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Re: [dvd-discuss] EUCD in Norway

On Fri, 11 Apr 2003, Lars Gaarden wrote:
>  > Anyway, it is great that Norway is attempting
>  > a balanced path, since the Swedish take on the subject is due in late
>  > May and the Nordic countries have a long tradition of following each
>  > other in intellectual property issues.
> Speaking of which - what is the status in Sweden regarding the copyright
> exemption for private copies (as compared to the current §12 in
> Norwegian opphavsrettslov and the new proposed §12 which is a heavy
> lobotomy).

We have a very far-going fair-use right, meaning a right to copy works
(except for computer programs) for private purposes to friends and family.
The circle of friends shall include rather peripheral friends, like people
in your workplace and neighbours (probably not any Kazaa user, though!).
However, rumours say that the circle of friends eligble for this right
shall be narrowed down when the EUCD / Infosoc directive is implemented in

Best regards,

Mikael Pawlo


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