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[dvd-discuss] Will there be an appeal?

Yahoo/Reuters has a nice article on the First Amendment implications 
of the 2nd Circuit's ruling in Universal v. Remerdez/Corley/2600 , 
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011202/tc/tech_dmca_dc_1.htm , but 
at the end they quote Cindy Cohn of the EFF as saying 'there was a 
``strong possibility'' the Felten case would be appealed, but wasn't 
so sure about the Corley case.'

Is there really doubt about the possibility of an appeal from the 2nd 
Circuit or did the reporter get it backwards, i.e. an appeal of the 
Felton case is in doubt? The later might make sense since a Felton 
appeal would presumably be heard in the pro-DMCA 2nd Circuit and the 
Corley case would presumably get to the Supreme Court well before 
Felton ever would.

Arnold Reinhold