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Re: [dvd-discuss] various reactions to supreme court travesty

I would urge folks to read Larry's blog entries since the decision, 
http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/lessig/blog/.  Some of what he blogs is very 
technical, lawyerly, some is quite personal.  And if you've not seen it 
already, do be sure to click on his link to the Reason "interview" of 
Mickey after the decision, it's an instant classic.

At 02:53 PM 1/18/2003 -0500, Jeremy Erwin wrote:
>Lawrence Lessig: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/18/opinion/18LESS.html
>Siva Vaidhyanathan: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/01/18/opinion/18LESS.htm
>And yesterday, PBS's "Now with Bill Moyers" had an interesting documentary 
>on copyright law.

James S. Tyre                               mailto:jstyre@jstyre.com
Law Offices of James S. Tyre          310-839-4114/310-839-4602(fax)
10736 Jefferson Blvd., #512               Culver City, CA 90230-4969
Co-founder, The Censorware Project             http://censorware.net