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Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Re: [dvd-discuss] "Consumer Benefits" ofDRMsolutionsoversight hearing - witness list

On Sun, 2002-06-09 at 22:31, Rares Marian wrote:

> Greed is unsatisfiable self-interest.  It is the greatest blasphemy.  It is the collective goal of those without their own terminating and fulfilling goals, or the will of a community without individuality, a community without a palpable soul.

I am hard-working, you are ambitious, and he is greedy.

| May I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, |
|  the strength to change the things I cannot accept, and the   |
|    cunning to hide the bodies of those who got in my way.     |
+------------- D. C. Sessions <dcs@lumbercartel.com> -----------+