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18 Jan 2010


  • track down a ton of papers from the bibliographies of Legal uncertainty in the area of genetic diagnostic testing and Genome patents and personalized medicine - what lies ahead?
    • add the above to the bibliography
  • read chapter 20, Gene patents: from discovery to invention from Gene Patents and Collaborative Licensing Models
    • add the above to the bibliography
  • read a bunch of other papers I printed
  • compress the findings of the SACGHS report and some of our research into a simple executive summary.

11 Jan 2010


2 Dec 2009 TODO


  • add GDx / PGx from SACGHS appendix and PGx paper to the case studies (~15?)
    • Add OTC genetic tests to the list
    • move to no.2, overall picture of kits
  • write 1 paragraph / section of paper outline
  • centralize answers to "do patents harm researchers?"
  • complete field definition - 1st draft
    • complete data, narratives, tools defn, build off of Ford report section
      • get basic market stats / picture (just GDx) - partial; just national ref labs

Duke team, Luigi interview

  • come up w/ questions
  • position on IVDMIAs
  • use interview framework from EM

Identify people to ask about IVDMIA tests

  • look at federal docket of comments in response to draft guideline
  • ask the 5 OTC companies in interview