Notes on the Paper Outline
Need to develop History & Revolutionary Technical Advances sections
Need to develop Gene Association studies -> IP
SACGHS vs PCAST reports: The SACGHS report identified three principal justifications for patents. They provide an incentive to invent, disclose, and invest. The report then analyzed the success of each of the justifications. We should include that in the paper.
"In the past decade, the cost of reading and writing DNA has dropped a million-fold, outstripping even Moore’s law for exponentially increasing computer power." - George Church,
The Bayh-Dole section has several subsections that relate to the development pipeline for GDx. The production and use gene association studies is missing, though. We should reorganize some of this into a new section describing the archetypal development of a couple of genetic diagnostics, starting with association studies (or earlier?).
IP Literature Overview
Literature Claiming Gene Patents are Harmful
Literature Demonstrating Gene Patents are Harmful
Literature Claiming Gene Patents are Helpful
Literature Demonstrating Gene Patents are Helpful
Improve the overview of the field
- incorporate definition of GDx from the blog post:
- incorporate the list of personal genomics providers
- explore the companies from Misha's reference; add them?
- explore companies listed in Kalorama 2009 Report