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* Authors: Carolina Rossini, Andrew Clearwater and Mackenzie Cowell
= Field Definition =
add in [[Diagnostic_Kits/Typology of Diagnostics|Typology of Diagnostics]]

==What are Genetic Diagnostics?==
===Introduction to Genetic and Genomic Diagnostics===

The field of Biotechnology is a critical US industry, by some estimates approaching 2% of the US GPD and growing 15% per year. Genetic and Genomic research represent a core focus of R&D in the biotechnology industry.  Over the last 40 years, improvements in sequencing technology have led to massive increases in test precision and overall throughput capacity. These advances have bolstered the breadth of genetic and genomic research, and have allowed these fields to transcend from mere laboratory concepts to a number of practical, real world applications.  
We're interested in studying genetic diagnostics (GDx). GDx are clinical diagnostics based on the analysis of human DNA to determine genotype and corresponding health states, such as disease diagnosis, prognosis, recurrence, and differential drug response. (see SACGHS Patent report, pg 5).

GDx are often classified as molecular diagnostics (or esoteric tests), a category of relatively novel diagnostics based on biochemistry developed over the last 30 years. Molecular diagnostics analyze molecular components of the body, such DNA, RNA, proteins, and some small molecules. Importantly, while other standard diagnostics, such as immunochemistry tests, may in fact be based on molecular techniques, the are generally not classified as molecular diagnostics. Molecular diagnostics typically test for rare or unusual health conditions and are more sophisticated or involve increased complexity and human involvement than routine tests, although molecular tests are becoming more routine.
Today, these research efforts have contributed clinical diagnostic methods of testing that are capable of providing information specific to the genetic characteristics of an individual. The logical core of diagnostics is the link between a health state, such as a disease or drug response, and particular genetic sequence (often a mutation therein). Once this link is clinically established, a test can readily be developed based on existing techniques.  Thus, the actual methods that are developed are not often based on new measurement or sampling techniques, but rather, newly discovered links between genotype and phenotype.

Molecular diagnostics are a kind of In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD). (Other classes of IVDs are General/Clinical chemistry, Immunochemistry, Hematology/Cytology, Microbiology/Infectious Disease, & Molecular, Genomic, Proteomic, & Metabolomics).
Through these tests a clinician can perceive a wealth of information, including an individual's disposition to develop complex diseases over time, such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, and diabetes, and allow the clinician to advise practical changes in lifestyle to minimize health future health risks or maximize preventative medical care.  In cases where disease may already be present, some tests are useful for determining more efficient methods of treatment that are specific to that individual.  The diagnostic tests range from single tests which evaluate a single gene and its affects to others, which are more comprehensive, and can evaluate samples on the genomic level, which are capable of analyzing multiple genetic factors.

=== [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary|Research Vocabulary]] ===
These tests represent valuable assets to the companies who develop them and bring them to market in the form of consumer product offerings. Currently, diagnostic tests are being marketed to the public in a three different ways: Laboratory Developed Test Services, In Vitro Diagnostic Kits, and Tests Sold Directly to Consumers. It should be no surprise that these companies seek robust legal protection for their investments through [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property intellectual property] ("IP") law. For instance, many companies obtain patents for their inventions that grant them a legal mechanism to exclude others from utilizing their research and development efforts. However, these protections occasionally affect research and development efforts of others in these fields negatively.
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#Analyte_Specific_Reagent_.28ASR.29|Analyte Specific Reagent (ASR)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#Analytical & Clinical Validity & Utility|Analytical & Clinical Validity & Utility]]
* [[Diagnostic Kits/Glossary#Clinical_Laboratory_Improvement_Amendments_.28CLIA.29|Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#Direct_Access_Testing_.28DAT.29|Direct Access Testing (DAT)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#Direct_to_Consumer_.28DTC.29|Dirct to Consumer (DTC)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#In-Vitro_Diagnostic_.28IVD.29|In-Vitro Diagnostic (IVD)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#In-Vitro Diagnostic Multivariate Index Assay (IVDMIA)| In-Vitro Diagnostic Multivariate Index Assay (IVDMIA)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#Pharmacogenetics & Pharmacogenomics (PGx)|Pharmacogenetics & Pharmacogenomics (PGx)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#PreMarket_Approval_.28PMA.29|PreMarket Approval (PMA)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary#PreMarket_Notification_510.28K.29|PreMarket Notification 510(K)]]
* [[Diagnostic Kits/Glossary#Reference_Lab|Reference Lab]]

==What's the market like?==
Emerging research in genetic and genomic diagnostics presents unique challenges for IP considerations.  Changes in laboratory research due to actual or anticipated patent or license enforcement could signal the failure of protections secured through intellectual property to spur the innovations such protections are intended to promote.  These issues are at the center of our research efforts under the [http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/node/4976 Industrial Cooperation Project] at the [http://cyber.law.harvard.edu Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society].  This research is part of a broader project being led by Professor [http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/ybenkler Yochai Benkler].  Through the research, we seek to understand the approaches to innovation with genetic diagnostic kits, and look specifically to the barriers to use and innovation.

Although market data is readily available for molecular / esoteric diagnostics, it usually is not broken into further sub-categories, making it difficult to find market information specifically for genetic tests.
==Defining Genetics and Genomics==
Occasionally, the terms "[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetics Genetics]" and "[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genomics Genomics]" are used interchangeably within the context of genetic testing. More specifically, both terms are sometimes used to refer to the testing of specific genes or the indexing of multiple tests of single genes.  '''Although we note there is a difference in these terms, we use these terms synonymously, except where specifically noted otherwise.'''

Currently there are genetic tests clinically available for over 1574 diseases according to genetests.org.
The difference between these terms is scientifically important because they refer to distinct concepts.  These terms are often confused because the distinctions between "genetic" and "genomic" diagnostics are rarely delineated well, if at all. Consequently, discussions of their market, innovation cycles and the impact of intellectual property in the emergence of open or closed arrangements of cooperation is less than precise.   
===The Distinctions Between Genetics and Genomics===
In simple terms, "Genetics" can be defined as the scientific study of single genes and their effects. Genes are units of heredity that carry the instructions for making proteins, which direct the activities of cells and functions of the body. Genetics is also term that refers to the study of genes and their role in inheritance - the way certain traits or conditions are passed down from one generation to another.  Genes influence traits such as hair and eye color as well as health and disease development. Genetics determines much, but not all, of a person's appearance and health status. Environmental factors also play a part. Many disorders of the human body, such as disease and illness, are linked to abnormal gene function.   For example, single gene disorders include cystic fibrosis and PKU (phenylketonuria).  For more examples, see [http://www.Genome.gov National Human Genome Research Institute] and [http://www.CDC.gov The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention].

The SACGHS Oversight report (pg 65) describes the two paths genetic diagnostics typically follow from the research bench to clinical practice: a complete in vitro diagnostic kit may be developed and sold commercially to multiple laboratories, or laboratories may develop and validate a test solely for use internally, often with the use of analyte-specific reagents; these tests are called laboratory-developed tests (LDTs). The two paths are subject to different regulatory requirements; generally, IVD kits are more stringently regulated by FDA, which considers kits as in vitro diagnostic devices and may require premarket review or approval.
Thus, "genetic testing" or "diagnostics" is testing of ''singular genes'', by assaying a relatively small sample containing DNA, to determine genotype and identify genetic abnormalities known to be link to disease. Additionally, these tests can determine the prognosis of disease, potential responses to drug treatment, and other factors related to the state of health of the sample provider.  

