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Re: [dvd-discuss] DVD topic return / was: EFF opposes blacklisting spammers

--- Tom <tom@lemuria.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 05:25:20PM -0700, Bryan Taylor wrote:
> > First, private entities don't owe you due process, nor do they owe you an
> > explaination for why they ostracize you.
> which is exactly why we are on this list today. because a few private
> entities, with enough commercial power and backed by a limited
> monopoly, got together to destroy fair use through technological means 
> (CSS) and sponsored laws (DMCA).

> if they had owed the public due process before taking huge chunks out
> of the public domain and the public's rights (fair use, et al), this
> would have never happened.

Well, the DMCA was passed with due process of law, and the civil enforcement
proceeding is also giving due process of law. If 2600 ultimately wins, then the
system will have worked. If not, well, then it's tea party time.
> the non-accountability of private entities is exactly what capitalism's
> current global crisis is all about.

I wasn't really aware of any current global crisis for capitalism. 

President Bush  in China just spoke glowingly about recent international
progress of market based economies and the expected expansion in coming years.
His message was well received by the international audience.

There may be deep problems in the US regarding special interest influence in
Congress, but whenever private entities subvert the government for there own
ends, the harms are due to the absense of a free market, not the presense of
one. Bush actually identified corruption as an important obstacle to overcome
as governments struggle to expand trade. He's somewhat in denial about the US
situation and needs to hang out with McCain a little more, but his statement is
accurate. The free market depends critically on legitimate rule of the
governement, as absoletly cannot be reconciled with a system where market
favors are brokered by corrupt politicians.

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