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RE: [dvd-discuss] Eldred Amicus
On Fri, 2002-05-31 at 05:58, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
> At 7:50 PM -0700 5/30/02, microlenz@earthlink.net wrote:
> >The problem is bit rot. Planned obsolescence of media.
> >By the time the original Star Wars enters the public
> >domain (even if we turn the clock back to 50 years)
> >there won't be any surviving videotapes of the original,
> >there won't be any surviving players for them, and there
> >won't be any TV sets capable of displaying NTSC format.
> >
> >All of the new copies will of course have additions and
> >new copyright dates.
> That's what the studios hope, of course, but it's no so clear it will
> happen. Disk capacity is exploding faster than Moore's law. See
> http://www.sigmaxi.org/amsci/Issues/Comsci02/Compsci2002-05.html
> for an interesting discussion. Terabyte PC's for the home are coming
> soon. Petabytes are down the road. DVD-R is here now. Copying from
> disk to disk as you upgrade defeats bit rot.
Only if it's actually possible to copy the material.
This ties into why the studios are so desperate to
media-lock the content.
They're not half so worried about piracy as they are
about backups.
| May I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, |
| the strength to change the things I cannot accept, and the |
| cunning to hide the bodies of those who got in my way. |
+------------- D. C. Sessions <dcs@lumbercartel.com> -----------+