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* Reduce national vulnerability to cyber attacks; and
* Reduce national vulnerability to cyber attacks; and
* Minimize damage and recovery time from cyber attacks that do occur.
* Minimize damage and recovery time from cyber attacks that do occur.
===Threat and Vulnerability===
Our economy and national security are fully
dependent upon information technology and
the information infrastructure. At the core of
the information infrastructure upon which we
depend is the Internet, a system originally
designed to share unclassified research among
scientists who were assumed to be uninterested
in abusing the network. It is that same Internet
that today connects millions of other computer
networks making most of the nation’s essential
services and infrastructures work. These
computer networks also control physical objects
such as electrical transformers, trains, pipeline
pumps, chemical vats, radars, and stock
markets, all of which exist beyond cyberspace.

A spectrum of malicious actors can and do
The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
conduct attacks against our critical information
articulates five national priorities including:
infrastructures. Of primary concern is the threat
of organized cyber attacks capable of causing
debilitating disruption to our Nation’s critical
infrastructures, economy, or national security.
The required technical sophistication to carry
out such an attack is high—and partially
explains the lack of a debilitating attack to date.
We should not, however, be too sanguine. There
have been instances where organized attackers
have exploited vulnerabilities that may be
indicative of more destructive capabilities.

Uncertainties exist as to the intent and full
#A National Cyberspace Security Response System;
technical capabilities of several observed
#A National Cyberspace Security Threat and Vulnerability Reduction Program;
attacks. Enhanced cyber threat analysis is
#A National Cyberspace Security Awareness and Training Program;
needed to address long-term trends related to
#Securing Governments’ Cyberspace; and
threats and vulnerabilities.What is known is
#National Security and International Cyberspace Security Cooperation.
that the attack tools and methodologies are
becoming widely available, and the technical
capability and sophistication of users bent on
causing havoc or disruption is improving.
In peacetime America’s enemies may conduct
espionage on our Government, university
research centers, and private companies. They
may also seek to prepare for cyber strikes during
a confrontation by mapping U.S. information
systems, identifying key targets, and lacing our
infrastructure with back doors and other means
of access. In wartime or crisis, adversaries may
seek to intimidate the Nation’s political leaders
by attacking critical infrastructures and key
economic functions or eroding public confidence
in information systems.

Cyber attacks on United States information
The first priority focuses on improving our
networks can have serious consequences such as
response to cyber incidents and reducing the
disrupting critical operations, causing loss of
potential damage from such events. The second,
revenue and intellectual property, or loss of life.
third, and fourth priorities aim to reduce threats
Countering such attacks requires the development
from, and our vulnerabilities to, cyber attacks.
of robust capabilities where they do not
The fifth priority is to prevent cyber attacks
exist today if we are to reduce vulnerabilities
that could impact national security assets and to
and deter those with the capabilities and intent
improve the international management of and
to harm our critical infrastructures.
response to such attacks.

===The Government Role in Securing Cyberspace===
===Priority I: A National Cyberspace Security Response System===
In general, the private sector is best equipped
Rapid identification, information exchange, and
and structured to respond to an evolving cyber
remediation can often mitigate the damage
threat. There are specific instances, however,
caused by malicious cyberspace activity. For
where federal government response is most
those activities to be effective at a national level,
appropriate and justified. Looking inward,
the United States needs a partnership between
providing continuity of government requires
government and industry to perform analyses,
ensuring the safety of its own cyber infrastructure
issue warnings, and coordinate response efforts.
and those assets required for
Privacy and civil liberties must be protected in
supporting its essential missions and services.
the process. Because no cybersecurity plan can
Externally, a government role in cybersecurity is
be impervious to concerted and intelligent
warranted in cases where high transaction costs
attack, information systems must be able to
or legal barriers lead to significant coordination
operate while under attack and have the
problems; cases in which governments operate
resilience to restore full operations quickly.
in the absence of private sector forces;
resolution of incentive problems that lead to
under provisioning of critical shared resources;
and raising awareness.

Public-private engagement is a key component
of our Strategy to secure cyberspace. This is
true for several reasons. Public-private partnerships
can usefully confront coordination
problems. They can significantly enhance
information exchange and cooperation.
Public-private engagement will take a variety
of forms and will address awareness, training,
technological improvements, vulnerability
remediation, and recovery operations.
A federal role in these and other cases is only
justified when the benefits of intervention
outweigh the associated costs. This standard is
especially important in cases where there are
viable private sector solutions for addressing any
potential threat or vulnerability. For each case,consideration should be given to the broadbased
costs and impacts of a given government
action, versus other alternative actions, versus
non-action, taking into account any existing or
future private solutions.
Federal actions to secure cyberspace are
warranted for purposes including: forensics and
attack attribution, protection of networks and
systems critical to national security, indications
and warnings, and protection against organized
attacks capable of inflicting debilitating damage
to the economy. Federal activities should also
support research and technology development
that will enable the private sector to better
secure privately-owned portions of the Nation’s
critical infrastructure.

==Additional Notes and Highlights==
==Additional Notes and Highlights==

Revision as of 15:30, 8 September 2010

Full Title of Reference

The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace

Full Citation

Executive Office of the President of the U.S., The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (2003). Online Paper. Web

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Strategic Objectives

Consistent with the National Strategy for Homeland Security, the strategic objectives of this National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace are to:

  • Prevent cyber attacks against America’s critical infrastructures;
  • Reduce national vulnerability to cyber attacks; and
  • Minimize damage and recovery time from cyber attacks that do occur.

The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace articulates five national priorities including:

  1. A National Cyberspace Security Response System;
  2. A National Cyberspace Security Threat and Vulnerability Reduction Program;
  3. A National Cyberspace Security Awareness and Training Program;
  4. Securing Governments’ Cyberspace; and
  5. National Security and International Cyberspace Security Cooperation.

The first priority focuses on improving our response to cyber incidents and reducing the potential damage from such events. The second, third, and fourth priorities aim to reduce threats from, and our vulnerabilities to, cyber attacks. The fifth priority is to prevent cyber attacks that could impact national security assets and to improve the international management of and response to such attacks.

Priority I: A National Cyberspace Security Response System

Rapid identification, information exchange, and remediation can often mitigate the damage caused by malicious cyberspace activity. For those activities to be effective at a national level, the United States needs a partnership between government and industry to perform analyses, issue warnings, and coordinate response efforts. Privacy and civil liberties must be protected in the process. Because no cybersecurity plan can be impervious to concerted and intelligent attack, information systems must be able to operate while under attack and have the resilience to restore full operations quickly.

Additional Notes and Highlights