Both types of diagnostic, IVDs and LDTs, must be analyzed in CLIA-certified labs. Clearing FDA premarket review or approval is generally much more resource-intensive than developing an LDT, so new discoveries are often find their way to market first as LDTs.
On the other hand, "genomics" is a relatively new term that describes the study of all of a person's genes including interactions of those genes with each other and the person's environment. genomics involves the scientific study of complex diseases such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes and cancer because they are caused more by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. genomics is offering new possibilities for therapies and treatment of some diseases, as well as new diagnostic methods. The major tools and methods related to genomics studies are bioinformatics, genetic analysis, measurement of gene expression, and determination of gene function. More at Genome.gov and at and at CDC.gov genomics and Health Resources and CDC.gov Genomics Translation Resources
A third kind of genetic diagnostic product has developed over the last decade: direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests.  Most are ignored clinically are are often derided by medical professionals as "recreational genomics." <ref>[http://www.genomicslawreport.com/index.php/2009/10/23/medical-vs-recreational-genomics-drawing-a-line-in-the-sand/ Medical vs. “Recreational” Genomics: Drawing a Line in the Sand] - Genomics Law Report</ref>

==Who sells genetic diagnostics?==
However, the phrases "genetic testing" "genomic testing" tend to be used differently than their respective scientific meanings.  The majority of genetic tests that are available today are based on second generation sequencing platforms. Today, this type of diagnostic refers to the testing of fractions of the complete human genome of a person. These tests evaluate multiple genes and are significantly larger than what is typically analyzed in a typical singular gene sequencing test. Although whole genome sequencing is possible, these tests are quite expensive and the term "genomic testing" is used to refer to the tests of portions, or fractions, of the entire genome. Perhaps, a more apt term to define this type of diagnostic, is "multiplex genetic tests," because they represent genetic diagnostics that are highly parallelized and have a relatively high-throughput, but are not based on a complete genome sequence.   

Where are genetic diagnostic products, be they IVDs, LDTs, or DTC tests, developed, produced, and used?
These multiplex or multiple gene tests are capable of many more measurements than genetic tests. Often these tests completely sequence several genes to the entire genome, or of hundreds of thousands of SNPs from a genomic sample and tend to use microarrays (sometimes called SNP chips or gene chips) or second generation (still called "next-generation" sequencing circa 2010), high-throughput DNA sequencing.  Microarrays are widely used in direct-to-consumer genomic diagnostics designed to provide risk profiles for many genetic diseases at once. These tests are highly useful for more complex diseases that caused by ''multiple'' genetic abnormalities, rather than single abnormal genes.  In this sense, genomic tests "provide comprehensive genetic risk profiles for many diseases or targeted genetic risk profiles for specific conditions." Examples of disease caused by multiple genetic disorders include asthma, heart disease, autism, cancer, and hypertension.

I don't have any solid archetypal examples of GDx development from the 3 categories, which is to say, I don't fully understand how basic research, often consisting of genotype-phenotype association studies, is turned into a new diagnostic product.
So, how can you determine whether a company is offering a genetic test, a genetic test that samples multiple genes, or a genomic test?  It's often very difficult to determine on the basis of pure marketing materials.  However, many company and laboratory website offer information which explain some of the scientific underpinnings on the services they offer.  More often than not, a genetic testing service will not offer a low-cost genomic test--i.e., one that sequences that entire genome.  Instead, these laboratories offer singular or multiple gene tests and combine the results into a single report.  There are some laboratories who offer full genome sequencing, but these tests are priced into the tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands dollar range in the U.S.

Who produces existing tests? As far as I can tell, there are two main national testing providers, which resell smaller company's IVDs as kits, produce their own IVD kits, and offer a variety of LDTs, as well as thousands of smaller CLIA-certified labs operating independently and in association with hospitals and doctors offices and offering a subset of the services.
See our sample list of laboratories who offer genetic and genomic testing services below.

The two largest national independent clinical laboratories, Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp, sold 2.78 billion worth of genetic & esoteric tests in 2008 (from annual reports; not clear if that revenue is from IVDs or LDTs or both).
==Genetic Test Applications==
Genetic tests are conducted through a variety of different testing procedures.  Primarily, diagnostics utilize biochemical, cytogenetic, molecular, or a combination of these methods, to analyze DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, and metabolites.  Genetic tests may be conducted as Clinical Tests, Research Tests, Investigative, or Recreational Tests. Note that these terms are distinct from the technical methods used in a diagnostic.  Rather than describing the procedure, they describe the utility, clinical validity, or purpose of a test.   
{| class="wikitable" border=1
! Test Type !! Purpose of Test
|''Clinical Tests''
|align="left" | Clinical level tests are used to examine sample specimens of individual patients for diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of genetic related disorders.  The test results are reported from the laboratory back to the patient in writing.  Laboratories who conduct these types of tests must be approved by the [http://www.cms.gov/clia/ Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments] (or "CLIA") program. 
|''Research Tests''
|align="left" | Research tests are conducted in laboratories and research centers to study and understand genetic conditions or to develop clinical level tests.  These tests are not subject to CLIA approval and are conducted for internalized research purposes to develop advances in testing.
|''Investigative and Recreational Tests''
|align="left" | Investigative and Recreational tests are considered valuable tests, but are those that have not gained either scientific validity or acceptance in the medical community.  In short, these tests often are perceived to lack the accuracy of clinical level tests.  Moreover, laboratories conducting these tests are not subject to CLIA approval.

The most prominent DTC companies operate their own CLIA-certified labs. Users purchase the test, use a sampling kit at home (often a buccal swab), and mail the sample kit to the DTC company's lab, which is where the test is conducted. Results are shared online or via a counselor retained by the company. Physicians are often not involved, unlike other GDx products.
===Clinical Testing Purposes===
The largest category of diagnostic tests are used for clinical applications - i.e., in the course of treatment or diagnosis of diseases, and in the course of preventative medical care. In most circumstances, these tests are ordered by medical professionals.  The following table illustrates the range testing purposes. 
{|class="wikitable" border=1;
!Test Objective !! Description
|align="left" | These tests are used to confirm when a person has signs or symptoms of a genetic disease. The tests are tailored for diagnosing a particular disease. This includes diseases such as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_syndrome Down Syndrome] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duchenne_muscular_dystrophy Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy]. These types of diseases are linked to specific genetic disorders. If signs are present, such as the physical attributes associated with Down Syndrome, a genetic test can be used to determine if the patient has the extra copy of Chromosome 21.
| align="left" | A predictive genetic test indicates a person's propensity to develop a disease before any symptoms are present. These types of tests are used for certain cancers, such as breast, colon, and ovarian cancer. The results of the tests can predict, with a margin of error, a person's percentage likelihood of developing these diseases over their lifetimes. Usually, externalized factors, such as age and lifestyle, are taken into consideration with the results to bolster test accuracy.
|align="left" | Presymptomatic tests are similar to predictive tests. These tests are used to determine risk for genetic conditions that are already known to be present in their family, but show no symptoms. Diseases such as Huntington's and Grave's disease are among commonly screened in presymptomatic testing. The test results allow doctors to give medical advice, and take preventative actions, to decrease the likelihood of occurrence or increase the chances of successful treatment.
|align="left" | Preconception or Carrier Tests can determine if individuals "carry" a alterations in their genes that are associated with an "autosomal recessive order." In short, people have a higher likelihood of developing certain diseases if they inherit two copies of altered chromosomes from their parents. If two people each have a copy of one chromosome, their children have a much higher likelihood of developing diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Tay-Sachs Disease.
|align="left" | Prenatal tests are used to test fetuses during the course of pregnancy. These tests are especially useful for scenarios where a fetus has a higher likelihood of developing diseases. For instance, if both parents are carriers of genes related to autosomal recessive disorders, or where family history indicates a likelihood of development of Huntington's and Grave's disease.
|align="left" | Similarly, newborn babies may also be screened after birth, or at an early age, when circumstances indicate a likelihood of development. For instance, one test analyzes blood samples for abnormal or missing genes or the presence of Phenylkentonuria (PKU), a type of metabolic disease that can cause severe mental retardation without early treatment.  
|align="left" | Pharmacogenic screening is a type of genetic test that may indicate a person's response to certain types of drug treatment. This type of test can enable practitioners to select the best methods of treatment after a disease as already been diagnosed.  

