An Excerpt from the Report

AUSTRALIA -- Mallesons Stephen Jaques
American Bar Association

Transnational Jurisdiction In Cyberspace Project

Comments - Australia
prepared by
Mallesons Stephen Jaques
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Hong Kong, London
November 30, 1999


                        Question 1. What is the jurisdictional relevance of the presence
                        on a state’s territory of the Internet network infrastructure,
                        such as a server?

                         1.There are no decided cases or national legislation dealing with
                            this exact issue in Australia.
                         2.Where a defendant is located outside of Australia, the
                            existence of a server in Australia may be sufficient to provide
                            the Australian court with personal (adjunctive) jurisdiction.
                            See paragraph 2.7 above.
                         3.Many Australian laws explicitly require a nexus with Australia,
                            but this nexus is often described generally in the legislation.
                            The legislation in question must be considered to determine
                            whether network infrastructure provides sufficient
                            jurisdictional nexus.
                         4.Some Australian laws indirectly deal with the jurisdictional
                            relevance of network infrastructure, as set out below.

                            Federal Laws and Bills

                            Electronic Transactions Act 1999

                         5.The Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) ("ETA") contains
                            a provision which indirectly deals with the jurisdictional
                            relevance of the presence of Internet network infrastructure on
                            a state’s territory. The ETA is designed to facilitate the
                            development of electronic commerce in Australia, whether
                            occurring over the Internet or via other media, by "removing
                            existing legal impediments that may prevent a person using
                            electronic communications to satisfy obligations under
                            Commonwealth law". The ETA is limited in its application:
                                                 a.prior to 1 July 2001, to laws of
                                                    the Commonwealth specified by
                                                    regulation; and
                                                 b.after 1 July 2001, to laws of the
                                                    Commonwealth other than those
                                                    exempted under the ETA or by
                         6.Legislators believe that the Australian federal government
                            does not have power under the Australian Constitution to
                            regulate electronic commerce occurring within each State and
                            Territory. Accordingly, the Australian federal government
                            envisages that each Australian State and Territory will enact
                            mirror legislation to give effect to the ETA reforms throughout
                            Australia. The Australian State and Territory governments
                            have provided agreement in principle to this arrangement.
                         7.The ETA was passed by the Australian House of
                            Representatives after extensive amendment on 30 September
                            1999, and was passed by the Senate on 25 November 1999. It
                            is expected to come into effect within the next six months.
                         8.Section 14 of the ETA sets out default rules governing, among
                            other things, the place of dispatch and receipt of electronic
                            communications in the absence of agreement to the contrary
                            by the parties. Under section 14(5), for the purposes of a law
                            of the Commonwealth, an electronic communication is taken
                            to have been:
                                                 a.dispatched at the place where
                                                    the originator has its place of
                                                    business; and
                                                 b.received at the place where the
                                                    addressee has its place of
                         9.If either party has more than one place of business, then
                            section 14(6) provides that:
                                                 a.if one of those places of business
                                                    has a closer relationship to the
                                                    underlying transaction, that place
                                                    of business is the relevant place
                                                    of business for the purposes of
                                                    section 14(5); and
                                                 b.if none of those places of
                                                    business has a closer relationship
                                                    to the underlying transaction,
                                                    that party’s principal place of
                                                    business is the relevant place of
                                                    business for the purposes of
                                                    section 14(5).
                        10.If a party to an electronic communication does not have a
                            place of business, then that party’s place of business for the
                            purposes of section 14(5) is the place where that party
                            ordinarily resides (s14(6) ETA).
                        11.As explained in the Explanatory Memorandum to the ETA,
                            these default rules reflect the fact that "the physical location
                            of information systems is often irrelevant to the use and
                            purpose of the electronic communication." Reasons for this
                            include that:
                                        information system can be in
                                                    a different place to where the
                                                    parties to that communication
                                                    are located; and
                                        is often easier to determine
                                                    the place of business or
                                                    residence of a party to an
                                                    electronic communication than to
                                                    determine the location of an
                                                    information system from which
                                                    that communication was sent or
                        12.Accordingly, the default rules for determining the place where
                            an electronic communication is sent or received focus on the
                            connection between the parties to an electronic
                            communication and the place where that communication is
                            taken to have been sent or received, rather than focusing on
                            the physical location of the information system from where
                            that electronic communication was sent or received.
                        13.For the purposes of transactions under Commonwealth laws,
                            the presence on a state’s territory of the Internet network
                            infrastructure will be of little relevance to determining the
                            jurisdiction applicable to transactions which take place over
                            the Internet.

