User:Mac/Weekly Tasks and Results

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week of 09/28/2009


  • Read Market Economy + Scientific Commons paper; consider it as a pattern for our own report
  • Create chart of diagnostics (PGx, Diagnostic, Prognostic*)
    • ID type of patent claim, patent #, genetic location or biomarker involved, disease / drug targeted
  • Add Biomarker to the Glossary
  • Add IVDMIA to the Glossary
  • Write a couple of paragraphs on why standards may be important to biomarker & IVDMIA development; are they being protected with Trade Secrets?
  • Add vocab from Andrew Torrance's Patenting People to the Glossary
  • Identify who holds the most patents on genetic diagnostic products (top 3?)
  • Read Carol's Bayh-Doyle info (what is it?)
  • explore possibility of cross-reference genetests database w/ DNA Patents database
  • Meet with ICP team to standardize bibliography norms
  • Research activity around FDA Draft Guidance for IVDMIA regulation


  • Contact John Wilbanks about introduction to Georgetown/Duke DNA Patents database team

week of 09/28/2009

  • Found & started to read IVDMIA & SACGHS literature
  • Read Andrew Torrance's Patenting People paper

week of 09/21/2009

  • Finished September report w/ Andrew
  • learned a lot about * ASRs
  • bibwiki installed
  • task: create chart of diagnostics we might study

week of 09/14/2009

  • finished glossary v.1
  • met with TechHelp concerning bibwiki
  • read papers

week of 09/7/2009

  • note: I spent mon-wed in California at an IFTF workshop
  • task: finish Diagnostic Kits Glossary (v.1 at least)
    • status: 1/2 way done
  • task: improve wiki organization
    • reorganize User "profiles" to be on User page
      • status: done. Moved user profile pages to proper place in User: namespace
    • Move Diagnostic Kit Bibliography excerpts to individual pages linked from each particular citation
      • status: Andrew did his, I just need to do mine.
    • enable subpages in all namespaces ("breadcrumbs")
      • status: pending- submitted request to techhelp.