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** Some will mistakenly believe it is the version the policy asks them to deposit. Some will simply prefer it and demand to make it the OA version. | ** Some will mistakenly believe it is the version the policy asks them to deposit. Some will simply prefer it and demand to make it the OA version. | ||
** Unless the [ publisher consents to the open distribution of the published version], then ask the author for the final version of the author's peer-reviewed manuscript. If the author can't find the right version or insists on depositing the published edition, make it a dark deposit and open it up if and when the repository can obtain permission to make it OA. | ** Unless the [ publisher consents to the open distribution of the published version], then ask the author for the final version of the author's peer-reviewed manuscript. If the author can't find the right version or insists on depositing the published edition, make it a dark deposit and open it up if and when the repository can obtain permission to make it OA. | ||
== Internal use of OA versions == | |||
* When the institution reviews faculty publications for promotion, tenure, or internal funding, it should limit its review of research articles to those on deposit in the institutional repository. | |||
* See Recommendation 1.6 from the [ BOAI-10 statement] (September 2012): "Universities with institutional repositories should require deposit in the repository for all research articles to be considered for promotion, tenure, or other forms of internal assessment and review....[This policy should not] be construed to limit the review of other sorts of evidence, or to alter the standards of review." | |||
== Associating articles with their definitive versions == | == Associating articles with their definitive versions == |
Revision as of 15:49, 13 October 2012
- This is a section within Good practices for university open-access policies.
Launching a repository
- The institution must have an institutional repository, or participate in a consortial repository. Most schools launch a repository before adopting a policy to fill it, but some do it the other way around.
Individualized writing
- Institutions implementing the kind of policy recommended here will want the policy to prevail over a later publishing contract inconsistent with the policy. Merely passing the policy may attain that goal. However, to be more certain, practically and legally, that the policy license survives any later transfer, US institutions should get authors to sign a "written instrument" affirming the policy.
- Here's why: Under US copyright law (17 USC 205.e) a "nonexclusive license...prevails over a conflicting transfer of copyright ownership if the license is evidenced by a written instrument signed by the owner of the rights licensed or such owner's duly authorized agent."
- This provision doesn't say that in the absence of a written instrument, the nonexclusive license will not prevail over a later contract inconsistent with the policy. A university might take the position that the nonexclusive license in the policy will prevail in any case, and will probably never have to test its position in court. But to be safe, it's best to get a written affirmation of the grant of rights (or license) as specified by 17 USC 205.e.
- We don't know how to accomplish this goal outside the US, and welcome advice from people who do know.
- Harvard uses several methods to get the written affirmation of the policy. When faculty deposit their own articles, a dialog box in the deposit process asks them to affirm the grant of rights (the license) in the policy. When someone else (an administrative assistant or the OSC) deposits articles on their behalf, the faculty member must first have signed a one-time assistance authorization form containing an affirmation of the grant of rights. Thus, whatever route an article takes into the repository, the institution obtains a written affirmation of the license.
- Here's Harvard's language for affirming the license is: "[I]f I am a member of a Harvard Faculty or School that has adopted an open access policy found at, this confirms my grant to Harvard of a non-exclusive license with respect to my scholarly articles as set forth in that policy."
Facilitating waivers
- The institution should create a web form through which faculty can obtain waivers. This not only streamlines bookkeeping, but proves to faculty that the process is easy and automatic. Harvard can share code for such a web form.
- Some publishers may require faculty to obtain a waiver as a condition of publication. Institutions need not try to prevent this. Accommodating these publisher policies proves that publishers have the means to protect themselves, if they choose to use them, and that fact makes it unnecessary for faculty to protect or "paternalize" their favorite publishers (e.g. society publishers) by refusing to vote for a policy. On the other hand, the institution may want to talk with publishers who take this position, to see whether they can work out an accommodation.
Author addenda
- Because the policy already grants the institution the rights needed for OA, faculty need not obtain those rights from publishers.
- An author addendum is one way for authors to request rights that a standard publishing contract does not otherwise allow. Hence, for policies of the kind we recommend, author addenda are unnecessary for the same reason that individual author-publisher negotiations are unnecessary.
