Alternative Energy/Give an overall picture of the AE field: Difference between revisions

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*The users of the technology are the utilities, the developers, the communities, and the indivduals who purchase the technology.
*The users of the technology are the utilities, the developers, the communities, and the indivduals who purchase the technology.

===Electricity produced by Alternative Energy Technologies===
'''Electricity produced by Alternative Energy Technologies'''

==== *What is the structure of power from the production side and what is the structure of power in the demand side? E.g., who has the power to control production and demand? How is the control distributed? ====
==== *What is the structure of power from the production side and what is the structure of power in the demand side? E.g., who has the power to control production and demand? How is the control distributed? ====

Revision as of 14:12, 16 April 2009

Answer the questions:

Give an overall picture of the field.

*How was this field born and how is it evolving?

Energy History

  • The sun is the origin of most renewable energy (Sorenson 1991, 8)
  • Sunlight has historically been used for warmth and water heating
  • Biomass is plant matter that has stored energy from photosynthesis. It is burned for energy - heat, steam to run a turbine.
  • Sunlight warms the earth in some areas more than others, as atmosphere warms and warm air rises, cool air moves in to fill its place creating the wind which powers wind turbines.
  • Hydropower is a result of the force of gravity causing water to flow downhill. Moving water exerts its force of energy, on objects it comes in contact with, like the blades of a turbine.
  • Ocean tides, the energy for tidal energy technology, is a result of the tidal forces acting on the earth from the sun and moon. [[1]]
  • Renewable energy technologies harness the energy in the sunlight, wind, ocean, rivers, and plant matter, and turn it into electricity.

Technology History


  • Solar furnaces were developed in the eighteenth century, which led to temperatures high enough to create steam for running an turbine to an electrical generator.(Sorenson 1991, 8)
  • 1839 - The photovoltaic effect was discovered by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel (Sorenson 1991, 9)
  • 1953 - Scientists at Bell Laboratories discover the photovoltaic (PV) properties of silicon, and start R&D on the first silicon solar PV panel (Perlin 2004, 616)
  • 1955 - US government contracts Bell Labs to develop PV panels for the space program. First steps toward creating high efficiency panels. (Perlin 2004, 617)
  • 1969 - Elliot Berman, a chemist, receives venture capital funds from Exxon to develop a commercially affordable PV panel and through engineering with cheap materials, drops panel prices from $200/Watt to $20/Watt. (Perlin 2004, 617)
  • 1970's - Solar PV market expands to commercial use for remote location energy needs: electronics on oil rigs, train track signals, remote farms and solar telephones in Australia. (Perlin 2004, 617-619)


  • Evidence of windmills has been found in India from 2500 years ago(Sorenson 1991, 8)
  • 1887 - James Blythe builds first electricity generating wind turbine in Scotland[[2]]
  • 1887 - 1888 - Charles Brush builds another electricity generating wind turbine in Cleveland, Ohio. [[3]]
  • 1930’s - US wind turbines were used to generate electricity on farms that were not tied the electrical grid. Turbines built and produced by private companies. [[4]]
  • 1970’s and 1980’s - US Government (NASA) received funding from the National Science Foundation, and later the Department of Energy to work with industry to create commercially viable wind turbines at the Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. [[5]]
  • PURPA (see policy history below) led to huge growth in the wind industry, contributing to economies of scale.

more to come

US Policy History

"Another, equally important problem is the deep politicization of energy policy in the United States. For decades, the environmental wing of American politics, now tied to the political left, has urged subsidies to renewable energy — specifically to sun and wind, with notable neglect of geothermal energy. The right has been no less enthusiastic in its support of subsidies to oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy. The coal and oil industries, moreover, are protected by the congressional delegations in key states where they provide employment. Reflecting these pressures, plus a long regulatory history, the role of the government in the energy sector has long been intense and interventionist. Despite growing geopolitical and climate realities, a balanced, technology-neutral approach to energy policy has not been attempted by either political party. Today, a coherent approach to energy technology policy is still missing from the legislative policy debate in the U.S. Congress; each technology, new and old, seeks its own separate legislative deal for federal backing." (Weiss and Bonvillian 2009)

