OATP tags by field

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Harvard Open Access Project (HOAP) » Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » tags

  • This page is temporarily closed to public edits while the project (1) works out methods for communal governance and (2) builds software to deal with approved and deprecated tags. To suggest edits to this page, contact Peter Suber.

General tips on using field tags

  • In the war between lumpers and splitters, OATP is on the lumper side. The official or project-approved tags for academic fields tend to be few in number and broad in scope.
    • For example, we have oa.mathematics but we don't have official tags for all the different branches of mathematics. We have oa.medicine but not official tags for all the different branches of medicine.
    • But OATP supports splitters by supporting user-defined tags. If you want to use a tag for a sub-field of medicine, such as oa.dermatology, oa.obstetrics, or oa.surgery, please do. But when you do, please also use oa.medicine. That will help people searching for all OATP tag records on OA for medical research.
  • Don't hesitate to use more than one field tag per item. This is especially useful for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary work.
    • If you use an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary tag like oa.biochemistry, it's a good idea to use oa.biology and oa.chemistry as well. That will help people searching for all OATP tag records on OA for biological or chemical research.
  • If you're unsure what tag to use for a certain field, then fee free to invent a tag with name you use for that field, oa.FIELDNAME.
  • If you tag an item with a field tag from the social sciences (such as oa.anthropology), then you should also tag the same item with oa.ssh (our tag for "social sciences and humanities). Likewise, if you tag an item with a field tag from the humanities (such as oa.philosophy), then you should also tag the same item with oa.humanities and oa.ssh. That will help people searching for all OATP tag records on OA for research in the social sciences and humanities.
  • Originally we used oa.stm for the STM fields, just as we use oa.ssh for the social sciences and humanities. But while oa.stm is not officially deprecated, few taggers still use it, since it would apply to the majority of OATP items. When items in the STM fields are not tagged with oa.stm, you can usually find them by running a boolean search in TagTeam for items without the oa.ssh tag, that is, a search for NOT #oa.ssh.

Obvious field tags

  • We don't maintain a complete list of the tags for fields or disciplines. The main reason is that so many are obvious, like oa.anthropology, oa.biology, and oa.chemistry.

Non-obvious tags

Here are the field tags that may not be obvious, that use abbreviations, that need annotation, or that the project has approved in lieu of related, deprecated tags.

  • oa.biomedicine = for biomedicine
    • The project also uses oa.biology and oa.medicine. Hence it can be difficult to decide when to use both these broader tags, without oa.biomedicine or when to use all three. To help those who may search on on any one of these tags, it's safest to use all three. But one day we may deprecate oa.biomedicine in favor of one or both of the broader tags. This is what we've done with oa.biochemistry.
  • oa.cs = for computer science
  • oa.geo = for all the "geo" fields, such as geoarchaeology, geochemistry, geochronology, geodetics, geography, geology, geophysics, and so on, including those that don't use the "geo" root, such as Earth science, meteorology, mineralogy, plate tectonics, sedimentology, seismology, and so on.
  • oa.lis = for library and information science
  • oa.literature = for literary studies in any language
    • Deprecated: tags for literary studies in a particular language such as oa.english. The project needs these tags for works in those languages.
  • oa.neuro = for all the "neuro" fields, such as neuro-kinetics, neuro-oncology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-psychopharmacology, neurophysiology, neuroscience, and neuro-semantics, and so on.
  • oa.religion = for the field of religion or religious studies
    • Deprecated: oa.theology