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Re: [dvd-discuss] What is a "Technological Measure"?

"Every law that congress passes is a joke, and every joke becomes a law" - 
Will Rogers.

It merely purports to address the "digital age"....Actually, considering 
the fact that pretty much no changes were made between the First Congress 
and 1909, that's 5-6 generations. Between 1909 and 1976 is 3 generations. 
And the last 26 yrs, one generation , has had dozens of changes, at that 
increasing rate, soon copyright changes will happen daily with overnight 
downloads off the Internet to keep people informed....or maybe the Borg 
Collective was created to inform them of the hourly copyright changes and 
then somebody slipped in "the Borgification program"...it's much worse 
than one per generation right now and COngress doesn't seem to understand 
that the purposeof copyright is long term gain - the Public Domain.

Seth Johnson <seth.johnson@realmeasures.dyndns.org>
Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
06/12/2002 08:54 PM
Please respond to dvd-discuss

        To:     dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
        Subject:        Re: [dvd-discuss] What is a "Technological Measure"?

My point is that digital media isn't implied by the title. 
It's just another Copyright Bill (one per generation, as
needed . . .  LOL)


microlenz@earthlink.net wrote:
> All attempts at jocularity aside...Digital Millenium? That's the staight
> forwared parsing and it equates to something meaning 
> opposite of progress


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