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RE: [dvd-discuss] Diebold uses DMCA to suppress embarrassing memos
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Richard Hartman wrote:
> > From: Jeme A Brelin [mailto:jeme@brelin.net]
> > Nobody has yet found a way to make vibrating air molecules into a
> > fixed medium... you gotta go ahead and store the vibration patterns
> > somehow and revibrate later.
> It's called an "audio tape"
Maybe if you stopped evolving in 1984, it is.
I like minidisc, myself. Some people like hard disk recorders or those
little on-chip memory recorders.
(Yet, most people still call recording "taping" even though recording
audio existed before tape. I guess that's a boomer effect. We do still
talk about "dialling" telephones, though dials are long gone.)
> For a non-taped conversation we're down to someone relaying what they
> remember ... this is known as "hearsay".
It's only hearsay if the relaying party was not directly involved in the
Generally, it's called "recall".
Jeme A Brelin
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