So besides DTC products, which are used at home, in most cases samples are collected at a Doctor's office or at a hospital and then sent to an independent testing provider, either one of the two main reference lab or a smaller-CLIA lab.
==How Genetic Tests are Developed by Manufacturers and Laboratories==

==The Development Pipeline==
The process of developing and marketing a genetic test is riddled with technicalities of oversight by the FDA and a handful of other U.S. regulatory agencies.  In summary, there are two pathways that developers typically take in the course of bringing a genetic test to market.  First, some tests are developed as full testing kits by ''manufacturers'' of medical devices.  These testing kits are classified by the FDA as "''in-vitro'' diagnostic" (IVD) devices and subsequently sold to laboratories who conduct the actual testing services.  Second, some tests are developed solely by laboratories as "laboratory developed tests" (LDTs) for use in-house, solely within the laboratory, and are not sold to any outside entities. 
''still working on this''

== References ==
At the heart of almost every genetic test, whether considered an IVD or an LDT, are the "active ingredients" needed to conduct the test.  These ingredients usually constitute analyte-specific reagents (ASRs), which are specially prepared polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies - biochemical substances that are used in a genetic test to identify or quantify certain chemical substances or ligands in biological specimens.  Once an person with the proper skill has the correct ASRs, he or she only needs the necessary equipment and instructions on testing procedures and result interpretation, a genetic test can easily be conducted.  Since the ASRs are so critical to the test itself, they often represent a significant amount of research and development effort on behalf of the company or laboratory who formulates the ASRs. 
<references />

Interestingly, the federal regulations which govern IVDs and LDTs have left what many commentator believe to be regulatory loopholes that make development of a LDT genetic test the more attractive pathway than a IVD.  Perhaps for this reason the majority of genetic tests available are LDTs.  For more information on the regulatory aspects of IVDs and LDTs see our [[Diagnostic_Kits/USA_Regulation_Review|U.S. Regulatory Review Page]]


=Blog Post=
As mentioned, "testing kits" are IVDs under the FDA regulations.  The final product of a testing kit typically contains a series of instructions that detail how to conduct the test and the necessary ASRs to conduct the test.  These tests are regulated as "medical devices" under FDA regulations and are subject to stringent regulation.  The FDA oversees and require certain approvals and certification before such a device can be sold on the market.  For many IVDs, these regulations include the approval prior to sale on the market, oversight of all aspects of the production process and ultimate sale of the IVD, and oversight of the actual testing procedures within laboratories to ensure the IVD is safe and effective for its intended purposes.
# [[Page for Joint Creation of Blog Post]]

=Study of the field=

Analysis of the field with basis on [https://cyber.law.harvard.edu/commonsbasedresearch/Field_Research_Methodology Field Research Methodology]
LDTs can be developed in two ways.  First, the majority of LDT tests utilize ASRs which are developed in-house, solely for use within the laboratory.  The test designs and procedures are proprietary to the laboratory and are not sold for use to any outside entities.  In short, the laboratory is markets the test to and obtains the necessary specimens directly from consumers.  Once received, the specimen is processed in the test and results are reported directly back to the consumer in writing or on the internet through a secure website interface. As previously mentioned, this type of LDT is not subject to the same level of regulatory oversight as is an IVD.

# [[Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in Kits]]
A second, but somewhat less common method of developing an LDT, is accomplished when a laboratory develops the test design and procedures, but does not develop the necessary ASRs for use in the test.  Instead, the laboratory obtains the ASRs by purchasing them from an outside entity and incorporates the ASRs into their test.  In this circumstance, the test is marketed and conducted in the same manner as the other type of LDT.  Unlike the completely proprietary LDTs which are not subject to stringent regulation, the process of purchasing ASRs is subject to some regulation, but still not as much as is the IVDs.  Importantly, the ''sellers'' of the ASRs, rather than the LDT laboratories, tend to be the entities who must satisfy federal regulations for the sale of ASRs.  For this reason, this type of LDT is still an attractive option when a laboratory cannot develop and entirely proprietary LDT.
# [[Give an overall picture of the Kits' sector]]
# Outputs and Products of the field: [[data, narratives and tools produced by the Kits' sector]]
# Legal tools available for and in use by the actors of Kits' sector: [[IP in Kits]]
# [[competitive advantages in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of Biggest for-profit companies in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of non-profit companies in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of Universities working in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of Associations in Kits]]
# [[Commons based cases in Kits]]
# [[Peer-Production Business models in Kits]]
# [[Open Business models in Kits]]

===The Paper===
==How Genetic Tests are Marketed and Accessed by Consumers and Patients==
# [[Paper Resources Used|Resources Used]]
===Patients and Clinically Ordered Tests===
# [[Diagnostic_Kits/The_Argument_Framework|The Argument Framework]]
# [[Diagnostic_Kits/Paper|Outline & Draft]]

=Relevant Manifestos & Declarations=
Traditionally, the pathway for a patient or consumer to access genetic testings has been through a medical professional, such as a physician, who '''clinically orders''' a test in the course of medical care to for the purposes of diagnosis or disease prevention.  These tests allow medical professionals to obtain information about a patient's predisposition to certain diseases, or to diagnose an individuals current illness, future illness, or predict the responsiveness of certain drugs in treatment. 
*[[Nature on Open Data]]
*[[The Manchester Manifesto]]

=[[Diagnostic Kits/Bibliography|Bibliography]]=
After determining that a genetic test is appropriate, a family doctor, or other health care professional, will typically use a genetic "test kit," which has been supplied by a manufacturer or laboratory.  The test kit contains instructions on how to obtain specimen and submit it to the laboratory (sometimes a separate entity than the manufacturer) for testing .  Specimens can range from a buccal (saliva) swab to blood or bodily tissue.  Once collected, the specimen  is sent to the laboratory for testing.  The results are reported back to the doctor directly along with instructions to aid in the interpretations of results.  Of course, following the results, the doctor can then advise the patient with recommendations for treatment or preventative care. 

*American Civil Liberties Union : BRCA: Genes and Patents. Available at: http://www.aclu.org/freespeech/gen/39556res20090512.html [Accessed August 5, 2009].
These testing kits are generally considered "medical devices" by the FDA and are subject to stringent level of oversight that governs the device prior to its sale on the market, to the process of manufacturing the kits, and the laboratory testing procedures. For more information on the regulatory aspects of genetic testing, see out [[Diagnostic_Kits/USA_Regulation_Review|U.S. Regulatory Overview]] page.

*Caulfield, Timothy, 2009. Do Gene Patents Hurt Research? Available at: http://www.scienceprogress.org/2009/10/do-gene-patents-hurt-research/comment-page-1/#comment-6370
===Tests Marketed Directly to Consumers===
Although medical professionals continue to order and use genetic testing in the course of clinical care, the decrease in cost and increase in availability of testing services has made it easier for patients and consumers to access genetic testing without the need of a visit to a physician's office.  Essentially, consumers have '''directly access''' to genetic testing services directly through laboratories marketed through online websites or by purchasing over-the-counter kits from retail stores. No prescription or order by a medical professional is necessary. These tests are commonly referred to as '''direct-to-consumer (DTC)''' tests, a reference to how such tests are marketed to consumers. Within the DTC paradigm, patients and consumers typically mail a specimen, like a buccal swab or smear, in a container to a laboratory or company which then processes the test and provides test results in writing or over a secure internet interface.  These results remain private to the consumer and are not included in any medical records.

*Cho, M.K. et al., 2003. Effects of patents and licenses on the provision of clinical genetic testing services. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics: JMD, 5(1), 3-8. Available at: http://jmd.amjpathol.org/cgi/content/full/5/1/3 [Accessed August 10, 2009].
DTC genetic tests purport to offer many similar capabilities - in terms providing information on health risks and disease disposition - as do the clinically ordered tests by a physician. Often these tests provide the consumer with either percentage of likelihood of developing a disease within one's lifetime. However, one significant difference between the physician-ordered tests and those sold directly to a consumer is that test results are often not interpreted by a medical professional. Instead, the company or laboratory who provides the testing services are communicate the test results combined with their own analytic interpretations directly to the consumer. Many commentators criticize DTC tests because they lack the personalized approach to test result interpretation by a professional, especially in instances where results indicate a percentage calculation which indicates potential health risks or status. More specifically, in many cases genetic testing services do not account for externalized environmental factors which are known to affect the probability of a person's health status. 
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Effects of patents and licenses on the provision of clinical genetic testing services|Highlights]]

*Cohen, W.M., Merrill, S.A. & Economy, N.R.C., 2003. Patents in the knowledge-based economy, National Academies Press.
Additionally, although the links between many genetic tests and occurrence of diseases are widely accepted in the scientific and medical communities, many genetic tests are not stringently regulated or approved by the FDA for use in the diagnosis or prevention of disease. This means that most DTC tests are not approved by the FDA prior to commercialization on the market and there is little oversight that governs the practices of companies and laboratories conducting such tests. In some circumstances, the methods of testing may vary widely.  Some commentators, including a U.S. committee on genetics from the Department of Health and Human Services, are concerned that the differences between how test is prepared or conducted may ultimately affect the accuracy and proficiency of test results. Moreover, these discrepancies are often not well communicated to the consumers.

