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[dvd-discuss] Volynets on MPAA/RIAA-Dictated Bill of Rights

(Forwarded from DMCA Discussion list,

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:32:52 -0700
From: Anatoly Volynets <anatoly@total-knowledge.com>

This 'Bill of Ruined Rights' is very impressive and serious
attempt to bring the whole IP issue on the right ground:
Constitution of USA

It is my understanding that all IP-related abuses have grown
out of complete misinterpretation of Article 1, Section 8,
Clause 8: 'To promote the Progress of Science and useful
Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors
the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and
Discoveries; '

I think the stress here is on 'limited', but not on

I do not see here any hint prompting that Author may sell
his rights.

I do not see here any hint prompting that publishers'
revenues were of any concern of the Constitution Framers.

But I do see how nearsighted corporations and lawmakers
step-by-step strangle cultural environment in US, and I do
believe these attempts will repeat again and again.

I am sure this cannot stop until public will force the
Congress to come back to the Constitution, review all
IP-related provisions and make it clear: 

1. There is no such thing as IP.
2. 'Writings', 'Discoveries', etc. are 'public  goods'
(Thomas Jefferson), which bring Good to public only in
*free* turnover between people, businesses and
organizations. More Freedom <=> More Good.

On this ground all culture-killing laws may be revoked, all
copyright extensions outlawed and future of cultural
development of the country will be secured.

Maybe someone thinks otherwise, but I do not understand how
it may work otherwise.

It does not matter, who make all these happen.
It does not matter, when all these happens.
It does not matter, how all these happens.
It does not matter, how difficult it is to make it happen.

I just do not see other way.


On Wednesday 17 April 2002 09:55 pm, Seth Johnson wrote:
> (Forwarded from DVD Discussion list,
> dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu)
> -------- Original Message --------
> Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:57:21 -0700
> From: microlenz@earthlink.net
> I've attempted to rewrite the Bill of Rights to conform to
> the MPAA, RIAA, DMCA etc...please view my pitiful efforts at
> http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/twiki/bin/view/Openlaw/BillOfRightsMPAAammnded
> feel free to modify them