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[dvd-discuss]ATM Access Controls

Here's something amusing. Two guys at the Computer Laboratory at Cambridge
have several (insider) attacks against the IBM 3624 series of ATM machines


pdated 20 February 2003

Thank you John Young(If you read this)

Bad news is the judge partially granted the request...the ODD news is that the 
"D"s are in South Africa and the frauds were committed in England (if I got 
that right) and the "P"s contend since the system is secure, they must have 
committed 190 frauds on a weekend that they were in England when in fact they 
were not.

18 February 2003

To: ukcrypto@chiark.greenend.org.uk
Subject: Citibank tries to gag crypto bug disclosure
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:57:34 +0000
From: Ross Anderson <Ross.Anderson@cl.cam.ac.uk>

Citibank is trying to get an order in the High Court today gagging public
disclosure of crypto vulnerabilities:


I have written to the judge opposing the order:


The background is that my student Mike Bond has discovered some really
horrendous vulnerabilities in the cryptographic equipment commonly used to
protect the PINs used to identify customers to cash machines:


These vulnerabilities mean that bank insiders can almost trivially find
out the PINs of any or all customers. The discoveries happened while Mike
and I were working as expert witnesses on a `phantom withdrawal' case.

The vulnerabilities are also scientifically interesting:


For the last couple of years or so there has been a rising tide of
phantoms. I get emails with increasing frequency from people all over the
world whose banks have debited them for ATM withdrawals that they deny
making. Banks in many countries simply claim that their systems are secure
and so the customers must be responsible. It now looks like some of these
vulnerabilities have also been discovered by the bad guys. Our courts and
regulators should make the banks fix their systems, rather than just lying
about security and dumping the costs  on the customers.

Curiously enough, Citi was also the bank in the case that set US law on
phantom withdrawals from ATMs (Judd v Citibank). They lost. I hope that's
an omen, if not a precedent ... _____


We present an attack on hardware security modules used by retail banks for
the secure storage and verification of customer PINs in ATM (cash machine)
infrastructures. By using adaptive decimalisation tables and guesses, the
maximum amount of information is learnt about the true PIN upon each
guess. It takes an average of 15 guesses to determine a four digit PIN
using this technique, instead of the 5000 guesses intended. In a single 30
minute lunch-break, an attacker can thus discover approximately 7000 PINs
rather than 24 with the brute force method. With a $300 withdrawal limit
per card, the potential bounty is raised from $7200 to $2.1 million and a
single motivated attacker could withdraw $30{50 thousand of this each day.
This attack thus presents a serious threat to bank security.

-- Mike Bond and Piotr Zielinski
   Decimalisation table attacks for PIN cracking
   February 2003

   Cryptome mirror: http://cryptome.org/dtapc.pdf


From: Ross Anderson <Ross.Anderson@cl.cam.ac.uk>
To: ukcrypto@chiark.greenend.org.uk
Subject: Yet another failure of commercial cryptographic equipment
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 17:52:13 +0000

I gave a talk at Cambridge yesterday in which I described a new and
interesting family of attacks on cryptographic equipment. These
attacks defeat machines such as the Racal RG7000 and the IBM 4758/CCA
which are commonly used to protect the PINs and keys used in automatic
teller machines.

The paper is available online at:

    http://research.microsoft.com/~aherbert/volume63.pdf [4.8MB]

as pages 27-30 in the PDF. [HTML below]

I got a fax yesterday informing me that an application is to be
brought in the High Court, it seems by Citibank, on Thursday 20th
February for `relief in relation to the protection of information
which they accept as being confidential and which ought not to be in
the public domain.'

I hope that no English court would go so far as to censor already
published material. However, one just can't tell these days ...

               Protocol Analysis, Composability and Computation

                                    Ross Anderson, Michael Bond
                                  University of Cambridge, England

Security protocols ? early days

The study of security protocols has been associated with Roger Needham
since 1978, when he published the seminal paper on the subject with Mike
Schroeder [1]. The problem they investigated was how to distribute
cryptographic keys in a network of computers. One solution is to have an
authentication service with which all the principals share a key; then if
Alice wants to chat with Bob (for example) she can call the service and
get two encrypted messages containing the same session key ? one encrypted
under the key she shares with the service so she can read it, and one
encrypted under the key Bob shares with the service so Bob can read it.
She can now send the second of these to Bob to establish secure
communication. The mechanism that Needham and Schroeder designed for this
evolved into Kerberos, which is now part of Windows and is probably the
most widely used of all authentication protocols.