- However, author addenda may be desirable anyway. An addendum can alert the publisher that the author's institution already possesses certain non-exclusive rights. This can prevent misunderstandings on each side. It can also prevent authors from signing publisher contracts which (without the addendum) are inconsistent with the university's OA policy.
- See the section on individualized writing above for the reasons why a well-implemented institutional OA policy would take priority over a later publishing contract inconsistent with the policy. Because the policy takes priority, authors who sign publishing contracts inconsistent with the policy may be unable to live up to those contracts and may expose themselves to liability for breach of contract. This risk is entirely eliminated by an addendum modifying the contract to conform to the terms of the institutional policy.
- On the other hand, there may be no risk to eliminate. Under some legal theories, a widely-known prior license would protect the author from a claim of breach of contract, even in the absence of an addendum. This is one more reason to publicize the university's OA policy.
- Also see the entry below on working with publishers.
Multiple deposits
- If a faculty member deposits a paper in a non-institutional repository (e.g. arXiv, PubMed Central, SSRN), the institutional repository should harvest a copy.
- To avoid diluting the traffic numbers at the several repositories, all should comply with the (evolving) PIRUS standards for sharing traffic data.
- If a faculty member is subject to two OA policies (e.g. one from the institution and one from the funder), the institution should offer to make the deposit required by the funder. For example, most faculty at Harvard Medical School are subject to the NIH policy. If they deposit in the HMS repository, then HMS will insure that a copy is deposited in PubMed Central. If faculty think that an institutional policy will double their administrative burden, they will vote against it.
Dark deposits
- Faculty should always deposit suitable versions of new scholarly articles in the institutional repository. If they obtain a waiver for a given article, then the deposit will at least initially be "dark" (or non-OA). But the author should still deposit the manuscript.
- One reason for repositories to allow dark deposits is to support the message that faculty should always deposit their new work.
- If a deposit is dark, at least the metadata should be OA.
- Another reason to allow dark deposits is to facilitate search indexing and discovery for work which, for one reason or another, cannot yet be made OA.
- If a deposit is only intended to be dark temporarily, for a known embargo period, then dark deposits should be set to open up automatically at the future date determined by the author decision or embargo period. Most repository software today supports this option.
- If an author deposited a manuscript and obtained a waiver, then the institution does not have permission under the policy to make that manuscript OA. At least initially, that deposits must be dark. However, the repository may switch the manuscript to OA if it can obtain permission from another source, such as a standing policy of the publisher's to allow OA after a certain embargo period. See the entry on waiver options. Repositories should make dark deposits OA whenever they are legally allowed to do so.
- For seven reasons why repositories should allow dark deposits, see Stuart Shieber, The importance of dark deposit, The Occasional Pamphlet, March 12, 2011.
Deposited versions
- Some authors will deposit the published version of an article instead of the final version of the author's peer-reviewed manuscript.
- Some will mistakenly believe it is the version the policy asks them to deposit. Some will simply prefer it and demand to make it the OA version.
- Unless the publisher consents to the open distribution of the published version, then ask the author for the final version of the author's peer-reviewed manuscript. If the author can't find the right version or insists on depositing the published edition, make it a dark deposit and open it up if and when the repository can obtain permission to make it OA.
Internal use of OA versions
- When the institution reviews faculty publications for promotion, tenure, or internal funding, it should limit its review of research articles to those on deposit in the institutional repository.
- See Recommendation 1.6 from the BOAI-10 statement (September 2012): "Universities with institutional repositories should require deposit in the repository for all research articles to be considered for promotion, tenure, or other forms of internal assessment and review....[This policy should not] be construed to limit the review of other sorts of evidence, or to alter the standards of review."
Associating articles with their definitive versions
- The author manuscript deposited in the repository is not typically identical to the definitive published version, and its provenance should be made clear. This can and should be done in at least two ways.
- First, each deposited article should be associated with the full citation for the published article. This may be done in a free text citation metadata field using any suitable citation style, or the equivalent information may be made available through a set of metadata fields providing journal name, volume, number, pages, etc.
- Second, it is a good idea to provide links from the repository to the online definitive version of the deposited article where available. At Harvard links to the definitive version are provided:
- On search results pages associated with each search result.
- On item metadata pages.
- On a cover page added to the front of the deposited PDF of the article.