*'''*Cook-Deegan, R., Chandrasekharan, S. & Angrist, M., 2009. The dangers of diagnostic monopolies. Nature, 458(7237), 405-406.'''
Since the awareness - and in particular, the almost prolific discussion in popular media - of genetic tests continues to increase, the future may hold more stringent regulations of genetic product marketing by the FDA and the FTC. For more information on the regulatory aspects of genetic testing, see out [[Diagnostic_Kits/USA_Regulation_Review|U.S. Regulatory Overview]] page.
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/The dangers of diagnostic monopolies|Highlights]]

*Diagnostic Test Service Commercialization in Multiplex and Esoteric Testing: A Roadmap to Diagnostics in the 21st Century - market research report. Available at: http://www.reportlinker.com/p091997/Diagnostic-Test-Service-Commercialization-in-Multiplex-and-Esoteric-Testing-A-Roadmap-to-Diagnostics-in-the-21st-Century.html?utm_source=LivePR&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=LivePR [Accessed August 6, 2009]. 
==Manufacturers and Laboratories who Develop or Offer Genetic Testing Services==
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Diagnostic Test Service Commercialization in Multiplex and Esoteric Testing|Highlights]]

*DPD: DNA Patent Database. Available at: http://dnapatents.georgetown.edu/ [Accessed August 10, 2009].
Below is a list of companies known to market genetic testing. Where applicable and to the extent known, the list notes whether the testing services are being marketed directly to consumers as either a "direct-access" test or where test manufacturers and developers are selling testing "kits" as IVDs or LDT genetic testing services. Additionally, this list provides some distinction to testing services that provide full genomic sequencing or singular or multivariate gene testing.

*Eisenberg, R. Noncompliance, 2008. Nonenforcement, Nonproblem? Rethinking the Anticommons in Biomedical Research. Houston Law Review Available at: # www.houstonlawreview.org/archive/downloads/45-4_pdf/03_​Eisenberg.pdf [Accessed November 20, 2009].
Please note that there many companies and manufacturers involved in the development of genetic testing - this should not be considered a comprehensive list of market participants.
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Nonenforcement, Noneproblem Rethinking the Anticommons in Biomedical Research|Highlights]]

*Elfenbein, D.W., 2006. Publications, Patents, and the Market for University Inventions. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=739227 [Accessed October 2, 2009].
=== Genome Sequencing Manufacturers and Service Providers===
* [http://www.illumina.com/ Illumina]
* [http://www.454.com/ 454 Life Sciences] (a Roche Company)
* [http://www.iontorrent.com/ Ion Torrent]
* [http://www.completegenomics.com Complete Genomics]
* [http://www.pacificbiosciences.com/ Pacific Biosciences]
* [http://www.helicosbio.com/ Helicos Biosciences Corporation]
* [http://www.intelligentbiosystems.com/ Intelligent Bio-Systems]
* [http://www.genomecorp.com/ Genome Corp]
* [http://knome.com/home/ Knome]
* [http://www.personalgenomes.org/ Personal Genome Project]

*Esther van Zimmeren et al. 2006.Bulletin of the World Health Organization - A clearing house for diagnostic testing: the solution to ensure access to and use of patented genetic inventions? Available at: http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0042-96862006000500013 [Accessed August 10, 2009].  
===DTC and Clinical Genetic Testing Manufacturers and Service Providers===
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/A clearing house for diagnostic testing: the solution to ensure access to and use of patented genetic inventions|Highlights]]
* [http://cpmc.coriell.org/ Coriell Personalized Medicine Collaboration]
* [http://www.23andme.com/ 23 and Me]
* [http://www.decodeme.com/ DeCODEme]
* [http://www.counsyl.com/ Counsyl]
* [http://www.navigenics.com/ Navigenics]
* [http://www.pathway.com/ Pathway Genomics]
* [http://www.dnadirect.com/web/ DNA Direct]
* [http://genomichealth.com/ Genomic Health]
* [http://www.dnatribes.com/ DNA Tribes]
* [http://www.bioresolve.com/ Bio Resolve]
* [http://www.myriad.com Myriad Genetics]
* [http://www.responsegenetics.com/ Response Genetics]  
* [http://www.ilgenetics.com/ Interleukin Genetics]
* [http://www.exactsciences.com/ Exact Sciences]
* [http://www.genomichealth.com/ Genomic Health]
* [http://www.nanosphere.us/ Nanosphere]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genetics_research_organizations Wikipedia's List of Genetics Research Organizations]

* Farkas and Holland. Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: two sides of the coin. The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD (2009) vol. 11 (4) pp. 263-5. [Accessed 14 Dec 2009: http://jmd.amjpathol.org/cgi/content/full/11/4/263]
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/Direct-to-consumer genetic testing- two sides of the coin|Highlights]]

* Flockhart et al. Clinically Available Pharmacogenomics Tests. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2009)  Available at: http://www.nature.com/clpt/journal/v86/n1/abs/clpt200939a.html
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/Clinically Available Pharmacogenomics Tests|Highlights]]

*Furness, et. al. The evaluation of diagnostic laboratory tests and complex biomarkers, (2008) Available at: http://www.phgfoundation.org/pages/work7.htm
==Legal Aspects of Diagnostics==
===[[Diagnostic Kits/Case Law Review|Case Law Review]]===
===[[Diagnostic Kits/Country Reports Review|Country Reports Review]]===
===[[Diagnostic Kits/USA Regulation Review|USA Regulation Review]]===

*Garcia, L. & Shimizu, R., 1997. Evaluation of nine immunoassay kits (enzyme immunoassay and direct fluorescence) for detection of Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum in human fecal specimens. J. Clin. Microbiol., 35(6), 1526-1529.
==Study of the field==
General Analysis of the field based on our [[ICP Main Questions]]
# [[Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in Kits]]
# [[Give an overall picture of the Kits' sector]]
# Outputs and Products of the field: [[data, narratives and tools produced by the Kits' sector]]
# Legal tools available for and in use by the actors of Kits' sector: [[IP in Kits]]
# [[competitive advantages in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of Biggest for-profit companies in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of non-profit companies in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of Universities working in Kits]]
# [[IP Profile of Associations in Kits]]
# [[Commons based cases in Kits]]
# [[Peer-Production Business models in Kits]]
# [[Open Business models in Kits]]

*Geertrui Van Overwalle et al., 2005. Models for facilitating access to patents on genetic inventions. Available at: http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v7/n2/full/nrg1765.html [Accessed August 10, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Models for facilitating access to patents on genetic inventions|Highlights]]
The following resources may helpful for understanding key concepts discussed in our research:

*Gibson, J., The Discovery of Invention: Gene Patents and the Question of Patentability. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1347087 [Accessed October 29, 2009].
===[[Diagnostic_Kits/Glossary|Research Vocabulary]]===
===[[Diagnostic Kits/Bibliography by Research Question | Bibliography by Research Question]]===
===[[Diagnostic Kits/Bibliography by Resource Type | Bibliography by Resource Type]]===