Security protocols are now embedded in a great many applications, but it
is common to find unexpected bugs in them. For example, many banks used to
encrypt each customer $B!G (Bs PIN using a key known to their ATMs and
write it on the ATM card magnetic strip. The idea was to provide a limited
service when the network was down. Years later, a villain discovered that
the account number and the encrypted PIN were not linked: he could make up
a bank card with his own encrypted PIN but someone else $B!G (Bs account
number, and loot their account. He went on to steal a lot of money, and
once in prison wrote a manual telling everyone else how to do it too. The
banks had to spend millions on changing their systems.

Clarifying the assumptions

Researchers started to gnaw away at the protocols described in the
literature and found fault with essentially all of them. The failure to
bind protocol elements was one frequent problem; another was that old
messages could be replayed. In the case of the original Needham-Schroeder
protocol, for example, the freshness of the key generated by the server
was guaranteed to only one of the principals. This was not necessarily an
attack, as its inventors only claimed to protect honest insiders from
dishonest outsiders. However, it led to a debate about the assumptions
underlying security protocol design. Do we protect only against outsiders,
or against insiders? Against the malicious, or the merely careless? For
example, if we use timestamps to guarantee protocol freshness, are we
vulnerable to principals who carelessly let their clocks run slow? Do we
only consider an attacker to have won if he can impersonate an authorised
principal, or do we need to stop people abusing the protocol mechanisms to
perform a service denial attack?

The early attacks led to a second seminal paper, which Roger wrote with
Mike Burrows and Martin Abadi in 1989 [2], and which introduced a logic of
authentication. This enables an analyst to formalise the assumptions and
goals of a security protocol, and to attempt to prove its correctness.
When a proof cannot be found, the place at which one gets stuck often
shows where an attack can be mounted. This style of analysis turned out to
be very powerful, and a large literature quickly developed in which the
 $B!F (BBAN Logic $B!G (B and other formal tools were developed and
extended to tackle a range of problems in protocol design.

One of the remarkable things about the study of security protocols is that
they have not become a solved problem. One might think that managing the
objects associated with authenticating users over a network ? passwords,
keys and the like ? was a fairly compact problem which would have been
done to death within a few years. However, the more we dig, the more we

Since 1992, Roger has hosted a protocols workshop every Easter. Early
events dwelled on matters of authentication and logic, but by the mid-90s,
the growing interest in electronic commerce was yielding papers on
mechanisms for micropayments, bets, streaming media, mobile communications
and electronic voting. Later years brought work on PKI, trust management
and copyright enforcement. More and more problems come along as more and
more businesses reinvent themselves online; threat models have also become
more realistic, with dishonest insiders displacing the mythical
 $B!F (Bevil hacker on the Internet $B!G (B.

Dishonest insiders, and the composition problem

Over the last two years, we have been exploring exactly how one might
re-engineer cryptography to cope with dishonest insiders. One conclusion
is that the analysis of security protocols must be extended to application
programming interfaces. This is because the crypto keys used in
authentication and payment protocols are often kept in separate hardware
security processors, or at least in cryptographic libraries, to which
access can be restricted using physical or logical mechanisms. However, an
interface has to be exposed to the application program, which will
occasionally be suborned ? whether by a corrupt insider, or by malware.
How much harm can be done, and how can we limit it?

Protecting protocols was hard enough, and yet the typical protocol
consists of 3?5 messages exposed to manipulation. The API of a modern
crypto library or hardware cryptoprocessor may contain 30?500 callable
functions, many with a range of options. This provides a very rich and
complex environment for mischief.

Attacks often involve using two separate mechanisms provided by the
cryptoprocessor for different purposes, each of which could be innocuous
by itself but which combine to cause trouble. For example, it is common to
compute a customer PIN by encrypting the account number with a  $B!F (BPIN
derivation key $B!G (B: the cryptoprocessor then returns the PIN encrypted
with a PIN storage key, so that the application has no access to its clear
value. So far, so good. Then there is another transaction that can be used
to encrypt a communications key under the terminal key loaded in an ATM.
Here things start to go wrong, as the cryptoprocessor does not distinguish
between a terminal key and a PIN derivation key; it considers them both to
be of the same type. The upshot is that an attacker can supply the device
with an account number, claiming that it is a communications key, and ask
for it to be encrypted under the PIN derivation key.

Attacks like this extend protocol analysis all the way to the composition
problem ? the problem that connecting two systems that are secure in
isolation can give a composite system that leaks. This had previously been
seen as a separate issue, tackled with different conceptual tools.

