v. Reno
Note: This is a general summary for informational purposes only. If you have a real life question or dispute relating to copyright, you should contact an intellectual property lawyer!
Copyright protection is given to:
Traditionally, a work's artistic quality was irrelevant to whether it could be copyrighted. Beginning with Oliver Wendell Holmes in Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co., judges have taken a position of neutrality as to the content of the work.
Since Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Co., Inc., the courts have interpreted "original" to require a minimal degree of creativity. It held that an alphabetized telephone directory was not creative enough to be copyrightable.
"Original" however does not have to mean new or novel. It is enough that the author comes up with the creation independently. A famous example given by Judge Learned Hand is "if by some magic a man who had never known it were to compose anew Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn, he would be an 'author,' and, if he copyrighted it, others might not copy that poem, though they might of course copy Keats's."
Finally, copyright protection is only given to "expressions" and not abstract ideas or facts. This distinction, however, is not always clear. On the one hand the law doesn't want to protect only the exact words of a work, allowing a plagiarist to get away with copying by making minor changes. On the other hand, it doesn't want to protect broad themes or plots or generic characters because to do so would limit the ability of future authors to create their works. Judges have to decide close calls on a case by case basis. Generally, the more specific or original the creation, the better the chance that it will get copyright protection.
Usually the creator of the work owns the copyright.
However when the creator is an employee working within the scope of his or her employment, the work is considered a "work for hire" and the employer gets the copyright. Courts use several factors to determine whether a given work is a work for hire. See CCNV v. Reid.
Occasionally, more than one person will contribute to the creation of a work. If the contributions have been merged into an interdependent whole, each contribution is separately copyrightable, and the parties intend to be co-authors, the work will be considered a "joint work." All authors of a joint work are full owners of the copyright and can exercise the exclusive rights of copyright holders (see below).
Copyright Rights
Copyright protection gives the copyright holder these exclusive rights:
Fair Use
Copyright law includes a built in defense for socially beneficial uses of works which would otherwise be copyright infringement. The statute specifically names criticism, reporting, scholarship, research, and teaching as 'fair uses' which do not constitute infringement.
Courts determine whether a use is "fair use" on a case by case basis by applying four factors:
Some generalizations