Usability/Human Factors

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TOC-> Issues->Usability/Human Factors

Computing Research Association (2003) Four Grand Challenges in Trustworthy Computing

Moore, Tyler and Clayton, Richard (2007) Examining the Impact of Website Take-down on Phishing

Author 1 Author 2 Year Title Source Expertise Full Text
National Cyber Security Summit Task Force 2004 Information Security Governance Government Report Moderate:Executive Administration Pdf
Schneier, Bruce 2003 Beyond Fear Book None Scribd
Schneier, Bruce 2008 Schneier on Security Book None Purchase
United States Secret Service 2004 Insider Threat Study Government Report None Pdf
White House 2009 Cyberspace Policy Review Government Report None Pdf
Zittrain, Jonathan L. 2008 The Future of the Internet and How To Stop It Book None Pdf
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