  • 1970 Oil Embargo raised US interest in alternative energies for energy/economic security and resource and environmental sustainability. (Carlin 2004, 347)
  • Before 1970, hydropower was the predominant alternative energy in the US.
  • After 1995 hydropower production stagnated due to lack of available water.
  • Hydro facilities still account for the majority of alternative energy production in the US, but there has been very little growth in hydropower capacity or production since 1995.
  • Alternative energy plants such as wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and tidal cost more than coal and natural gas power plants.
  • Since the 1970's the US has used government run subsidy programs to give these technologies a competitive advantage in the US market.

US Renewable Energy Policies

  • The Public Utilities and Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA) was the first US policy that gave alternative energy a competitive advantage(Carlin 2004, 351):
    • Required Utilities to buy energy from alternative energy producers
    • Paid premium prices for each kilowatt hour of electricity produced
    • Guaranteed the prices for the entirety of 20 year contracts
    • Act was ultimately unpopular because:
    1. The high prices created windfall profits for alternative energy producers
    2. PURPA contracts were paid for by the electric utility, raising the price of electricity for all consumers
  • After PURPAs initial, but brief, success, there was stagnation in US alternative energy development until 1997 caused by:
    • Electric power sector restructuring
    • repeal of federal and state incentives
    • sharply lower natural gas prices - making new natural gas plants more financially appealing
  • In 1997 a new era of alternative energy policies began, which has helped to grow the alternative energy sector in the US.
  • The most important of these policies are:
    1. Sets state goals for renewable energy (RE) generation in a %RE of total state electricity generation by a particular year (2020 for instance)
    2. Requires all state electric utilities to reach same level of RE generation and uses tradable credit market to drive process
    3. Credits are proof that one MWh (megawatt hour) of renewable energy has been produced and fed into the electricity grid.
    4. Utilities will decide to generate RE, buy RE from another retailer or buy the tradable credits to comply with RPS policy.
    5. Compliance measured by a state regulatory office which verifies that each electric utility holds the proper # of tradable credits by the end of the year.
    6. If utility generates 200,000 MWh per year, and the RPS goal is 10%, the utility must present 20,000 credits at the end of the year to show compliance.
    • The Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) [[7]]
    1. Provides a 30% tax credit for qualified renewable developments. Most importantly solar developments.
    • The Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit (PTC) [[8]]
    1. Provides a $0.01 - $0.02 payment per kWh for qualified renewable technologies. Most importantly, for wind energy.
    2. Recent change allows developers to opt instead for the 30% tax credit offered by the ITC.
    • U.S. Department of the Treasury Grant Program
    1. Recent Obama Administration addition which allows ITC or PTC eligible RE developments to opt for a grant equal to the 30% ITC tax credit in year 1 of the RE project.
    • Public Benefits Funds (PBFs) [[9]]
    1. State renewable energy offices collect a small surcharge on all consumer electricity bills to fund renewable energy programs for the public.
    2. PBFs can be used for public education on RE and energy efficiency, or for programs that help fund RE or energy efficiency projects

*What are the main business models?

coming soon

*What are the innovation dynamics in this field? (inputs/outputs, timing of innovation/ disruptive or incremental innovation?)

coming soon

*How does knowledge flow in this field?

coming soon

*Is this field replicating models from other fields?

coming soon

*How many companies?

coming soon

*How much money do they make or how much money do they “move” in the American economy?

coming soon

*How important is research from universities in this specific field?

coming soon

*How important is public funding in this field?

*How important is private funding / venture capital in this field?

  • private funding for R&D is most important for the less mature developing technologies like solar photovoltaic cells and tidal energy technology
  • private funding in wind technology is not focused so much on technology development as it is in marketing and growth.

*Are there any specific public policies (from agencies, federal or state policies) that give incentives for openness or enclosure?

