Dennis Jennings' Statement of the ccTLD Constituency at the
ICANN Open Meeting
To the Board of ICANN,
The ccTLD Constituency held a meeting on 7 March 2000. The meeting addressed a number of issues,
including the preparation of an agreed budget for ICANN for 2000/2001. The meeting confirmed that there was a
general willingness among ccTLD Managers to participate in this budget process
and to contribute to the funding of ICANN.
The meeting decided to nominate a delegation to participate
in this budget process, and the meeting agreed that 5 ccTLD representatives
should be selected, one from each of the 5 regions recognised in the ICANN
The following delegation was therefore selected:
Willie Black -- Europe
Naomasa Maruyama -- Asia Pacific
Bill Semich -- North America
Oscar Robles -- Latin America and the Caribbean
Aguinaldo Salvaterra -- Africa
The meeting agreed that the delegation should participate
collectively in the ICANN Task Force discussions.
We wish to reaffirm out commitment to an ICANN built on
bottom-up consultation process with its constituent parts.
We request that the ICANN Board find and appropriate
mechanism to accommodate a representative delegation of ccTLDs in the ICANN
budget process.
On behalf of the ccTLD Consittuency meeting held 7 March
Dennis Jennings Kilman Chon
Co-Chair Co-chair