                            Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Bill 1999

                        14.The Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Bill 1999 (Cth)
                            ("CAB") deals with the liability of communications carriers and
                            Internet service providers ("ISPs") for copyright infringements
                            facilitated by use of their network infrastructure or services.
                        15.The CAB aims to limit the liability of carriers and ISPs for
                            authorising copyright infringement by, among other things,
                            providing that carriers and ISPs will not be consider to have
                            authorised a copyright infringement simply by providing
                            physical facilities used to infringe the copyright.
                        16.Under the CAB, the following factors must be considered when
                            determining whether a person has authorised copyright
                                                 a.power to prevent an infringing
                                                 b.the relationship between the
                                                    person and the infringer; and
                                                 c.whether the person took
                                                    reasonable steps to prevent or
                                                    avoid the infringing act.
                        17.Accordingly, the CAB makes the mere provision of Internet
                            network infrastructure alone in Australian territory irrelevant in
                            relation to copyright infringement cases. However, if a carrier
                            or ISP becomes aware of acts of copyright infringement in
                            Australia facilitated by use of their Internet network
                            infrastructure, then that carrier or ISP may, under the CAB, be
                            taken to have authorised those infringing acts if they have
                            power but fail to take reasonable steps to prevent the
                            continuance of those acts. In these circumstances, the
                            provision of Internet network infrastructure in Australia may
                            become relevant to the exercise of prescriptive jurisdiction by
                            the Australian government over foreign carriers and ISPs.
                        18.The CAB was introduced into Australia’s House of
                            Representatives on 2 September 1999, but has not yet been
                            passed by either House of Parliament. Accordingly, it is not
                            yet law in Australia.

                            Case law

                        19.We are not aware of any Australian case law which discusses
                            the jurisdictional relevance or otherwise of the presence of
                            Internet network infrastructure on a State’s territory.
                        20.There are a number of decisions in the United States ("US")
                            that deal with this issue. It is likely that the US decisions will
                            have some influence when this issue comes to be considered
                            by Australian courts. See Bernadette Jew, "Cyber Jurisdiction –
                            Emerging Issues & Conflicts of Law when Overseas Courts
                            Challenge your Web" (1998) Computers & Law 24.
                        21.Despite some conflicting decisions in the US, it appears to us
                            that a general principle has emerged from the US authorities,
                            namely, that the presence on a state’s territory of Internet
                            network infrastructure is not a conclusive factor in determining
                            the appropriate jurisdiction in relation to activities conducted
                            over the Internet. We understand that this principle has also
                            been applied in the decisions of courts in other countries,
                            including the United Kingdom and Japan.
                        22.Commentators have stated that there may be confusion and
                            injustice if a court attempted to exercise jurisdiction in
                            Internet cases over persons based on the physical location of
                            the Internet network infrastructure. For example:
                                                 a.The information accessed by an
                                                    Internet user via a web site may
                                                    be sourced from many different
                                                    locations, which can be
                                                    impossible to determine. For
                                                    example, this information may be
                                                    from the original web site hosted
                                                    on a server in one location, a
                                                    mirror web site hosted on a
                                                    server in another location, cached
                                                    material stored on an Internet
                                                    service provider’s server in yet
                                                    another location or the user’s
                                                    hard drive, or a combination of
                                                 b.If the location of the Internet
                                                    network infrastructure was
                                                    determinative of jurisdiction,
                                                    Internet users could use that fact
                                                    to manipulate the jurisdiction in
                                                    which an activity is deemed to
                                                    occur to circumvent laws and to
                                                    choose the jurisdiction most
                                                    favourable to them. For example,
                                                    an Australian vendor selling
                                                    Australian goods to an Australian
                                                    purchaser for use in Australia
                                                    could operate its online business
                                                    from a computer system located
                                                    in a country with less stringent
                                                    trade consumer protection laws
                                                    to avoid liability under the
                                                    Australian Trade Practices Act
                                                    1974 (Cth).

                            Question 2. What is the jurisdictional relevance of
                            maintaining a web site?