Repository indexing
- The repository should be configured to support crawling by search engines.
- See for example the JISC InfoNet recommendations and Google Webmaster Guidelines.
- Repository managers should check to see whether the contents are discoverable through major search engines, and follow-up any indexing failures.
Repository withdrawals
- If a publisher sends a reasonable take-down request to the repository, the repository should always comply.
- If the author wishes to withdraw an article already on deposit (e.g. because it is mistaken, embarrassing, superseded by a newer version, etc.), then the repository should withdraw the article. The author can always obtain a waiver, and then the university would no longer have the rights to distribute it. That's a reason why repositories should always follow author wishes on distribution. In any case, experience suggests that authors rarely ask to withdraw their own articles.
Content beyond the policy
- The institution should welcome the deposit of types of scholarly content, above and beyond the type covered by the policy. For example, if the policy focuses on peer-reviewed manuscripts of journal articles, the repository should welcome deposit of other categories of scholarship as well, such as electronic theses and dissertations, books or book chapters, datasets, and digitized work from other media for which it has permission to provide OA. If the policy covers peer-reviewed manuscripts published after a certain date, it should welcome the deposit of peer-reviewed manuscripts completed or published before that date.
- If the policy only gives the institution permission to make certain kinds of content OA, the repository should welcome dark deposits where it doesn't have permission for OA, and in those cases it should provide OA to the metadata.
Treaties with publishers
- Some publishers may concur with the policy so long as certain aspects are clarified concerning how the policy will be implemented. Providing such clarifications may be entirely reasonable, given that the policy language itself can't possibly cover all aspects of its implementation. For example, publishers may want to be sure that for manuscripts published in their journals the repository entry will include a complete citation and link to the published edition, or that the university will not distribute the publisher's version of the article, or that the license will not be used to sell articles. If the institution is comfortable with these clarifications (indeed, the clarifications in the treaty may well be aspects of implementation to which the university is already committed), it may make these explicit in return for an explicit statement of the publisher's cooperation with the policy, for instance, by not requiring waivers or addenda to publication agreements. These agreements may contain any provisions consistent with the policy and agreeable to both sides. (At Harvard they are called "treaties".)
- We strongly recommend against treaties requiring universities to respect a given embargo period for all articles from a given journal or publisher. Such a treaty would essentially give the journal or publisher a blanket opt-out of a significant provision of the university OA policy, and violate the express interest of the faculty in adopting a policy to shift the default to immediate OA.
- However, when authors rather than publishers seek an embargo, and seek it case by case rather than for all articles from a certain journal or publisher, the policy can accommodate them. See the entry on embargo options.
- Here's an example of treaty language used at Harvard.
Learning the denominator
- An institution can easily tell how many articles are on deposit in its repository. But it cannot easily tell how many articles ought to be on deposit. If it wants to calculate the deposit rate (the number deposited divided by the number that ought to be deposited), then it must find a way to ascertain the denominator. This is a critical piece of information in measuring the effectiveness of the policy and its implementation.
- Some institutions ask faculty to submit an annual list of their publications. If so, the information should be shared with the repository managers. The raw list of publications is less helpful than one broken down by categories, such as books, journal articles, and so on. If the policy only covers journal articles (for example), then the relevant denominator is the number of journal articles.
Working with publishers
- See the entry on author addenda. A well-written author addendum can explain to publishers what rights the author has already assigned to the institution. Hence it can prevent authors from signing publishing contracts they cannot fulfill and prevent misunderstandings on all sides. However there are other ways to achieve some of the same goals.
- Publishers who normally require the transfer of exclusive rights, but who do not demand waivers from authors at your institution, can modify their publishing contracts to facilitate cooperation with the institution. For example, it would help both sides if publishers included a sentence like this one from the Science Commons addendum: "Where applicable, Publisher acknowledges that Author's assignment of copyright or Author's grant of exclusive rights in the Publication Agreement is subject to Author's prior grant of a non-exclusive copyright license to Author's employing institution and/or to a funding entity that financially supported the research reflected in the Article as part of an agreement between Author or Author's employing institution and such funding entity, such as an agency of the United States government."
- Such a clause would make addenda unnecessary for authors and publishers, and cost the publisher nothing.
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