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RE: [dvd-discuss] Petition for rational copyright law
At 20:38 -0400 6/3/03, Jim Bauer wrote:
>I have trouble seeing how this will work. Of course, I have
>trouble seeing how the current system works too.
So movement from very broken to slightly-less broken is progress.
>How would I tell is the copyright holder did indeed pay
>their $1 at the 50 year mark? If I assume there is some
>sort of copyright registration required for the extention
>then I am still left whith determining how to search it.
A part of the proposal is that copyright holders be required to
complete a form like the current copyright registration form along
with the 50-year fee. Along with that, I think, is a suggestion that
the filed forms be made easily searchable by the public.
>For something big, like a movie, that might be easy. But
>how can I search for something small like a posting to a mailing
>list like this?
By the time this passes, we'll have evolved better search mechanisms
for the data :)
>What we need IMO is to know, from the moment of publication,
>the date a copyrighted worke gains PD status.
Also good, but unfortunately incompatible with the current life+N
system (never mind the life+N+n+n+n ad infinitum).
Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@seltzer.com || wendy@eff.org
Staff Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School