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Re: [dvd-discuss] Petition for rational copyright law

> Or just require the seemingly hopelessly old fashioned requirment for having 
> every work have a copyright notice with a date attached. Add XX years to the 
> date and anyone can figure out when the copyright expires. While accountants 
> and some intellectual property lawyers may proclaim life + n years a superior 
> system, it fails the KISS test.
> The Berne Convention is a bad idea. The USA spent 100 years avoiding it and the 
> wisdom of that is evident to anyone without a vested interest.ANY copyright 
> scheme which requires a registry system will become hopelessly complicated to 
> the point that noone can possibly know when copyright ends.

Why do you think this? The registry system could be incredibly
simple.  Everyone registers their copyrights now, just that it's not as
organized or simple as it could be.  I agree that every copyright should
be assigned a number, and be in an easily searchable database.  Then when
a book or CD says "Copyright No. 76245674", you could hop on copyright.gov
and check out the details of the copyright, when it expires, when/how many
times it was renewed, owner transfers, etc.

    noah silva