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Re: [dvd-discuss] Pro DMCA Argument Information ?

Two sources come to mind.

First, the legislative history should document what was in Congress's minds as
they voted for it. Second, the Copyright office had a request for comments and
accepted position papers from many of the big media companies. The Copyright
Office then presented a report on the submissions, especially the pro-DMCA
ones, to Congress.

--- Dean Sanchez <DSanchez@fcci-group.com> wrote:
> I trying to put together a position paper to help order my thoughts so that
> when I'm talking with friends and colleagues about the DMCA I can present
> coherent reasons.   In order to better develop a clear and concise refutation
> of the DMCA and the reasons for its existence, I was looking for information
> on the reasons proponents of the DMCA state it is necessary.  However, a
> Google search returns an enormous number of hits with most either being an
> explanation of the Act or opposition to it.  Aside from a generic "We need it
> to stop piracy", I have been unable to find even a single site, journal or
> magazine article enumerating the reasons it is necessary when one considers
> the fact that we already have laws regarding copyright.
> Does anyone know of a source or sources that I can reference?

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