted

and the option to edit your submission.  If that happens, you can be

sure your answer got in. 

6. After the question deadline, you can view your answer (and another

student's response to it) by clicking on the view the archives link on





If you still have any questions, email Becca at

rnesson@cyber.law.harvard.edu.  Thanks, Becca