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From EdX Copyright Online Course
Revision as of 12:02, 1 July 2008 by Avalle (talk | contribs)
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Copyright is a project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and eIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries, a consortium of libraries from 50 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe) developing a distance learning curriculum on copyright targeted to librarians. The course is available in online and offline formats, and its content is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution licence, encouraging communities to re-use, translate and build upon this Open Educational Resource. In this course we will be discussing ..... (Melanie and Carol) This course's goals are: To develop greater understanding of copyright by librarians providing a course by copyright training tailored to the needs of librarians in developing and transition countries; To support librarians' mission (participation to the access to knowledge movement); To help librarians to answer copyright questions they face during their work; To help librarians to answer users questions on their rights (professors, students, general public); To empower librarians to advise governments and other public policy makers and initiatives towards balanced copyright law.

Useful links

Educators and Institutions: how to implement this course

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