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Re: [dvd-discuss]2600 DROPS DECSS APPEAL

On Friday 05 July 2002 06:44 pm, you wrote:
> It all seems like very thinly disguised marketing.  The reality is that
> there are very few benefits of upgrading, and
> in inverse proportion to the utility of upgrading, goes the hostility of
> Microsoft's  Anti-piracy mail.  So in reality what you have is a dying
> monopoly desperately grasping for revenue in a last ditch attempt to stay
> alive... this is the legacy
> of Bill Gates' contribution to "intellectual property rights."  I suspect
> that the DMCA is largely funded by the same monopoly.

We bought the program we run in 1989, and ran it on a 286. It was god awful 
slow so we upgraded to the most powerful thing we could find a 486 DX2 50. 
Thats where it's been ever since. The program cost us $400.00 and we never 
upgraded it until the Y2K thing. That cost us another $400.00. Every computer 
Ive bought execpt the last two have had MS OS installed (not counting my C-64 
and Kaypro IV ;-). I never understood the upgrade fever, it just lined MS's 
pocket and didn't do much for me. I didn't use windows much and I had so much 
trouble with win95 it pushed me "over the edge" and I deleted windows from my 
machine completely. I had run Win/Linux dual boot up until then, since 1995 I 
have been MS free and my latest computer hasn't ever had an MS OS on it.
If I have to work on that 486 I may install Free-DOS on it just for grins.

Ronald  getting too offtopic ;-) hmmm.. or maybe not!