Crowdsourcing & Work Quality
- Definition: Although crowdsourcing can have many meanings, we define it here to mean breaking down large tasks into small ones that can be performed asynchronously.
- The Best Practices for crowdwork, developed last year and reposted on Class 3, classify crowdwork three ways:
First, a large group of workers may do microtasks to complete a whole project; the best-known platform in this arena is Amazon Mechanical Turk. Second, companies may use cloudwork platforms to connect with individual workers, or a small group of workers, who then complete larger jobs (e.g., Elance and oDesk). Finally, a company may run “contests,” where numerous workers complete a task and only the speediest or best worker is paid (e.g., InnoCentive and Worth1000). In some contests, the company commits to picking at least one winner; in others, there is no such guarantee.
- For a quick overview by author Jeff Howe, author of Crowdsourcing,[1] take a look at this YouTube clip.[2]
We are focusing on the quality of crowdsourced work.
1. How do concerns of reputation and identity play into crowdsourced work quality?
- tasks where want rep known, others not known
- phone card/coupon system
- Verification of workers is becoming a problem (can access the linked article through Harvard Library).[3]
2. Can we ensure work quality using (semi)automated mechanisms?
- Some have attempted to use crowdsourcing to ensure quality on crowsourced tasks using cheat detection mechanisms.[4] This can be done for both routine and complex tasks.
3. Can we enhance work quality using a targeting system
- Amazon rec, ebay sytle, MT?, differentiate tasks?