                        23.As in relation to many other issues regarding jurisdiction and
                            the Internet, there is currently little guidance either in
                            Australian legislation or in Australian case law regarding the
                            jurisdictional relevance of maintaining a web site. The first
                            and only Australian decision that considered this issue was
                            handed down in June 1999. This was the decision of a single
                            judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and whilst it
                            is authoritative, it is not binding on the courts in other
                            Australian States and Territories or on any higher courts. In
                            short, the Australian position on the jurisdictional relevance of
                            maintaining a web site remains largely untested.
                        24.The sole Australian decision regarding jurisdiction on the
                            Internet is Macquarie Bank & Anor v Berg, handed down by
                            Simpson J of the New South Wales Supreme Court on 2 June
                        25.This case related to the alleged defamation of Macquarie Bank
                            ("MBL") and Andrew Downes by the publication of certain
                            material on a web site thought to be operated by the
                            defendant. Court proceedings had already been commenced by
                            the defendant against the plaintiffs in relation to MBL’s
                            termination of the defendant’s employment. Since May 1999,
                            material containing defamatory imputations about the
                            plaintiffs had been published on a web site. The court inferred
                            that the defendant was associated with the publication of this
                        26.The plaintiffs sought an injunction to prevent the defendant
                            from publishing the defamatory material on the web site in
                            question. On the available evidence, the defendant was
                            believed to be in the US, and any acts done by him that
                            resulted in the publication of the defamatory material on the
                            web site were done outside of New South Wales.
                        27.Simpson J held that, while a court is empowered to restrain
                            conduct occurring or expected to occur outside the jurisdiction,
                            whether the court should exercise that power is a question of
                            discretion. In determining whether or not to exercise this
                            discretion, the court had to consider factors such as whether
                            there is a more appropriate forum and the enforceability of
                            any order made.
                        28.In refusing to grant the injunction sought, Simpson J held that
                            it would "exceed the proper limits of the use of the injunctive
                            power of the (New South Wales) court." Counsel for the
                            plaintiffs had conceded that he did not know of any means by
                            which operation of the injunction could be limited to New
                            South Wales. Accordingly, Simpson J found that the
                            consequence of granting an injunction in the terms sought
                            would restrain the defendant from publishing the relevant
                            material anywhere in the world via the Internet. Such an
                            injunction would go beyond its purpose of ensuring compliance
                            with the laws of the state of New South Wales and protection
                            of the plaintiffs’ rights as they are defined under the law of
                            New South Wales. Further, it would interfere with any rights
                            that the defendant may have to publish that material in
                            another jurisdiction. Simpson J also found that it would be
                            difficult to enforce the injunction while the defendant
                            remained outside of New South Wales.
                        29.Simpson J’s decision asserts that maintenance of a web site
                            that is accessible in a particular jurisdiction does not of itself
                            give the courts jurisdiction over the defendant in that
                            jurisdiction. On the facts in the Macquarie Bank case, the
                            alleged acts of defamation involved posting of information on
                            "passive" web site. However, Simpson J did not apply the
                            sliding scale test that has been proposed in some US cases in
                            analysing the jurisdictional issue.
                        30.Simpson J’s decision relied in part on the assumption that the
                            prohibition on publication and dissemination of the
                            defamatory material could not be limited to New South Wales.
                            However, this factor alone is not sufficient reason for a court
                            to decide that it does not have jurisdiction over a foreign
                            defendant. If Australian courts refuse in all Internet cases to
                            exercise jurisdiction over a foreign defendant on the basis
                            that the operation of a court order cannot in practice be
                            limited to a particular jurisdiction, then Australian courts
                            would only exercise jurisdiction over such foreign defendants
                            in very limited circumstances. In turn, this would provide an
                            opportunity for foreign defendants to carry on activities that
                            would be otherwise illegal in Australia by conducting them
                            online. It is therefore important that Australian courts do not
                            exclude their jurisdiction too readily on this basis.
                        31.As mentioned above, Macquarie Bank is the decision of a
                            single judge of a New South Wales court, and is not binding
                            on higher courts or courts in other Australian States or
                            Territories. Accordingly, the Australian position on the
                            jurisdictional relevance of maintaining a web site remains

                            Question 3. If a web site author cannot prevent access to
                            its site from any country, what is the jurisdictional effect of
                            a geographic disclaimer on the site?

                        51.We are not aware of any law dealing with this topic in
                        52.A geographic disclaimer may show an intent to deal only with
                            Internet users in a particular country.
                        53.However, if other circumstances exist, a geographic disclaimer
                            may be given little weight by Australian courts when
                            considering jurisdictional questions. For example, if a
                            Canadian website stated "Intended for Canadian residents
                            only", but the website owner sent email advertisements for
                            the site to Australian users, or sold goods across the website
                            to Australian consumers, or in other ways targeted Australian
                            residents, the geographic disclaimer is likely to be of little
                        54.A number of Australian websites have jurisdictional
                            disclaimers, which suggest that legal advisers in Australia are
                            recommending their use.


Mallesons Stephen Jaques