2007 Malware Report
Malware Report: The Economic Impact of Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Botnets, and Other Malicious Code
Full Citation
Computer Economics, Inc. (2007): 2007 Malware Report. The Economic Impact of Viruses, Spyware, Adware, Botnets, and Other Malicious Code. Purchase
Issues: Economics of Cybersecurity, Industry Reports
Key Words
This report is based on a survey of IT security professionals and IT executives worldwide. It reports on the seriousness and overall change in the malware threat level by type (destructive virus attacks, spyware attacks, adware attacks, botnet code infections, and hacker tool infections). For each type of malicious code attack, it provides statistics for remediation cost, user hours lost, system downtime, and total cost damages. It then summarizes the annual damages by organization size, and provides historical estimates the total economic impact of malware by year for the period of 1997-2006. Analysis of the top ten malware entities in 2006 is also provided.
Additional Notes and Highlights
Table of Contents
Executive Summary Types of Malware Categories of Malware Damages Major Findings Additional Information About This Study The Scope and Economic Impact of Malware Attacks The Seriousness of Malware Threats Changes in Malware Threat Levels in the Past 12 Months Challenges in Estimating Malware Damages Frequency and Economic Impact of Malware Attacks by Organization Vectors for Malware Infections Analysis of Malware Events by Type Destructive Viruses Spyware Adware Hacker Tools Botnets Economic Impact of Malware Events by Type Worldwide Impact of Malware Events Malware Cost Damages Worldwide 1997-2006 Top Ten Malware Events in 2006 Financial Impact of Leading Malware Attacks by Year Top Ten All-Time Most Costly Malware Attacks Profiles of the Top Ten Malware Entities of 2006 Mytob Sdbot Netsky Sober Nyxem Zafi Bagle Warezov Lovgate Mydoom Demographics