AC Weekly tasks and results

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From 02/19/2009 - 02/25/2009

  • Complete personal page at the teamspace - with contact information and this list of tasks
    • Results: completed
  • Comment on Cooperation Blog entry
    • Results: completed [[1]]
      • Carol feedback-Thank you
  • Look at peer production list to see if we can utilize their research to help our research - mainly to identify Cases that we will go deeper later - list cases, write link and a paragraph - submit them to Carol and decide with her which ones are relevant for later "dive"
    • Results: completed Commons_based_cases_in_AE
      • Carol feedback- Thank you. But where is the link with the results? Please, insert it here.
        • Response to Carol feedback-link to results has been added
  • Organize links (the ones Carol sent) in the our wiki under Alt. Energy section
    • Results: completed (see: Links_in_AE)
      • Carol feedback- Thank you. Just a tip about the wiki...when you create pages, always insert in the title of the page the letters AE (for Alternative Energy), links would be "Links in AE"...otherwise pages from other areas will be mixed or deleted...since the wiki always look for internal links.
        • Response to Carol feedback-links to AE formatting has been corrected
  • Make an initial list of relevant bibliography for field study and insert under resources/bibliography - submit them to Carol and decide with her which ones are relevant and need to be summarized in
  • Develop a technocratic search to find relevant blogs to watch and list them
    • Results: completed (see: Blogs_to_watch_in_AE)
      • Carol feedback- Thank you. Same observation...insert "AE" in the name of every page you create. Now, to fix the old pages, you cannot just change the names. You will have to copy the content, change the name, and put the content back...If you just change the name you will lost the initial page. (we can talk by phone, so I can help you with this).
        • Response to Carol feedback-links to AE formatting has been corrected
  • Add possible candidate for interviews
    • Results: completed (see: Jeremy_M._Firestone)
      • Carol feedback- Keep adding names that you identify in the bibliography and other sources...People that would be interesting to talk to.
  • Give first feedback of accomplishments until Monday (02/23) and second until Wednesday (02/25)
    • Results: completed
      • Carol feedback- Thank you.

From 02/26/2009 - 03/04/2009

  • Weekly Reading: David, Paul A., 1993, Intellectual property institutions and the panda's thumb: patents, copyrights, and trade secrets in economic theory and history, in: M. Wallerstein, M. Mogee and R. Schoen (eds.), Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Protection in Science and Technology, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C
    • Results: completed
      • Carol feedback- The weekly reading I sent are just suggestions of complementary reading to keep all RAs in the same level.
  • Wiki - maintenance
    • Migrate any transitional data to the new wiki and check data integrity of transferred information. Communicate with Brendan about any wiki issues.
      • Results: completed
        • Carol feedback- Correct links, by adding "AE" in the names of the page you create.
        • Response to Carol feedback-links to AE formatting has been corrected
    • Add links from my personal page to my completed tasks
      • Results: completed
        • Carol feedback-some still do not have the links. Check.
    • Add links back to the main page on the links I create
      • Results: completed
        • Carol feedback-We will check that later, when we develop a site map....since now it is hard to go back just one or two pages....If you have some time, you can start generating the site map of your field.
        • Response to Carol feedback-I think we will need to discuss the site map creation. I'm not sure how this is done.
    • Review materials posted my team members to follow up with the team working pace
      • Results: in progress
        • Carol feedback-This is an ongoing process, so we maintain the wiki in a uniform format.
  • Field research
      • Carol feedback- My general observation is that you keep developing this under the pages created for each item of the [Field Methodology structure]
        • Response to Carol feedback-Material that was previously separated from the field methodology has now been inserted below the questions as background information useful for answering the questions.
    • Base research on the [Field Methodology structure]
    • Focus on developing bibliographic materials and organize then by area and based on the [Field Methodology structure]
    • Create a list of leading players in wind, solar, tidal (companies, universities, etc)
    • Profile leading companies in wind, solar, tidal (see: IP_Profile_of_Biggest_for-profit_companies_in_AE)
      • Look at their projects and sub-entities and classify the work as using a proprietary or commons based model. Why are these strategies chosen?
        • Results: dependent on previous step still in progress
      • Classify what is being produced (products, services, information, etc)
        • Results: dependent on previous step still in progress
      • Prioritize existing case definitions
    • Alternative Energy Definition (long term task)
      • Expand the field definition and increase the complexity of the sub categories to reflect the work that is being done in the biotech part of the wiki. Use [Field Methodology structure] to help address this task.
    • Add candidate for interview
    • Created new "Policy" subheading on the Links_in_AE page and added 3 new entries under it.
      • Results: completed
        • Carol feedback- Thank you. Keep doing research on this.