*Goodman et al. The Value of Diagnostics: Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion Into Health Care.  (2005) pp. 44-71.  Available at: http://www.advamed.org/MemberPortal/About/Resources/
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/The Value of Diagnostics: Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion Into Health Care|Highlights]]
Back to [[Main Page]]
*Hélène Dernis, 2007. Nowcasting Patent Indicators, OECD, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry. Available at: http://ideas.repec.org/p/oec/stiaaa/2007-3-en.html.
*Heller, M.A. & Eisenberg, R.A. Can patents deter innovation? The anticommons in biomedical research. Science 280, 698-701 (1998).
*Henry, M. et al. 2002. DNA Patenting and Licensing Available at: http://www.bioethics.upenn.edu/prog/ethicsgenes/pdf/henry_etal_Science20020823.pdf [Accessed August 5, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/DNA Patenting and Licensing|Highlights]]
*Henry, M.R., Cho, M.K., Weaver, M.A., Merz, J.F. A pilot survey on the licensing of DNA inventions. J. Law Med. Ethics, 31:442-449, 2003 Available at: http://www.bioethics.upenn.edu:16080/prog/ethicsgenes/ [Accessed September 10, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/A pilot survey on the licensing of DNA inventions|Highlights]]
*'''*Herder, M., Patents & the Progress of Personalized Medicine: Biomarkers Research as Lens. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1435468 [Accessed October 1, 2009].'''
**[[Diagnostic Kits/Patents and the Progress of Personalized Medicine|Highlights]]
*Hoag, H., 2004. Testing new ground. Nature, 429(6992), 682-3
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/Testing new ground|Highlights]]
*Holman, Christopher M., The Impact of Human Gene Patents on Innovation and Access: A Survey of Human Gene Patent Litigation. UMKC Law Review, Vol. 76, p. 295, 2007. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1090562
*Holman, C.M., 2008. GENETICS: Trends in Human Gene Patent Litigation. Science, 322(5899), 198-199.
*J.D, M.A.H.P. & Munzer, S.R., Intellectual Property Rights in Genes and Gene Fragments: A Registration Solution for Expressed Sequence Tags. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=241236 [Accessed October 30, 2009].
*Howlett, M.J. & Christie, A.F., An Analysis of the Approach of the European, Japanese and United States Patent Offices to Patenting Partial DNA Sequences (ESTs). SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=573184 [Accessed October 30, 2009].
*'''*Huys et al. Legal uncertainty in the area of genetic diagnostic testing. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY (2009) vol. 27 (10) pp. 903-909.  Available at http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v27/n10/abs/nbt1009-903.html [accessed Nov 2 2009].'''
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Legal uncertainty in the area of genetic diagnostic testing|Highlights]]
*J.D, M.A.H.P. & Munzer, S.R., Intellectual Property Rights in Genes and Gene Fragments: A Registration Solution for Expressed Sequence Tags. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=241236 [Accessed October 30, 2009].
*Jensen, K. & Murray, F., 2005. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Enhanced: Intellectual Property Landscape of the Human Genome. Science, 310(5746), 239-240. 
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Intellectual Property Landscape of the Human Genome|Highlights]]
* Kalorama Information (Rosen). Diagnostic Test Service Commercialization: A Roadmap to Diagnostics in the 21st Century.  (2008)
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/Diagnostic Test Service Commercialization- A Roadmap to Diagnostics in the 21st Century|Highlights]]
*Kane, E., Molecules and Conflict: Cancer, Patents, and Women's Health. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=960772 Accessed October 30, 2009.
*Kane, E., Patent-Mediated Standards in Genetic Testing. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1495820 Accessed October 29, 2009.
*'''Kaye, J., Hawkins, N., and J. Taylor. (2007). Patents and translational research in genomics. Nature Biotechnology 25(7):739.'''
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Patents and translational research in genomics|Highlights]]
* '''Kling. Diagnosis or drug? Will pharmaceutical companies or diagnostics manufacturers earn more from personalized medicine?''' EMBO reports (2007) vol. 8 (10) pp. 903-6. Accessed December 14, 2009 at http://www.nature.com/embor/journal/v8/n10/full/7401080.html
** [[Diagnostic Kits/Diagnosis or drug- Will pharmaceutical companies or diagnostics manufacturers earn more from personalized medicine|Highlights]]
*Laakmann, A. Restoring the Genetic Commons: A "Common Sense" Approach to Biotechnology Patent in Restoring the Genetic Commons, Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review 14 MITTLR 43 (2007). 
*Lei et al. Patents versus patenting: implications of intellectual property protection for biological research. NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY (2009) vol. 27 (1) pp. 36-40.  Available at: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v27/n1/full/nbt0109-36.html
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/Patents versus patenting: implications of intellectual property protection for biological research|Highlights]]
*Macer, D.R.J., 2002. Patent or perish? An ethical approach to patenting human genes and proteins. The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 2(6), 361-366. Available at: http://www.nature.com/tpj/journal/v2/n6/full/6500140a.html [Accessed August 5, 2009].
*McGill Centre for Intellectual Property Policy, 2005, Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Reinventing the Commons: Workshop Report. Available at: www.cipp.mcgill.ca/data/events/00000017_en.pdf [Accessed November 20, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Reinventing the Commons|Highlights]]
*Merz, J.F. et al., 2002. Diagnostic testing fails the test. Nature, 415(6872), 577-579.(Garcia & Shimizu 1997) Available at: http://repository.upenn.edu/bioethics_papers/48/ [Accessed August 5, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Diagnostic testing fails the test|Highlights]]
*Merz, J.F., 2002. Patents limit medical potential of sequencing. Nature, 419(6910), 878.
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Patents limit medical potential of sequencing|Highlights]]
*Merz, J.F., 1999. Disease Gene Patents: Overcoming Unethical Constraints on Clinical Laboratory Medicine. Clin Chem, 45(3), 324-330.(Merz 1999) Available at: http://www.clinchem.org/cgi/content/abstract/45/3/324 [Accessed August 5, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Disease Gene Patents|Highlights]]
*Mills, A.E. & Tereskerz, P., 2008. DNA-based patents: an empirical analysis. Nat Biotech, 26(9), 993-995. 
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/DNA-based patents: an empirical analysis|Highlights]]
*Mills, A.E. & Tereskerz, P.M., 2007. Changing patent strategies: what will they mean for the industry? Nat Biotech, 25(8), 867-868.
*Morrison & Foerster : Legal Updates & News : Press Releases : Morrison & Foerster Represents ACON Laboratories in $175 Million Acquisition by Inverness Medical Innovations, Resolving Patent Litigation Between the Two Companies Over Rapid Diagnostic Techno. Available at: http://www.mofo.com/news/media/files/pr02058.html [Accessed August 5, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Morrison and Foerster Represents ACON Laboratories in $175 Million Acquisition by Inverness Medical Innovations|Highlights]]
*Mueller, J.M., Public Access Versus Proprietary Rights in Genomic Information: What Is the Proper Role of Intellectual Property Rights? SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1367849 [Accessed October 30, 2009].
*Muller, A et. al., Protecting Biotechnological Inventions in Brazil and Abroad: Draft, Scope and Protecting Biotechnological Inventions in Brazil and Abroad: Draft, Scope, and Interpretation of Claims 2002, Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, 13 ALBLJST 145 (2002). 
*NanoLogix Provides Operations Update and Notification of Shareholder Meeting - FOXBusiness.com. Available at: http://www.foxbusiness.com/story/markets/industries/health-care/nanologix-provides-operations-update-notification-shareholder-meeting/ [Accessed August 5, 2009].
*Nelson. The market economy, and the scientific commons. Research Policy (2004) vol. 33 (3) pp. 455-471
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/The market economy, and the scientific commons|Highlights]]
*National Institutes of Health (NIH), Public Health Service, DHHS, NIH Principles and Guidelines for Sharing of Biomedical Resources -- Final (December 1999) Available at: http://www.ott.nih.gov/policy/research_tool.aspx
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/NIH Principles and Guidelines for Sharing of Biomedical Resources|Highlights]]
*National Research Council of the National Academies — Committee on Intellectual Property Rights in Genomic and Protein Research and Innovation. Reaping the benefits of genomic and proteomic research: intellectual property rights, innovation, and public health. Washington (DC): The National Academies Press; 2005. Available from http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11487.html, Also Available from: http://books.google.com/books?id=crZWVfYNmtgC&lpg=PP1&ots=jaiZTMGZOU&dq=Reaping%20the%20Benefits%20of%20Genomic%20and%20Proteomic%20Research%3A%20Intellectual%20Property%20Rights%2C%20Innovation%2C%20and%20Public%20Health&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=&f=false
*Ouellette, L.L., Access to Bio-Knowledge: From Gene Patents to Biomedical Materials. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1431580 [Accessed October 29, 2009].
* Palombi. The Search for Alternatives to Patents in the 21st Century.  (2009) pp. 1-42
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/The Search for Alternatives to Patents in the 21st Century|Highlights]]
*Paradise, J., European Opposition to Exclusive Control Over Predictive Breast Cancer Testing and the Inherent Implications for United States Patent Law and Public Policy: A Case Study of the Myriad Genetics' BRCA Patent Controversy. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=897507 [Accessed October 30, 2009].
*Phillips, K.a., Van Bebber, S. & Issa, A.M., 2006. Diagnostics and biomarker development: priming the pipeline. Nature reviews. Drug discovery, 5(6), 463-9.
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/Diagnostics and biomarker development- priming the pipeline|Highlights]]
* Palombi, L. The Search for Alternatives to Patents in the 21st Century.  (2009)  Available at http://cgkd.anu.edu.au/menus/publications.php#palombi
** [[Diagnostic_Kits/The Search for Alternatives to Patents in the 21st Century|Highlights]]
*Pressman, L. et al., 2006. The licensing of DNA patents by US academic institutions: an empirical survey. Nat Biotech, 24(1), 31-39
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/The licensing of DNA patents by US academic institutions|Highlights]]
*Priorities for Personalized Medicine, Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), September 2008 Available at: http://www.ostp.gov/galleries/PCAST/pcast_report_v2.pdf
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Priorities for Personalized Medicine|Highlights]]
*Saez, C., Changing Winds For Gene Patenting In the US? Stakeholders React To Draft Report, October 2009 Available at: http://www.ip-watch.org/weblog/2009/10/29/changing-winds-for-gene-patenting-in-the-us-stakeholders-react-to-draft-report/
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Changing Winds For Gene Patenting In the US? Stakeholders React To Draft Report|Highlights]]
*Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society—Public Consultation Draft Report on Gene Patents and Licensing Practices and Their Impact on Patient Access to Genetic Tests (Draft Report for Public Comment) [excerpts]. Biotechnology Law Report, 28(3), 417-442 (2009). Available at: http://oba.od.nih.gov/SACGHS/sacghs_documents.html#GHSDOC_011
*'''*Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society—Public Consultation Final Draft Report on Gene Patents and Licensing Practices and Their Impact on Patient Access to Genetic Tests - September 17, 2009'''
*'''*Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society—Public Consultation Draft Report on Gene Patents and Licensing Practices and Their Impact on Patient Access to Genetic Tests - Appendix 1: Compendium of Case Studies on the Impact of Gene Patents and Licensing Practices on Access to Genetic Testing.  (2009) Available at: http://oba.od.nih.gov/SACGHS/sacghs_documents.html#GHSDOC_011.'''
** [[SACGHS Appendix 1- Compendium of Case Studies on the Impact of Gene Patents and Licensing Practices on Access to Genetic Testing|highlights]]
*'''*Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society, U.S. System of Oversight of Genetic Testing: A Response to the Charge of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, April 2008. Available at: http://oba.od.nih.gov/oba/SACGHS/reports/SACGHS_oversight_report.pdf [Accessed July 8, 2009].'''
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/SACGHS_U.S. System of Oversight of Genetic Testing|Highlights]]
*Shapiro, C., Navigating the Patent Thicket: Cross Licenses, Patent Pools, and Standard-Setting, 2001, Innovation Policy and the Economy (Vol. I) (Jaffe, Adam B. et al., eds), pp. 119-150, MIT Press Available at: http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/shapiro/thicket.pdf [Accessed December 6, 2009]
*The Economic Impact of Licensed Commercialized Inventions Originating in University Research, 1996-2007, Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) Available at http://www.bio.org/ip/techtransfer/BIO_final_report_9_3_09_rev_2.pdf.
*Torrance, A.W., Patenting Human Evolution. SSRN eLibrary. Available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1300615 [Accessed October 30, 2009].
*Verbeure, B. et al., 2006. Patent pools and diagnostic testing. Trends in Biotechnology, 24(3), 115-120.(Verbeure et al. 2006) Available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TCW-4J4HK5P-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=8c0fd5a6f1431a3cbfc9ff2f37470c3b [Accessed August 8, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Patent pools and diagnostic testing|Highlights]]
*Verbeure, B., Matthijs, G. & Van Overwalle, G., 2005. Analysing DNA patents in relation with diagnostic genetic testing. Eur J Hum Genet, 14(1), 26-33. Available at: http://www.nature.com/ejhg/journal/v14/n1/full/5201503a.html [Accessed August 11, 2009].
**[[Diagnostic_Kits/Analysing DNA patents in relation with diagnostic genetic testing|Highlights]]
*Walsh JP, Arora A, Cohen WM. Effects of research tool patents and licensing on biomedical innovation. In: Cohen WM, Merrel SA, (editors). Patents in the knowledge-based economy. Washington (DC): The National Academies Press; 2003. p. 285-340.
*Walsh, J. , Cho, C. & Cohen, W.M. Patents, Material Transfers and Access to Research Inputs in Biomedical Research (Final Report to the National Academy of Sciences' Committee [on] Intellectual Property Rights in Genomic and Protein-Related Research Inventions, 20 September 2005).

