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Re: [dvd-discuss] 2600's request for rehearing en banc denied

On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 07:38:09PM -0700, microlenz@earthlink.net wrote:
> > I don't think much strategic thinking was involved in MPAA's bringing 
> > this case. They were alarmed and embarrassed by the sudden appearance 
> > of DeCSS on the Internet and sued everyone in sight. 
> All 39,000 other kayakers? They didn't just stick a pin in a computer listing 
> although if they used microsoft products to randomly select there's less 
> randomness than can be expected.

actually, unless I'm mistaken the MPAA's case was pretty targeted. it
was the DVD CCA in the california lawsuit who sued everyone and his
dog, including someone who made T-shirts with decss printed on them.

pub  1024D/D88D35A6 2001-11-14 Tom Vogt <tom@lemuria.org>
     Key fingerprint = 276B B7BB E4D8 FCCE DB8F  F965 310B 811A D88D 35A6