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Re: [dvd-discuss] EFF opposes blacklisting spammers

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Bryan Taylor wrote:
> Well, I contend that the proxy law situation is unconstintutional and
> therefore represents an evil that absolutely undermines government
> legitimacy.

And quite possibly vice versa!

> The big budget issue I just don't care about. Good for them. They get
> it by creating value and trading it to willing trading parterns. That
> isn't power, that is success.

Um, success isn't its own meter.  You don't get "success points".

Success is measured by power accumulated and that power is wielded through

And in a world where all property is private (or effectively private
through use restrictions) and with very few limitations on how one can
wield economic power, the ability to destroy life and liberty with
economic power is as great as with governmental power.

     Jeme A Brelin
 [cc] counter-copyright