*Walters, L., 2006. Professor Examines Licensing of DNA Patents Available at: http://www.genome.gov/Pages/Newsroom/NHGRIRelatedReleases/LicensingofDNAPatents.pdf [Accessed August 5, 2009].
*Wilson et al., Biomarker Development, Commercialization, and Regulation: Individualization of Medicine Lost in Translation, 81 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 153 (2007).
*Wolrad Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont, Research Tool Patents After Integra v. Merck—Have They Reached a Safe Harbor?, 14 Mich. Telecomm. Tech. L. Rev. 367 (2008), available at http://www.mttlr.org/volfourteen/waldeck.pdf
*World Patent Report: A Statistical Review 2008 Available at: http://www.wipo.int/ipstats/en/statistics/patents/wipo_pub_931.html
''' Completed '''
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Interviews#Mark_Redmond_.28via_LinkedIn.29|Mark Redmond (via LinkedIn)]]
* [[Diagnostic_Kits/Interviews#Andrew Torrance|Andrew Torrance]]
*[[|Prof Jordan Paradise]] at Seton Hall Law
*[[http://www.law.ucla.edu/home/index.asp?page=571|Russ Korobkin]] at UCLA
''' Upcoming? '''
* Jason Bobe
* Dr. Joe Thakuria
=Blogs And News=
''' News'''
*'''GEN- Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News: Clinical Research & Diagnostics Channel''' (http://www.genengnews.com/transmed/)
*: Content includes News, Articles, Tutorials, & Conferences/Meetings
*'''PGx News - Information Portal for Pharmacogenomics''' (http://www.pgxnews.org/web/)
*: Pharmacogenomics news, updated daily
''' Blogs '''
*'''Genomics Law Report''' (http://www.genomicslawreport.com/)
*: "News and analysis from the intersection of genomics, personalized medicine and the law"
*: [http://www.genomicslawreport.com/index.php/2009/09/30/ncis-new-brca1-test-broader-utility-and-another-challenge-to-traditional-genetic-tests/ NCI’s New BRCA1 Test: Broader Utility and Another Challenge to Traditional Genetic Tests]
*: [http://www.genomicslawreport.com/index.php/2009/08/13/is-the-accps-call-for-greater-governmental-regulation-of-dtc-genetics-premature/ Is the ACCP’s Call for Greater Governmental Regulation of DTC Genetics Premature?]
*'''Patent Docs''' (http://www.patentdocs.org/)
*: "Biotech & Pharma Patent Law & News Blog"
*: [http://www.patentdocs.org/2009/11/supreme-court-bilski-argument.html Supreme Court Bilski Argument]
*'''Holman's Biotech IP Blog''' (http://holmansbiotechipblog.blogspot.com/)
*: "University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law Professor's analysis and commentary on the intersection of biotechnology and intellectual property.
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Latest revision as of 17:15, 16 October 2010

Introduction to Genetic and Genomic Diagnostics

The field of Biotechnology is a critical US industry, by some estimates approaching 2% of the US GPD and growing 15% per year. Genetic and Genomic research represent a core focus of R&D in the biotechnology industry. Over the last 40 years, improvements in sequencing technology have led to massive increases in test precision and overall throughput capacity. These advances have bolstered the breadth of genetic and genomic research, and have allowed these fields to transcend from mere laboratory concepts to a number of practical, real world applications.

Today, these research efforts have contributed clinical diagnostic methods of testing that are capable of providing information specific to the genetic characteristics of an individual. The logical core of diagnostics is the link between a health state, such as a disease or drug response, and particular genetic sequence (often a mutation therein). Once this link is clinically established, a test can readily be developed based on existing techniques. Thus, the actual methods that are developed are not often based on new measurement or sampling techniques, but rather, newly discovered links between genotype and phenotype.

Through these tests a clinician can perceive a wealth of information, including an individual's disposition to develop complex diseases over time, such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, and diabetes, and allow the clinician to advise practical changes in lifestyle to minimize health future health risks or maximize preventative medical care. In cases where disease may already be present, some tests are useful for determining more efficient methods of treatment that are specific to that individual. The diagnostic tests range from single tests which evaluate a single gene and its affects to others, which are more comprehensive, and can evaluate samples on the genomic level, which are capable of analyzing multiple genetic factors.

These tests represent valuable assets to the companies who develop them and bring them to market in the form of consumer product offerings. Currently, diagnostic tests are being marketed to the public in a three different ways: Laboratory Developed Test Services, In Vitro Diagnostic Kits, and Tests Sold Directly to Consumers. It should be no surprise that these companies seek robust legal protection for their investments through intellectual property ("IP") law. For instance, many companies obtain patents for their inventions that grant them a legal mechanism to exclude others from utilizing their research and development efforts. However, these protections occasionally affect research and development efforts of others in these fields negatively.