From 03/05/2009 - 03/23/2009

  • Weekly Reading: 4 Chapters on Intellectual Property theory and concepts
    • Results: completed
      • Carol feedback: Already?! Wow!
  • Focus on Field Research as explained by phone and keep developing related tasks above.
    • Results: In progress
  • Correct links, by inserting "AE" in all names of the pages you've created and that you will create
    • Results: completed
  • Investigate the following possible cases:
    • The Open Science Grid:
      • Results: completed review and no link to current alternative energy research could be found. It is clearly an important research tool so I will continue to monitor its usage.
  • Add "special case studies in AE":
  • Weekly Reading: Sequential Innovation, Patents, and Imitation, by James Bessen and Eric Maskin, Discussion paper, MIT (2000), forthcoming in The RAND Journal of Economics
    • Results: completed

From 03/23/2009 to 03/28/2009

  • Focus research on items 6-9-10 of the Study of the AE Field. As explained by phone, our focus is to find relevant information to complete the IP profile of the main entities that are the constituencies of the AE field, and how this evolve in time towards openness or closeness. Any additional investigation or case need to be seen in this framework. As explained, the main objective is to map these entities in our mapping device (the quadrant that portraits participation and regulation). Thus, by understanding how entities treat their knowledge outputs (data, narratives and tools), what are the business models that emerged and how/why they evolve, we will understand "who", "what", "where", "how" and "why" questions. The Field Research Methodology provides the structure to find this kind of information and help us to structure our findings.
    • Results: in progress
      • Working on for-profit company profilesIP_Profile_of_Biggest_for-profit_companies_in_AE.
        • Completed wind industry for-profit profile
        • Completed filling in wind company data, narrative, tools structure
        • Started work on Solar company data, narrative, tools structure
      • Carol feedback-
  • Sub-tasks: redistribute bibliography under the Links in AE under the Bibliographies Addressing Research Outline
    • Results: in progess
      • Carol feedback-
  • Present to Carol what are representative cases from the field and who is "behind" the cases. This will allow us to chose emblematic cases that we will write papers about later on.
  • Additional Readings

From 03/28/2009 to 4/3/2009

From 04/4/2009 to 4/10/2009

From 04/11/2009 to 4/17/2009

  • CONTINUE Find more information on their business model (company by company)
    • How big is their market share?
    • Identify if they do R&D inside
    • Who are their R&D partners?
      • Results:In progress
  • Ongoing Reading
    • The Architecture of Markets By Neil Fligstein
    • Review summary of first 2 chapters of "The Architecture of Markets"
      • Results:Completed (Key Points: (1)"Technological change has impacts on social structures only when that that social organization considers that technology relevant" (2) "any new crises is interpreted from the current dominant perspective”)
  • Review Resources Sent Via Email
  • Update "Field Definition" by Friday to better the approach taken by Michael
    • Result: Completed by Carol [2]
  • Add patent technologies data to Data, narratives and tools produced by the AE field page (try to make it resemble Biotech)
  • Small "report" for our meeting with Yochai
    • Content: what we've been doing, what are the challenges we are facing and what are the next steps
    • Format: outline format is fine
    • Length: 2 pages max
    • Due: Friday 10 am at the latest
  • Friday Meetings at the Berkman Center
    • 10AM RA meeting
    • 3PM Meeting with Yochai Benkler
      • Status: Completed

From 04/18/2009 to 4/24/2009

  • Add Yochai Feedback to report
  • Call with Carol and Silas
    • Objective: to define next specific steps and how the conversation with Yochai impact in our priorities in the AE research.
      • Status: Completed
  • Transform Field Definition into a narrative introduction
  • Research Country Profiles
  • Under Innovations in Wind, Solar and Tidal focus on Wind Policy in the US
    • where in the wind industry is innovation happening? and why? by whom?
      • Status: In Progress [3]
  • Email wind experts for interviews (Copy Carol)
    • Use template email
    • Also ask for bibliographic suggestions
      • Status: Sent Email, Waiting for reply Interviews
        • Thomas Ackerman responded and I am setting up a phone interview for May 5th or 6th
        • Jeremy Firestone responded but does not feel that he can add to our research due to his lack of IP experience. We may want to contact him in the future with regulation and policy questions.