  • The main public policies for renewable energy are:
    • Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS)(Chen 2009), 6
    1. Sets state goals for renewable energy (RE) generation in a %RE of total state electricity generation by a particular year (2020 for instance)
    2. Requires all state electric utilities to reach same level of RE generation and uses tradable credit market to drive process.
    3. Credits are proof that one MWh (megawatt hour) of renewable energy has been produced and fed into the electricity grid.
    4. Utilities will decide to generate RE, buy RE from another retailer or buy the tradable credits to comply with RPS policy.
    5. Compliance measured by a state regulatory office which verifies that each electric utility holds the proper # of tradable credits by the end of the year.
    6. If utility generates 200,000 MWh per year, and the RPS goal is 10%, the utility must present 20,000 credits at the end of the year to show compliance.
  • The Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) 7
    1. Provides a 30% tax credit for qualified renewable developments. Most importantly solar developments.
  • The Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit (PTC) 8
    1. Provides a $0.01 - $0.02 payment per kWh for qualified renewable technologies. Most importantly, for wind energy.
    2. Recent change allows developers to opt instead for the 30% tax credit offered by the ITC.
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury Grant Program
    1. Recent Obama Administration addition which allows ITC or PTC eligible RE developments to opt for a grant equal to the 30% ITC tax credit in year 1 of the RE project.
  • Public Benefits Funds (PBFs) 9
    1. State renewable energy offices collect a small surcharge on all consumer electricity bills to fund renewable energy programs for the public.
    2. PBFs can be used for public education on RE and energy efficiency, or for programs that help fund RE or energy efficiency projects
  • For R&D the funding to the Department of Energy laboratories listed under public funding, handle any policies that would designate open or closed practices with alternative energy technology.
  • Further research is required to determine how the above policies may incentivize openness or enclosure.

*What is the cost structure of the field?

  • The main issue for alternative energy generation is that it generally cost more than conventional sources of energy like coal, natural gas and nuclear generation.
  • The cost of electricity is generally measured by an average price per kilowatt hour ($/kWh) of electricity generation, or the "generation cost."
  • The generation cost of coal, natural gas and nuclear electricity is lower than alternative energies because the energy plant infrastructure and technology has been developed over a long period of time and the costs have come down due to the large economies of scale.
  • The captial expenditures and labor cost of new conventional energy plants are lower due to vast information diffusion and streamlined building processes.
  • Among the alternative energies we're studying, wind energy is the cheapest to develop because it is the most mature and most prevalent alternative energy worldwide (outside of hydropower).
  • Solar and tidal technologies are less mature and cost significantly more than wind to develop.
  • Solar can be divided into two classes of electricity production technology:
    • Solar photovoltaic panels - sun hitting certain materials will be converted directly into electricity - this technology is relatively mature, but very expensive still, and relies on public policies like the government subsidy programs listed above to encourage rapid and widespread adoption.
    • Concentrating solar power - concave mirrors concentrate sun's heat and energy on pipes or towers containing oil or molten salt which transfer heat to water through a heat exchanger making steam to drive a conventional turbine for electricity production - this technology is more mature though it still costs more than conventional energy due to the high capital expenditure costs of new plants. Also relies on government subsidies for market competitiveness.
  • Tidal energy is a new and very immature technology which has high costs and very little diffusion in the world market.
    • It is not targeted in government subsidy policies as much as wind and solar due to it's high cost and relative immaturity in the market.

*Who are the producers, the buyers, and the users?

Alternative Energy Technology

  • The producers of alternative energy technologies are universities, the government, for-profit companies, and non-profit companies.
  • The buyers of the technology are alternative energy plant developers, individuals, communities interested in co-op electricity production, and sometimes large electric utilities.
  • The users of the technology are the utilities, the developers, the communities, and the indivduals who purchase the technology.

Electricity produced by Alternative Energy Technologies

*What is the structure of power from the production side and what is the structure of power in the demand side? E.g., who has the power to control production and demand? How is the control distributed?

coming soon


Bibliography for Item 2 in AE
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