Differential protocol analysis

We are now working on the second generation of API attacks, which exploit
the application syntax supported by the cryptographic service. These
attacks are even more powerful, and at least as interesting from the
scientific point of view. PIN generation provides a neat example here too.
In more detail, the standard PIN computation involves writing the result
of the encryption as a hex string and decimalising it. As some banks like
to let customers change their PIN to a more memorable number, there is a
provision to add an offset to give the PIN that the customer actually

     Account number: 8807 0123 4569 1715
     PIN derivation key: FEFE FEFE FEFE FEFE
     Encrypted account number: A2CE 126C 69AE C82D
     Natural (decimalised) PIN: 0224
     Offset: 6565
     Customer PIN: 6789

The typical implementation requires the programmer to send the
cryptoprocessor the account number, a table describing the decimalisation
(here,  $B!F (B0123 4567 8901 2345 $B!G (B) and the offset. The processor
returns the PIN, encrypted under the PIN storage key. The designers do not
seem to have realised that a crooked programmer can manipulate the
decimalisation table and the offset as well as the account number. A
multitude of attacks follow. For example, one can send in an account
number with a decimalisation table of  $B!F (B1111...11 $B!G (B to find
out the ciphertext corresponding to a clear PIN of  $B!F (B1111, $B!G (B
and then with a decimalisation table of  $B!F (B0111...11 $B!G (B to see
if there is a zero in the first four digits of the encrypted account
number (if so, the PIN, and thus the ciphertext output, will be
different). By manipulating the decimalisation table further, he can get
all the digits in the PIN, and by then playing with the offset he can get
their order. In total, the attack requires only 15?25 unprivileged
cryptoprocessor transactions to discover the PIN on a single target

This second type of attack takes protocol analysis into yet another realm:
that of differential attacks. Over the last ten years, a number of
techniques have been invented for attacking cryptographic systems by
bombarding them with inputs with chosen differences.

For example, in differential cryptanalysis, one analyses the changes in
the output of the encryption algorithm; while with differential power
analysis, one measures changes in the current consumption or
electromagnetic emissions of the equipment. Now we have examples of how
consecutive runs of a protocol can leak information if the inputs are
suitably chosen. The resulting  $B!F (Bdifferential protocol
analysis $B!G (B appears to be very powerful against application-level

It will take us some time to figure out the general lessons to be drawn
from attacks like this, the robustness principles that designers should
use to avoid them, and the analysis techniques that might assure us of a
particular design $B!G (Bs soundness. The randomisation of all protocols
(another feature of Roger $B!G (Bs work) is likely to be important.

Quantitative analysis and multiparty computation

Various researchers have speculated about whether there might one day be a
quantitative analysis of protocol security. This might be feasible for PIN
processing applications as we can measure the information leakage per
transaction in terms of the reduction of entropy in the unknown PIN. This
leads in turn to a possible real-world application of an attack previously
considered theoretical.

Gus Simmons wrote extensively on covert channels in protocols. One such
channel that is always present is the  $B!F (Bbalking channel $B!G (B ?
when one of the principals in a protocol signals something by halting and
refusing to continue. This is normally considered unimportant as its
information capacity is only a third of a bit per transaction. But with
systems designed to cope with large transaction volumes, this need no
longer hold. For example, a Trojanned cryptoprocessor could balk when it
sees a predetermined PIN. If the PIN length were eight digits, this would
be unlikely to hinder normal operation, but at a thousand transactions a
second, a programmer could quickly find a number in a typical nine-digit
account number range with just this PIN, and open an account for it. Once
this kind of problem is appreciated, one can start to look for attacks
that involve inducing rare error conditions that cause the cryptoprocessor
to abort a transaction. (They exist.)

A third emerging link is between protocol analysis and secure multiparty
computation. In application-level crypto we may have several inputs to a
computation, some of them coming from an untrusted source, and we have to
stop users manipulating the computation to get outputs useful for bad
purposes. In the PIN decimalisation example above, one might try to solve
the problem by blocking tables such as 1111...11. Yet an attacker can get
by with scarcely more work by using two normal-looking tables that differ
slightly (another kind of differential attack). We might therefore think
that if we can $B!G (Bt sanitize the inputs to the computation, perhaps we
can authenticate them, and use only those tables that real banks actually
use. But building every bank in the world into our trust base is what we
were trying to avoid by using cryptography!


The protocol work that started off a quarter of a century ago may have
seemed at the time like a minor detail within the larger project of
designing robust distributed systems. Yet it has already grown into the
main unifying theme of security engineering. Application-level protocols,
and especially those from which an attacker can harvest data over many
runs, open up new problems. The resulting analysis techniques are set to
invade the world of composable security, and the world of multiparty
computation. The influence, and the consequences, of Roger $B!G (Bs
contribution just keep on growing.