From 04/26/2009 to 5/3/2009

5/4/2009 to 5/10/2009

  • follow up email to Thomas and ask for GE updates
  • organize and clean the wiki, including bibliography (priorities: after activities 3 and 4)
  • review what we wrote in the wiki to check for grammar issues...and to check if the text we have there make sense (feel free to improve any part) (priorities: after activities 3 and 4)
  • prepare the MAY REPORT: DEADLINE: MAY 20 - You can follow the template and style of the April Report.
  • a 4-5 pages paper given a overview of your area of study (in a executive summary style). By this I mean, your vertical area. SILAS AND ANDREW ON ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, ERHARTD ON EM, BRENDAN ON BIOTECH AND MICHAEL ON TELECOM. Something like an executive summary with our findings until the moment and possible new research questions for the future. DEADLINE: MAY 18
  • clean up links in AE

From 08/5/2009 to 8/12/2009

  • Develop Bibliography Biotechnology_-_Genomic_and_Proteomics#Special_Cases_in_BGP on:
    • Vaccines
    • Diagnostic Testing Kits
    • Algae for Energy
    • Bacterias for Energy
  • Find:
    • News
    • Scholarly articles
    • Other bibliographies
  • Create:
    • Diagnostic related to technologies
    • A proposal for which one to choose
  • Meet on Friday:
    • Friday morning meeting to discuss results

From 08/12/2009 to 8/19/2009

  • Organize research outline and insert in wiki
    • Put parts of the outline into sustainability
      • Results: completed
  • Investigate articles for access at Harvard library
    • Results: completed
  • Look at DNA database [4]
    • Results: completed
  • Read Biotech report
  • Focus on Kits [5] and secondarily on Bacteria [6]
  • Look for potential interviews
  • Focus on building innovation time lines to show how the inputs and outputs interact.

From 08/20/2009 to 8/26/2009

  • Find MIT researcher to interview about bacteria (investigate MIT Center for Sustainable Energy Systems)
    • Potential candidates (MIT Energy Facilty:
      • Chemistry Professor Catherine Drennan (studies the way bacteria found in hot springs naturally absorb CO2 and CO)
      • Chemical engineer Kritala Jones Prather (petroleum-replacement) developing bacteria that can produce butanol and pentanol biofuels when combined with agricultural feedstocks. [[7]]
      • Chemical engineer Gregory Stephanopoulos (petroleum-replacement) working to increase the bacteria’s tolerance to toxicity found in feedstocks and in the byproducts of the fuel production process. [[8]]
    • Other Potential Interviews
  • Lebônê Solutions, (Harvard spinoff) seeking to develop microbial fuel cells targeted at African villages that are off the electricity grid and need small amounts of power to charge lamps or cell phones. [[9]] see also company site:
  • Creators of MIT Parts Registry:
  • Begin literature review of Kit bibliography
    • Suggested Outline Form
      • Problems
      • Discussion
      • Policy
      • Solutions

From 09/26/2009 to 10/2/2009

  • Work on expanding Trade Secret
    • Added Microbiological Research Corp. v. Muna, 625 P.2d 690, 700 (Utah 1981). A case involving a medical diagnostic kit manufacturer against a former microbiologist employee
    • Added "reverse-engineered" information from article, 13 ALBLJST 145,149
  • Work on judicial decisions involving genetic testing (use USPQ)
    • highlighted the the machine or transformation of nature test
    • Added these cases:
      • Lab. Corp. of Am. Holdings v. Metabolite Labs., Inc., 370 F.3d 1354 (2004)
      • In re Fisher, 421 F.3d 1365, 1371 (Fed.Cir. 2005)
      • In re Bilski, 545 F.3d 943 (C.A.Fed.,2008.)
      • Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. v. Mayo Collaborative Services 2009 WL 2950232 C.A.Fed. (Cal.,2009) (decided September 16, 2009)
  • Create a list of top universities
    • Added a list with graphics from the Pressman article
  • Read Andrew Torrance's paper
    • Status: complete
  • Added weekly reading highlights section

From 10/3/2009 to 10/9/2009

  • Contact Andrew Torrance about (Prometheus Laboratories, Inc. v. Mayo Collaborative Services) and CC Carol and Mac
  • Begin long term Case Law Review
    • focus specifically on genetic DIAG kits
  • Help Mac read the Appendix [[10]]
  • Read "The market economy, and the scientific commons" by Richard R. Nelson
    • Status: in progress
  • Add tasks and completion to profile page
    • Status: complete

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