Emerging research in genetic and genomic diagnostics presents unique challenges for IP considerations. Changes in laboratory research due to actual or anticipated patent or license enforcement could signal the failure of protections secured through intellectual property to spur the innovations such protections are intended to promote. These issues are at the center of our research efforts under the Industrial Cooperation Project at the Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. This research is part of a broader project being led by Professor Yochai Benkler. Through the research, we seek to understand the approaches to innovation with genetic diagnostic kits, and look specifically to the barriers to use and innovation.

Defining Genetics and Genomics

Occasionally, the terms "Genetics" and "Genomics" are used interchangeably within the context of genetic testing. More specifically, both terms are sometimes used to refer to the testing of specific genes or the indexing of multiple tests of single genes. Although we note there is a difference in these terms, we use these terms synonymously, except where specifically noted otherwise.

The difference between these terms is scientifically important because they refer to distinct concepts. These terms are often confused because the distinctions between "genetic" and "genomic" diagnostics are rarely delineated well, if at all. Consequently, discussions of their market, innovation cycles and the impact of intellectual property in the emergence of open or closed arrangements of cooperation is less than precise.

The Distinctions Between Genetics and Genomics

In simple terms, "Genetics" can be defined as the scientific study of single genes and their effects. Genes are units of heredity that carry the instructions for making proteins, which direct the activities of cells and functions of the body. Genetics is also term that refers to the study of genes and their role in inheritance - the way certain traits or conditions are passed down from one generation to another. Genes influence traits such as hair and eye color as well as health and disease development. Genetics determines much, but not all, of a person's appearance and health status. Environmental factors also play a part. Many disorders of the human body, such as disease and illness, are linked to abnormal gene function. For example, single gene disorders include cystic fibrosis and PKU (phenylketonuria). For more examples, see National Human Genome Research Institute and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Thus, "genetic testing" or "diagnostics" is testing of singular genes, by assaying a relatively small sample containing DNA, to determine genotype and identify genetic abnormalities known to be link to disease. Additionally, these tests can determine the prognosis of disease, potential responses to drug treatment, and other factors related to the state of health of the sample provider.

On the other hand, "genomics" is a relatively new term that describes the study of all of a person's genes including interactions of those genes with each other and the person's environment. genomics involves the scientific study of complex diseases such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes and cancer because they are caused more by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. genomics is offering new possibilities for therapies and treatment of some diseases, as well as new diagnostic methods. The major tools and methods related to genomics studies are bioinformatics, genetic analysis, measurement of gene expression, and determination of gene function. More at Genome.gov and at and at CDC.gov genomics and Health Resources and CDC.gov Genomics Translation Resources

However, the phrases "genetic testing" "genomic testing" tend to be used differently than their respective scientific meanings. The majority of genetic tests that are available today are based on second generation sequencing platforms. Today, this type of diagnostic refers to the testing of fractions of the complete human genome of a person. These tests evaluate multiple genes and are significantly larger than what is typically analyzed in a typical singular gene sequencing test. Although whole genome sequencing is possible, these tests are quite expensive and the term "genomic testing" is used to refer to the tests of portions, or fractions, of the entire genome. Perhaps, a more apt term to define this type of diagnostic, is "multiplex genetic tests," because they represent genetic diagnostics that are highly parallelized and have a relatively high-throughput, but are not based on a complete genome sequence.

These multiplex or multiple gene tests are capable of many more measurements than genetic tests. Often these tests completely sequence several genes to the entire genome, or of hundreds of thousands of SNPs from a genomic sample and tend to use microarrays (sometimes called SNP chips or gene chips) or second generation (still called "next-generation" sequencing circa 2010), high-throughput DNA sequencing. Microarrays are widely used in direct-to-consumer genomic diagnostics designed to provide risk profiles for many genetic diseases at once. These tests are highly useful for more complex diseases that caused by multiple genetic abnormalities, rather than single abnormal genes. In this sense, genomic tests "provide comprehensive genetic risk profiles for many diseases or targeted genetic risk profiles for specific conditions." Examples of disease caused by multiple genetic disorders include asthma, heart disease, autism, cancer, and hypertension.

So, how can you determine whether a company is offering a genetic test, a genetic test that samples multiple genes, or a genomic test? It's often very difficult to determine on the basis of pure marketing materials. However, many company and laboratory website offer information which explain some of the scientific underpinnings on the services they offer. More often than not, a genetic testing service will not offer a low-cost genomic test--i.e., one that sequences that entire genome. Instead, these laboratories offer singular or multiple gene tests and combine the results into a single report. There are some laboratories who offer full genome sequencing, but these tests are priced into the tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands dollar range in the U.S.

See our sample list of laboratories who offer genetic and genomic testing services below.

Genetic Test Applications

Genetic tests are conducted through a variety of different testing procedures. Primarily, diagnostics utilize biochemical, cytogenetic, molecular, or a combination of these methods, to analyze DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, and metabolites. Genetic tests may be conducted as Clinical Tests, Research Tests, Investigative, or Recreational Tests. Note that these terms are distinct from the technical methods used in a diagnostic. Rather than describing the procedure, they describe the utility, clinical validity, or purpose of a test.

Test Type Purpose of Test
Clinical Tests Clinical level tests are used to examine sample specimens of individual patients for diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of genetic related disorders. The test results are reported from the laboratory back to the patient in writing. Laboratories who conduct these types of tests must be approved by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (or "CLIA") program.
Research Tests Research tests are conducted in laboratories and research centers to study and understand genetic conditions or to develop clinical level tests. These tests are not subject to CLIA approval and are conducted for internalized research purposes to develop advances in testing.
Investigative and Recreational Tests Investigative and Recreational tests are considered valuable tests, but are those that have not gained either scientific validity or acceptance in the medical community. In short, these tests often are perceived to lack the accuracy of clinical level tests. Moreover, laboratories conducting these tests are not subject to CLIA approval.

Clinical Testing Purposes

The largest category of diagnostic tests are used for clinical applications - i.e., in the course of treatment or diagnosis of diseases, and in the course of preventative medical care. In most circumstances, these tests are ordered by medical professionals. The following table illustrates the range testing purposes.

Test Objective Description
Diagnostic These tests are used to confirm when a person has signs or symptoms of a genetic disease. The tests are tailored for diagnosing a particular disease. This includes diseases such as Down Syndrome and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. These types of diseases are linked to specific genetic disorders. If signs are present, such as the physical attributes associated with Down Syndrome, a genetic test can be used to determine if the patient has the extra copy of Chromosome 21.
Predictive A predictive genetic test indicates a person's propensity to develop a disease before any symptoms are present. These types of tests are used for certain cancers, such as breast, colon, and ovarian cancer. The results of the tests can predict, with a margin of error, a person's percentage likelihood of developing these diseases over their lifetimes. Usually, externalized factors, such as age and lifestyle, are taken into consideration with the results to bolster test accuracy.
Presymptomatic Presymptomatic tests are similar to predictive tests. These tests are used to determine risk for genetic conditions that are already known to be present in their family, but show no symptoms. Diseases such as Huntington's and Grave's disease are among commonly screened in presymptomatic testing. The test results allow doctors to give medical advice, and take preventative actions, to decrease the likelihood of occurrence or increase the chances of successful treatment.
Preconception/Carrier Preconception or Carrier Tests can determine if individuals "carry" a alterations in their genes that are associated with an "autosomal recessive order." In short, people have a higher likelihood of developing certain diseases if they inherit two copies of altered chromosomes from their parents. If two people each have a copy of one chromosome, their children have a much higher likelihood of developing diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis and Tay-Sachs Disease.
Prenatal Prenatal tests are used to test fetuses during the course of pregnancy. These tests are especially useful for scenarios where a fetus has a higher likelihood of developing diseases. For instance, if both parents are carriers of genes related to autosomal recessive disorders, or where family history indicates a likelihood of development of Huntington's and Grave's disease.
Newborn Similarly, newborn babies may also be screened after birth, or at an early age, when circumstances indicate a likelihood of development. For instance, one test analyzes blood samples for abnormal or missing genes or the presence of Phenylkentonuria (PKU), a type of metabolic disease that can cause severe mental retardation without early treatment.
Pharmacogenic Pharmacogenic screening is a type of genetic test that may indicate a person's response to certain types of drug treatment. This type of test can enable practitioners to select the best methods of treatment after a disease as already been diagnosed.

