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Re: [dvd-discuss] Eldred Amicus

Jolley <tjolley@swbell.net> wrote:
> The answer for an upper limit could be in the constitution.
>   ...by securing for limited Times to Authors...
> Anything granted beyond an author's lifetime
> is being granted to someone else.

That's the neatest observation I've seen for a while! There must be some way
to draw the court's attention to it.


Steve Hosgood                               |
steve@caederus.com                          | "A good plan today is better
Phone: +44 1792 203707 + ask for Steve      |   than a perfect plan tomorrow"
Fax:   +44 70922 70944                      |              - Conrad Brean
        http://tallyho.bc.nu/~steve         |  ( from the film "Wag the Dog" )