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[dvd-discuss] Kagi's TWEAK service

Kagi.com, a popular shareware payment system, is introducing a system 
for "tipping" artists:

     <http://music.kagi.com/ ? MP3>

Also see the Tidbits article: http://db.tidbits.com/getbits.acgi?tbart=06772

Kagi's effort sounds a lot like Fair Tunes, http://www.fairtunes.com, 
whose site says:

"Watch this site for major changes coming in April! We are more 
commited than ever to the direct support of artists. In the coming 
weeks, we will be announcing new plans and new partnerships. We have 
temporarliy disabled our Patronage system until these changes are 
fully complete."

Arnold Reinhold

>X-Sender: rahettinga@pop.earthlink.net
>Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:38:53 -0500
>To: Digital Bearer Settlement List <dbs@philodox.com>, dcsb@ai.mit.edu
>From: "R. A. Hettinga" <rah@shipwright.com>
>Subject: Kagi's TWEAK service
>Sender: bounce-dcsb@reservoir.com
>Reply-To: "R. A. Hettinga" <rah@shipwright.com>
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>Status:  U
>Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 15:14:30 -0500
>To: "TidBITS Talk" <tidbits-talk@tidbits.com>
>From: Roger Houghton <mail@rogerhoughton.com>
>Subject: Kagi's TWEAK service
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>>you may be more than happy to pay $1 for a song you like, but that
>>doesn't mean you're willing to pay $15 for the CD that contains it...
>The wish to get $1/track via the Internet is one reason why Napster
>and its successors succeed and the record companies fail. That $15 CD
>contains about 10 tracks but the costs include the production,
>distribution and marketing costs plus the mark-up of the wholesaler
>and retailer, on top of the record company's profits. If I download
>and burn my own CD I now bear most of these costs.
>How much goes to the artist? Probably 10 or 20 cents per track. So
>why not buy direct from them? The artist could hire someone to handle
>their PR and Web promotion if necessary. There might still be some
>need for some sort of record company for new artists but it's hardly
>be necessary established names like Madonna while an Amazon-like
>music site could promote artists through user recommendations. Who'd
>bother using Gnutella to get free music when they could buy a
>perfect, legitimate copy from the artist for a few cents?
>[And at that point, Kagi would be in the perfect position to act as
>the payment service for these artists. -Adam]
>Roger Houghton
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>R. A. Hettinga <mailto: rah@ibuc.com>
>The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
>44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
>The IBUC Symposium on Geodesic Capital
>April 3-4, 2002, The Downtown Harvard Club, Boston
><mailto: rah@ibuc.com> for details...
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