How Genetic Tests are Developed by Manufacturers and Laboratories

The process of developing and marketing a genetic test is riddled with technicalities of oversight by the FDA and a handful of other U.S. regulatory agencies. In summary, there are two pathways that developers typically take in the course of bringing a genetic test to market. First, some tests are developed as full testing kits by manufacturers of medical devices. These testing kits are classified by the FDA as "in-vitro diagnostic" (IVD) devices and subsequently sold to laboratories who conduct the actual testing services. Second, some tests are developed solely by laboratories as "laboratory developed tests" (LDTs) for use in-house, solely within the laboratory, and are not sold to any outside entities.

At the heart of almost every genetic test, whether considered an IVD or an LDT, are the "active ingredients" needed to conduct the test. These ingredients usually constitute analyte-specific reagents (ASRs), which are specially prepared polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies - biochemical substances that are used in a genetic test to identify or quantify certain chemical substances or ligands in biological specimens. Once an person with the proper skill has the correct ASRs, he or she only needs the necessary equipment and instructions on testing procedures and result interpretation, a genetic test can easily be conducted. Since the ASRs are so critical to the test itself, they often represent a significant amount of research and development effort on behalf of the company or laboratory who formulates the ASRs.

Interestingly, the federal regulations which govern IVDs and LDTs have left what many commentator believe to be regulatory loopholes that make development of a LDT genetic test the more attractive pathway than a IVD. Perhaps for this reason the majority of genetic tests available are LDTs. For more information on the regulatory aspects of IVDs and LDTs see our U.S. Regulatory Review Page


As mentioned, "testing kits" are IVDs under the FDA regulations. The final product of a testing kit typically contains a series of instructions that detail how to conduct the test and the necessary ASRs to conduct the test. These tests are regulated as "medical devices" under FDA regulations and are subject to stringent regulation. The FDA oversees and require certain approvals and certification before such a device can be sold on the market. For many IVDs, these regulations include the approval prior to sale on the market, oversight of all aspects of the production process and ultimate sale of the IVD, and oversight of the actual testing procedures within laboratories to ensure the IVD is safe and effective for its intended purposes.


LDTs can be developed in two ways. First, the majority of LDT tests utilize ASRs which are developed in-house, solely for use within the laboratory. The test designs and procedures are proprietary to the laboratory and are not sold for use to any outside entities. In short, the laboratory is markets the test to and obtains the necessary specimens directly from consumers. Once received, the specimen is processed in the test and results are reported directly back to the consumer in writing or on the internet through a secure website interface. As previously mentioned, this type of LDT is not subject to the same level of regulatory oversight as is an IVD.

A second, but somewhat less common method of developing an LDT, is accomplished when a laboratory develops the test design and procedures, but does not develop the necessary ASRs for use in the test. Instead, the laboratory obtains the ASRs by purchasing them from an outside entity and incorporates the ASRs into their test. In this circumstance, the test is marketed and conducted in the same manner as the other type of LDT. Unlike the completely proprietary LDTs which are not subject to stringent regulation, the process of purchasing ASRs is subject to some regulation, but still not as much as is the IVDs. Importantly, the sellers of the ASRs, rather than the LDT laboratories, tend to be the entities who must satisfy federal regulations for the sale of ASRs. For this reason, this type of LDT is still an attractive option when a laboratory cannot develop and entirely proprietary LDT.

How Genetic Tests are Marketed and Accessed by Consumers and Patients

Patients and Clinically Ordered Tests

Traditionally, the pathway for a patient or consumer to access genetic testings has been through a medical professional, such as a physician, who clinically orders a test in the course of medical care to for the purposes of diagnosis or disease prevention. These tests allow medical professionals to obtain information about a patient's predisposition to certain diseases, or to diagnose an individuals current illness, future illness, or predict the responsiveness of certain drugs in treatment.

After determining that a genetic test is appropriate, a family doctor, or other health care professional, will typically use a genetic "test kit," which has been supplied by a manufacturer or laboratory. The test kit contains instructions on how to obtain specimen and submit it to the laboratory (sometimes a separate entity than the manufacturer) for testing . Specimens can range from a buccal (saliva) swab to blood or bodily tissue. Once collected, the specimen is sent to the laboratory for testing. The results are reported back to the doctor directly along with instructions to aid in the interpretations of results. Of course, following the results, the doctor can then advise the patient with recommendations for treatment or preventative care.

These testing kits are generally considered "medical devices" by the FDA and are subject to stringent level of oversight that governs the device prior to its sale on the market, to the process of manufacturing the kits, and the laboratory testing procedures. For more information on the regulatory aspects of genetic testing, see out U.S. Regulatory Overview page.

Tests Marketed Directly to Consumers

Although medical professionals continue to order and use genetic testing in the course of clinical care, the decrease in cost and increase in availability of testing services has made it easier for patients and consumers to access genetic testing without the need of a visit to a physician's office. Essentially, consumers have directly access to genetic testing services directly through laboratories marketed through online websites or by purchasing over-the-counter kits from retail stores. No prescription or order by a medical professional is necessary. These tests are commonly referred to as direct-to-consumer (DTC) tests, a reference to how such tests are marketed to consumers. Within the DTC paradigm, patients and consumers typically mail a specimen, like a buccal swab or smear, in a container to a laboratory or company which then processes the test and provides test results in writing or over a secure internet interface. These results remain private to the consumer and are not included in any medical records.

DTC genetic tests purport to offer many similar capabilities - in terms providing information on health risks and disease disposition - as do the clinically ordered tests by a physician. Often these tests provide the consumer with either percentage of likelihood of developing a disease within one's lifetime. However, one significant difference between the physician-ordered tests and those sold directly to a consumer is that test results are often not interpreted by a medical professional. Instead, the company or laboratory who provides the testing services are communicate the test results combined with their own analytic interpretations directly to the consumer. Many commentators criticize DTC tests because they lack the personalized approach to test result interpretation by a professional, especially in instances where results indicate a percentage calculation which indicates potential health risks or status. More specifically, in many cases genetic testing services do not account for externalized environmental factors which are known to affect the probability of a person's health status.

Additionally, although the links between many genetic tests and occurrence of diseases are widely accepted in the scientific and medical communities, many genetic tests are not stringently regulated or approved by the FDA for use in the diagnosis or prevention of disease. This means that most DTC tests are not approved by the FDA prior to commercialization on the market and there is little oversight that governs the practices of companies and laboratories conducting such tests. In some circumstances, the methods of testing may vary widely. Some commentators, including a U.S. committee on genetics from the Department of Health and Human Services, are concerned that the differences between how test is prepared or conducted may ultimately affect the accuracy and proficiency of test results. Moreover, these discrepancies are often not well communicated to the consumers.

Since the awareness - and in particular, the almost prolific discussion in popular media - of genetic tests continues to increase, the future may hold more stringent regulations of genetic product marketing by the FDA and the FTC. For more information on the regulatory aspects of genetic testing, see out U.S. Regulatory Overview page.

Manufacturers and Laboratories who Develop or Offer Genetic Testing Services

Below is a list of companies known to market genetic testing. Where applicable and to the extent known, the list notes whether the testing services are being marketed directly to consumers as either a "direct-access" test or where test manufacturers and developers are selling testing "kits" as IVDs or LDT genetic testing services. Additionally, this list provides some distinction to testing services that provide full genomic sequencing or singular or multivariate gene testing.

Please note that there many companies and manufacturers involved in the development of genetic testing - this should not be considered a comprehensive list of market participants.

Genome Sequencing Manufacturers and Service Providers

DTC and Clinical Genetic Testing Manufacturers and Service Providers

Legal Aspects of Diagnostics

Case Law Review

Country Reports Review

USA Regulation Review

Study of the field

General Analysis of the field based on our ICP Main Questions

  1. Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in Kits
  2. Give an overall picture of the Kits' sector
  3. Outputs and Products of the field: data, narratives and tools produced by the Kits' sector
  4. Legal tools available for and in use by the actors of Kits' sector: IP in Kits
  5. competitive advantages in Kits
  6. IP Profile of Biggest for-profit companies in Kits
  7. IP Profile of non-profit companies in Kits
  8. IP Profile of Universities working in Kits
  9. IP Profile of Associations in Kits
  10. Commons based cases in Kits
  11. Peer-Production Business models in Kits
  12. Open Business models in Kits


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