Representatives of 65 country code managers met in Montevideo, Uruguay on September 6 and 7, 2001. A list of the country codes which were present, or appointed proxies follows at the end of this communiqué.


The country code managers record their grateful thanks to the Uruguayan meeting organisers for arranging this forum for continuing the important work of the international component of ICANN.


Considerable progress has been made in creating the Country Code Supporting Organisation of ICANN, which is the topic that occupied most of the managers’ time.




 It will be recalled that in our Stockholm Communiqué of June 2001, the ccTLD constituency reported that members there present had unanimously agreed to form a ccSO and to begin to work with stakeholders in ICANN on implementing that decision.


Members in Montevideo have developed a number of key principles that will be influential in the formation of the ccSO. Subject to further development, they are;




·        There is a carefully definable set of global issues which can be put through the SO to the ICANN policy making process.

·        Each ccTLD is solely responsible for it's decision making except for that carefully defined list of global issues mentioned above, when ccTLDs agree to be bound by policies formed through the ICANN process.

·        The ccSO Articles, bylaws and MoU with ICANN, and any contracts signed between individual ccTLDs and ICANN must ensure the integrity of the consensus decision making process including limiting that process to the set of issues, and to those issues within the ICANN mandate of technical co-ordination of internet names and numbers.

·        The purpose of the ccSO is to protect and promote the common interests of ccTLD managers and their local internet communities; to give advice to ICANN on identified global policy issues, within the context of maintaining global internet stability and interoperability.

·        Mechanisms for maintaining good communications with the other Support Organisations will be established



·        The members of the SO shall be individual ccTLD managers.



·         Members shall be able to give their proxies to regional or 'other' groupings within the SO.


·        A member cannot be a voting member of more than one Regional or 'other' organisation for ccSO purposes


·        "Border" ccTLDs may choose which ICANN geographic region they wish to join (self-selection)


·        There will be  a role for Regional associations, and other forms of association which may develop: initial responsibilities for the existing regional associations are the running of elections to the ccSO 'Council', and  integral part of any drafting process for "Policy" recommendations to ICANN;


·        There shall be a ccSO Council, composed of three members elected by each region.


·        The ccSO council shall be responsible for conducting the election of ICANN Board members.


·        Board members shall be elected by direct election by ccSO Members.



Consensus Building with ICANN Stakeholders


Outreach and consultation with other stakeholders has also continued since Stockholm. In Montevideo, meetings occurred with representatives of:


1.      The Business, Intellectual Property, ISPCP, Non Commercial and the generic Registry constituencies of the DNSO,


2.      Members of the ICANN staff, and Board.


3.      In addition, much informal contact has been pursued with stakeholders.


We have received either explicit or tacit support from all those we have spoken to. Most see this as a justifiable genuine “bottom up” self-organising



A recurring theme in our consultations makes it clear that our own stated intention of designing mechanisms for maintaining communications with other Support Organisations will be well received.



We expect to continue this consultation process, and will soon be commencing dialogue with the PSO and the ASO.


A timetable leading to the development of documents for adoption at the November meeting of ICANN in LA has been posted.





The meeting noted with regret that no response has been received from the ICANN staff to the completion and adoption of the ccTLD Contract.


Comments were received from the Canadian manager concerning the draft contracts submitted to the Canadian Registry by the ICANN staff. The ccTLD constituency has agreed to cooperate with the Canadian Registry in developing an acceptable ccTLD contract. 




The meeting received with pleasure the news that on 5 September 2001, 14 Latin American ccTLD managers had signed in Montevideo a memorandum of understanding to incorporate an association of Latin American ccTLDs (“LACTLD”). Congratulations were extended to the preliminary office holders.



The ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO




September, 2001





The Sixty-five Country Code managers represented in Montevideo:


Uruguay                                   Tuvalu                          Bouvet Island

Czech Republic                        Brazil                            Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands

Austria                                     Germany                      Chile

Canada                                                Philippines                    Guatemala

Netherlands                              Guernsey                      Ghana

Argentina                                  Jersey                           Cocos (Keeling) Island

El Salvador                               Virgin Islands                Mexico

Solomon Islands                       Niue                             Honduras

United States of America          Nicaragua                     Cuba

Spain                                        Peru                             Paraguay

New Zealand                            Colombia                     Singapore

Burundi                                    Ecuador                       Belgium

Norway                                    Venezuela                     Japan

Mauritania                                Panama                        Dominican Republic

South Korea                             Namibia                       Mauritius

Burkina Faso                            United Kingdom           Ascension Islands

St Helena                                 British Indian Ocean Territory   Ireland

France                                      Reunion Island  St Pierre and Miquelon

Mayotte                                   Wallis and Fortuna Islands        Greenland

China                                       Denmark                      Switzerland                  

Taiwan                                     Australia                       South Africa

Israel                                        Belize