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David O'Brien -- ICP Research Assistant


J.D., 2009
Massachusetts Bar, admitted 2009

David is an IP attorney and Research Assistant at Berkman. He joined the Industrial Cooperation Project in April 2010 and currently contributes research and writing efforts to the Diagnostic Kits and Case Law Review sections of the project. In addition to ICP, David also contributes to the Citizen Media Law Project, Law Lab, and Global Network Initiative projects at Berkman.

Prior to joining Berkman in September 2009, David held a number of legal positions for Boston-based organizations during law school, including: Fish & Richardson, P.C., Inverness Medical Innovations, and the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. Beyond his work at Berkman, David spends much of his free time pursuing his passion for computers and technology, blogging and podcasting about current cyberlaw and IP issues, and, when time allows, running, cycling, and hiking in the Boston area.Co-Founder, Technically Legal Blog].



Working ICP Pages

Diagnostic Kits [Diagnostic_Kits/Case_Law_Review|Case Law Review]]


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