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Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Re: [dvd-discuss] "Consumer Benefits" of DRM solutionsoversight hearing - witness list

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 04:43:35PM -0400, Dean Sanchez wrote:
> There is no inherent requirement that a capitalist society also be a 
> democratic one; however, a democratic or republic one almost by definition 
> requires a capitalist economy.  

Not at all.

What if the people decide on a planned economy? Or no economy (that
anarchist dream of the "leisure society")?

And who says that we won't come up with something better in the future?
Technology DOES change culture. The invention of a "replicator" or some
nanotechnology, or anything else that fundamentally changes the
equation of production would surely have an impact on the economic

> A true republic should provide for limited government involvement.  

Not true, either. That is the libertarian approach. I don't see the
original republic (ancient rome) as a "limited government" system. On
the contrary, the approach of the republic simply says that politics is
a matter of the people (res publica), not a matter of some enlightened

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